Five Core Wounds of the Priestess & How to Heal Them with Meredith Rom



*Enrollment is Open for the Rising Women Leaders Priestess Initiation

While I was preparing for my recent webinar, The Role of the Priestess in the Modern Age, it became clear to me that there were 5 core wounds that have consistently held back the women I’ve worked with from activating their soul gifts and creating world change.

This conversation was originally aired on the Vital Mother Podcast with Jillian Anderson.

What came through in our conversation felt so powerful that I wanted it to reach more women and decided to share it with you today on Rising Women Leaders.

In this episode we discuss:

  • How Jillian and I met

  • The importance of not giving an F or shrinking to keep others comfortable

  • What is a Priestess? What does it mean to be a Priestess?

  • The 5 Wounds of the Priestess and how they may be affecting how you’re showing up to and for your calling

  • What EFT is, and why it’s effective at healing unresolved trauma

  • How to navigate the fear of being seen, the fear of being judged, and more!

  • A gift I received from my motherline

Enrollment is now open for the Rising Women Leaders Priestess Initiation

5 Core Wounds of the Priestess

The Fear of Being Seen

For many women, the fear of being seen lives in our cells, in our DNA, from our ancestry and from past lives when it literally was not safe for women to be seen as powerful.

From the witch hunts across Europe, to the days of Jesus and Mary Magdalene for women of the past who were healers, natural born leaders, or those who chose to speak up for change, there was a very real threat of being stoned or killed.

In the past, it was not safe for women to shine their light, to be powerful, or to speak up.

Even though for many of us now, it is safe to share our voices, this wound can activate any time we try to public speak, record a video, make a post on social media, or be seen in the public eye.

So how do we heal it? I’ve found again and again, for this wound, the healing balm is sisterhood.

To have women in your life who have your back, to feel the support of your sisters behind you, really makes a woman feel safe to take a step forward. Because then, even if she fails, she will have a team of sisters ready to love her, support her and encourage her to stand back up and try again.

The Fear of Being Judged 

There’s a lot of stigma around the word Priestess, I even felt a visceral fear before sharing publicly that I was one.

Being a healer, being different, or even just being spiritual can often feel ostracizing.

Whenever someone stands out against the social norm, there is the fear of being judged, and losing love from others.

Think back to what it was like in high school, that deep desire to want to fit in, to conform to a mold, it’s very painful to be different and go against status quo. 

The healing balm for this wound: to call upon the fiery goddesses of Kali and Sekhmet.

When we activate our energy of fire, cut away what is not serving and create strong boundaries, we are able to care less about what others think of us.

It also helps to ask, “What’s really more important to me?” When we feel deeply connected to our dharma and mission, it’s so much easier to stay clear and focused on our goal.

Isolation & Feeling Alone

Another wound so many women who feel called to the Priestess Path carry is the fear of being alone.

The feminine is collaborative. It is all about community, and working together. And look what has happened in our modern society - so many of us are alone in our homes, working to further our own individual goals rather than working towards a greater good of the whole.

But we are meant to be together. To work together. It can feel so painful doing it on our own that we don’t even take a step forward.

The healing balm for this one of course, is community. 

In the Rising Women Leaders Priestess Initiation I’ll be guiding each of the women to begin women’s circles in their communities. We’ll also be joining together in likeminded community support online over ten months, and then together in person for our closing retreat.

We need more safe spaces and community for women to be joining together, and sometimes we need support in order to make it happen!

Feeling Unworthy or “Not Enough”

This is literally what the patriarchy and capitalist society wants you to feel in order to sell you things. 

When we feel unworthy or not enough, we most certainly won’t be able to believe in our power. We most certainly won’t feel that our voice matters enough to speak up and create change in the world.

Recently I got a text from a dear sister sharing photos of a speaking engagement she did about climate change. However, after sending the photos, before I could even celebrate her accomplishment she said, “I shouldn’t have worn that, I look fat.”

We have been so indoctrinated to feel bad about our bodies. To feel unworthy. To feel “not enough”

Think about how much of an energy drain that is.

What if we devoted even a sliver of the energy we spend feeling bad about our bodies to meditation, service or activism…?

How much do you think we would be able to shift? 

Society telling us we are unworthy or not enough is just another way to hold back the feminine, suppress our voices, and make us feel small.

Do you want to play into that old story?

To heal this old story it’s helpful to let the voices come to light in a safe space, where you can have your greatness reflected back to you from a friend, mentor or guide.

It’s also so helpful to rewire core beliefs around unworthiness with Tapping/ EFT, something I share in my work with my clients.

Being Too Highly Sensitive

In truth, being highly sensitive is a superpower.

But the shadow side of it causes us to feel stuck, stay in bed, and maybe not be able to move forward at all. For many being highly sensitive can feel like a wound, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Feel it all. Feel the grief of the world, but don’t wallow in it. Then it becomes self-absorbed. When we shift our focus from being so much on ourselves and our grief, we can take action on what really matters to us.

It also helps to know how to create energetic boundaries.

Grounding Cord:

To begin, imagine sending a grounding cord from your root or sacral chakra down to the center of the Earth. Notice the color, the texture. Imagine the grounding Earth energy helping you feel more anchored.

You can send anyone else’s energy you may have picked up down the grounding cord, imagine the hot, molten core of the Earth transmute the energy immediately.

Golden Egg Meditation For Cleansing Your Aura:

From the top of your head, imagine a golden stream of light down the front of your body and up the back of your body. Imagine it continuing to cycle. Then from the top of your head imagine a golden stream of light down the back of your body and up the front. Do this again for moving down the right side and up the left. And then from the head down the left and up around the right. Notice if you feel any places that have been compromised.

Then send a golden stream of light from your heart around the right side of your body, to the left. And again from the left to the right. Now imagine these golden streams expanding and merging with each other until you are completely contained within a golden egg.

Imagine a golden rain shower over your whole aura to cleanse it.

For Boundaries:

After completing the golden egg meditation, imagine a royal blue color surrounding your golden egg. Royal blue is the color of protection and boundaries. You can then place a violet flame around the royal blue, and declare out loud that any negative energies that are not yours will be instantly transmuted in the violet flame.

A more quick clearing exercise I use often is below:

Simple, Quick Clearing:  Repeat this out loud, “When I take 3 deep breaths and clap my hands 3 times I declare any energy that’s not mine will leave me, any energy that is mine, that I may have lost will return to me.” Then take your deep breaths and clap your hands 3 times.

Feeling the call of the Priestess?

Rising Women Leaders Priestess Initiation

If any of these “core wounds” resonate with you, we’d love to hear in the comments below.


095 | Female Pleasure & Releasing Sexual Shame with Alexxa Latta



*Enrollment is Open for the Rising Women Leaders Priestess Initiation ~ we begin March 11, 2020 and there are still a few spots left in the Wild Heart Retreat on the Big Island of Hawaii, April 17 - 22, 2020. We hope you can join us!

Did you know that almost every person on this planet, has experienced shame around their sexuality at some point in their lives? Shame makes an imprint on our sexuality, whether we realize it or not.  Our shame story creates conscious and subconscious blocks within us, disconnecting us from our precious, sensitive and sacred sexuality. When we’re disconnected from our sacred sexuality, we disconnect from our truest love and acceptance of Self. 

Our guest today, Alexxa Latta helps people clear these blocks. She helps them access their sensuality; come alive through the senses, activate passion, healing, and connection to themselves and their partners.

This episode is full with feminine wisdom, as well as an invitation to fully claim the gifts we each have to bring to this world (as taboo or scary they may seem!)

In this episode we discussed:

  • Female pleasure and orgasm-and why so many women are “pre-orgasmic”(haven’t had an orgasm), can only orgasm by themselves or with a vibrator, and/or are numb or feel pain internally

  • How to awaken internal sensation to orgasm

  • How Alexxa overcame shame and fear to begin sharing this work publicly

  • The cultural and ancestral shame around the female body and female pleasure/sex - which is a huge reason so many women feel shut down or numb sexually 

  • Desire/libido in long term relationships- why it goes away and how to get it back!

  • PMS/PMDD, hormones, cycle syncing, and balancing hormones

  • Sexual wound/trauma healing with the yoni egg

  • G-Spot and Cervical orgasms and how to have them!

  • Building sexual and sensual confidence

Stay in Touch with Alexxa:


Alexxa Latta helps people access their sensuality; come alive through the senses, activate passion, healing, and connection to themselves and their partner(s). She is an intimacy, self love, and relationship coach, helping women and couples clear sexual blocks, explore freedom in expressing their sensuality, and discover beautifully deep self love. 

She is helping to revolutionize the way women see and relate to their bodies and sexuality and helping couples reignite love, desire and passion for one another. 


094 | Shakti, Devotion & Tantra with Halo Seronko



*Enrollment is Now Open for the Rising Women Leaders Priestess Initiation ~ we begin March 11, 2020 and there are still a few spots left in the Wild Heart Retreat on the Big Island of Hawaii, April 17 - 22, 2020. We hope you can join us!

Since having this conversation with Halo I have shown up first thing in the morning to my meditation seat for 20 minutes a day. Something about her presence, devotion and knowledge of Taoism and Tantra reinspired me into a consistent daily practice. (Thank you Halo!!)

In this conversation we discussed feminine and masculine polarity, as well as how to harness those energies for greater balance, ease and grace. When we set in place a structure (the masculine), our more feminine qualities can be more fully expressed... This conversation is full of gems, especially if you wish to deepen on a devotional path.

In this episode we discussed:

  • How Halo was led to the path of Taoism and Temple Dance

  • What is Tantra? And how does it apply to our Modern World

  • Halo’s Daily Sadhana

  • Devotion & Discipline and the Value of Both

  • The Role of the Priestess

  • How to Activate Your Inner King and Queen 

  • Halo’s upcoming India retreat and online programs

Stay in Touch with Halo:


Halo Seronko is the founder and lead instructor of the international and online school Shakti Temple Arts; a school with the mission to re-awaken the feminine traditions of spiritual pursuit such as Temple Dance, Classical Tantra Yoga and the Taoist Feminine Arts.

Living between the holy land of India and the USA for the past 10 years, Halo has been bridging the worlds by bringing ancient traditions of Shakti embodiment to the West. While in India she studies Classical Indian Temple Dance, Tantra, Yoga and goes on extensive pilgrimages to sacred sites of the Goddess. The mysteries of the feminine and of the womb have been her guiding lights upon her quest for deeper and deeper embodied understanding of the Goddess, and thus she has been diving deep into ancient practices of Shakti cultivation from various traditions for the past decade.

Shakti Temple Arts is Halo’s offering to the rise of the Divine Feminine. Through time tested lineages of embodiment, consciousness, health and beauty practices, Shakti Temple Arts offers keys to unlocking the soul's yearning for expression of it's innate divinity in THIS life, and in THIS body.

Halo believes that Temple is a vessel for the divine be it an ancient architectural structure, or our very bodies, breath and consciousness. Temple is a way of life that acknowledges the sacred in all that is, and offers reverence and awe in the form of beauty, and the cultivation of awareness.

 Halo has brought these sacred arts around the globe online and in live retreats in India, Guatemala, Australia, Greece, Costa Rica and the West coast of the USA.


093 | Magdalene Rising with Michele Bumbier



*There’s still time to join us on the Big Island Retreat + for our new free webinar, The Role of the Priestess in the Modern Age*

It’s been so incredible to have access to all we do in this era of technology…. I’ve met so many women through instagram and podcasts who are doing such profound work to restore the balance of the sacred feminine. Michele Bumbier @magdalene.rising is one of those women, who I’m so honored to introduce you to today.

Michele is a researcher, Earth-based educator and devotee of the Great Mother. She feels there is a strong resonance between women's work and Earth work, and focuses her heart in devotion to these areas.

In this episode we discussed:

  • The legacy and life of Mary Magdalene

  • How Michele came to find Mary and research her life

  • How we connect with Mary Magdalene as a guide and mentor

  • The importance of contemplative practices

  • Tending the Earth as devotion

  • The role of the Priestess in the modern age (also the topic of my upcoming webinar)

Links in this episode:

Stay in Touch with Michele:


Michele Bumbier is a Nature-Based Educator, devotee of the Great Mother, researcher, and gardener living in the humid sub-tropics. She works to benefit all beings by bringing humans into right relationship to the land through regenerative gardening. She also spends her time researching and studying the Sacred Feminine, particularly the life & legacy of Mary Magdalene. She feels there is a strong resonance between women's work and Earth work, and focuses her heart in devotion to these areas. You can usually find her 

propagating rare plants with her beloved or contemplating the lives of the women she holds dear to her heart. Find more of her Earth work at on IG. For more on Michele's musings on Mary Magdalene follow @magdalene.rising.

Music in this episode from


092 | Design, Yoga & Being Held Through Heartbreak with Kelly Robinson



Kelly and I are so excited to welcome you to our Big Island Women’s Retreat! ( We will be joining together on the Kona coast April 17 - 22 for a week of nourishing self-love and adventure. Join us to swim with dolphins, snorkel the incredible coral reefs, and join together in prayer, ritual and sisterhood.

It’s an honor to introduce you to dear sister Kelly Robinson today on the podcast! She is a kind soul I met on pilgrimage in Egypt one year ago. We quickly bonded, sharing stories of love and hope with each other over the past year. I was honored to celebrate her birthday with her on the Big Island of Hawaii this past October, and am sooo excited to go back with her for our Wild Heart Retreat for women this April.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Kelly’s background designing offices for growing companies like Airbnb, Soundcloud, and Headspace

  • Finding balance in spiritual growth, career, sisterhood, love, family, and adventure

  • How our Wild Heart Retreat came to be

  • Death, Birth, and Rebirth

  • The Big Island and all its magic

  • Sovereignty - what it means and what Kelly has been learning after releasing a relationship this year

  • What wisdom Kelly has for those of us experiencing grief or heartbreak

  • Our experience swimming with dolphins!

Stay in Touch with Kelly:


With a deep understanding of the importance of space and its impact on how we work, live, feel and relate, Kelly designs environments centered on improving health and wellness, inspiring meaningful interaction, and deepening our connection to the planet. With a successful track record of building functional homes for pioneering companies like Airbnb, SoundCloud, and Headspace, she marries business sense with a passion for nurturing the spirit.

Inspired by the beauty of the natural world, Kelly is driven by a deep desire to positively change the way we connect with our environment and ultimately, how we treat our planet. 

Outside of her work with design, Kelly is a yoga teacher, a birth doula, a meditation practitioner, and a seeker. She is passionate about sisterhood, women's empowerment, plant medicines, and the path of priestesshood.


091 | Sacred Birth, Rhythm & Raising Women's Voices with Hope Medford



After touring for years around the world with Nahko & Medicine for the People, Hope Medford decided to have a baby. In this episode, Hope and I discuss her journey of becoming a doula and midwife, what it has been like to attend over 450 births and her experience of performing in front of thousands as drummer for Nahko & Medicine for the People.

There’s something about being with a woman giving birth that just doesn’t even compare to performing on stage in front of thousands of people…

In this episode we discussed: 

  • Hope’s first experience attending a birth at 19 years old 

  • Her journey to becoming a midwife and experience of attending births

  • The benefits of water birth 

  • How Hope first felt called to the drum

  • Hope’s journey to becoming a mother and giving birth to her daughter at home in water

  • Raising women’s voices and how we can lift each other up

  • The energy of the Big Island of Hawaii and MAnaFest, the festival she puts on each year there in honor of the sacred feminine

Connect with Hope and find out more about her work by visiting her website:


Hope is a creative force.
Following spirit and serving humanity as her guides, Hope has walked many paths flowing from & returning to the same source.

Hands in the dirt, beating drumskin, brushing color across canvas, holding a newborn babe, or gathering the tribe; Hope thrives when steeped in raw, fresh energy pulsing around her. She is a visionary who sees the positive direction she wants the world to move toward, and takes the steps she can to manifest it.

Touring Internationally and playing drums with Nahko and Medicine for the People
since they were first heard of, Hope and Nahko shared a chemistry and frequency which catalyzed Medicine for the People to catapult from busking in the streets to performing in front of well over a hundred thousand people in a few short years. Nahko's music has a message that served as a call to the global conscious community for justice, truth talking, and positive social change. We were a part of a very special movement. Our music was bringing people together who were healing and wanting to make the world better.
To Hope, that was one more step in her journey.

Before that, Hope was a midwife, assisting over 450 births, primarily holistic home and water births, in Africa, Bali, and the US. Protecting the next generation has always been sacred and close to her heart. Birth is the moment a fresh soul enters the world and a woman transforms though an extraordinary rite of passage to become a mother. Hope has always felt honored to spend endless hours by a woman's side in her most primal and powerful birthing moments. The humility and awe in holding humanity in its first breaths have given Hope a deeper connection, compassion, and grounding in life. This has inspired her to work to raise awareness about families' birth options and the importance of their choices. Hope created Artemis Healing Arts education program and taught natural birth classes in Peru, Brazil, Bali and at Findhorn Ecovillage, in Scotland, as well as in the US.

For Hope, the drum has always been a tool of spirit. Her first teacher was Babatunde Olatunje, who encouraged her to keep playing, and to always play with love. Drums have taken her around the world; Hope studied with teachers in Brazil, Peru, and West Africa. She shared the drum with children in India and taught rhythm to youth groups in Guatemala. Hope has taught over 2,500 students of all ages; she uses drums to facilitate empowering women's voices in workshops and confidence building with at-risk youth groups. Drums are a powerful connection to our ancestors. As ancient healers have always known, when infused with positive vibrations & intentions, drums are potent medicine.

Hope's connection to nature began as a child and continues to flourish. Hope co-founded an urban non-profit permaculture education site, Tryon Life Community Farm. Hope coordinated the education program for years, teaching sustainability techniques such as natural building, permaculture gardening, social ecology, and the arts. Hope participated in the Global peace walk for 8 years. She later served for 3 years on the Board of Directors of Honor the Earth, the environmental justice non-profit protecting indigenous lands in North America, founded by Winona La Duke and supported by the Indigo Girls. Most recently, Hope has allied with the protectors of Mauna Kea, who currently have been standing in peaceful protest for months to prevent development on sacred indigenous land in Hawaii.

Much of her passion is expressed in rich color and paint. Painting since she was a child, Hope has experimented with nearly every artistic medium she could get her hands on. As a result, many of her works are mixed media, often incorporating wood, feather, stone, metal, pencil, marker, watercolor, and acrylic - integrating them into delicate lines and powerful bold swaths of color to tell a story of women's power, strength and beauty. Creating images of empowered women has been a life long devotion; in response to being raised in a world where women have not been treated fairly or equally to men, and the earth has been ravaged due to this imbalance between masculine and feminine forces.. Her art is currently shown at the beautiful Wild Heartist Gallery in Hilo, Hawaii.

Hope's Musical Journey continues forward, she has recorded 3 solo albums, and her sound has been described as 'hypnotic world beat with maternal soul'. Recently when Hope evacuated Hawaii in the 2018 lava flow, she temporarily relocated to the Blue Ridge Mountains where she began a new musical project, a trio of women called CedarWing, described as 'world soul folk with a groove'. CedarWing recently recorded their first album which has not yet been released! ...wait for it!!

Hope co-founded MAnaFest music, arts & education festival in Hawaii in 2015, inspired by the transition from touring full time with Nahko, to giving birth to her daughter. While playing at festivals across the world, Hope recognized the imbalance of the number professional male performers to female. She is committed to helping women find their voice and share it! MAnaFest is a festival that honors the sacred feminine; it is run by women, featuring over 25 female performers, 25 workshops led by women, 5 female live artists, dancers, ceremony, red tent, grandmothers council and more- all on the beautiful grounds of tropical permaculture retreat center and spa! MAnaFest is inclusive of all people, everyone is welcome. There is a grandfathers council and purple tent to honor men and gender fluid community. 2020 Clear Vision is the theme of this upcoming 5th annual MAnaFest Jan 24, 25 & 26 - Join us! (

Hope loves to teach
and give back to her community. Join her on the Big Island of Hawaii for one of her upcoming juicy workshops:

Connect with Hope and find out more about her work by visiting her website:


090 | The Foundations of Ayurveda with DeAnna Batdorff




This interview has been a long time coming! I’m so excited to introduce you today to DeAnna Batdorff, founder of the Ayurvedic school and center where I teach yoga in my town of Sebastopol, CA. The dhyana Center is a true gem. It opened its doors to its new space in the heart of downtown Sebastopol the same year I moved here and has been a community hub for me ever since. They host yoga classes, kirtan, community events, and have a self-care studio featuring a steam room, different kinds of saunas, clawfoot bathtubs and a cold plunge.

In this conversation DeAnna and I discuss Ayurveda, her first love of herbal medicine, travels to India, and what it took to follow through on her big vision.

In this episode we discussed:

  • How DeAnna discovered herbal medicine and ayurveda 

  • How we often know what we are here for from a young age

  • DeAnna’s stories from treating Ayurvedic patients at an ashram in India 

  • Basic Ayurveda principles… what does Vata, Pitta, Kapha mean?

  • The beginnings of The dhyana Center Ayurvedic school

Stay in Touch with DeAnna:


Instagram: @dyanacenter

DeAnna Heart.jpg

DeAnna Batdorff began her career of service in 1987 and founded the dhyana Center of Therapeutics in 1995. She is a practitioner and educator of Indian and Tibetan Ayurveda, a massage therapist, western herbalist, nutrition counselor and clinical aromatherapist.

Currently, she oversees the dhyana Center in Sebastopol, California. More than 600 students have graduated from her Ayurvedic educational program in the years since its inception and DeAnna enjoys helping her students grow their own practices at the dhyana Center or around the country. DeAnna has been a featured lecturer in self-care summits as well as offered a personalized self-care essentials class to her community. She has instructed medical staff in integrative care best practices in area clinics to bridge the gap between western medicine and holistic health. Whether in a radio show interview or reading a client’s pulse, she is dedicated to spreading her motto that “self-care is the best health care we have.”

DeAnna has supported well over 100,000 clients in her Ayurvedic practice and is ultimately an advocate for preventative health and what it means to stay or become healthy for each individual. As a world-traveler seeking to collect global approaches to the common imbalances all people face, DeAnna has been a leader in providing wellness empowerment to all populations, from high-risk patients to the aging community to the youngest children. She views herself as a clinical practitioner and educator working with all facets of the life journey, from pregnancy and labor support to death and dying with dignity. Auto-Immune Disorders are known to be her specialty, as well as working with high-risk health issues and rehabilitation.

DeAnna is committed to inspiring all people to heal, learn and grow through elemental theory, understanding how the body works and the connection between the mind, body and spirit. She lovingly credits all of her teachers along the way: Michael Tierra, Marcel Lavabre, Dr. Lobsang Rapgay, Swami Niranjananda, Dr. Vasant Lad and Ed Bauman. DeAnna also considers her clients and students to be the best teachers she could ever have.


  • Pancha Karma

  • Specialized Care Clinics

  • Ayurvedic Education


089 | Herbal Medicine & Growing an Online Audience with Veladya Chapman



I first discovered Veladya Chapman searching youtube for more information about the herbal medicine, Kratom, after I heard it has been shown to reduce physical pain. I found her video to be so clear and well-produced, and I just loved the energy she brought to the topic of herbal medicine.

I soon began following her work on instagram and loved witnessing her world through video of growing an online business, buying a home with her partner in her hometown of Georgia, and her journey of pregnancy and becoming a mother.

In this episode we cover a range of topics from self-care and earth medicine to having a healthy relationship to social media and connecting with the audience you most want to serve.

I hope you enjoy it!

In this episode we discussed:

  • Kratom - what it is and why it is a controversial herbal medicine in some states

  • Facing adversity in the online world as a woman of color

  • Veladya’s journey from Broadway to Youtube success

  • What Veladya would attribute to her success as an entrepreneur

  • How to have a healthy relationship with social media

  • How to discover your soul callings and why it’s so important to follow them

  • Veladya’s journey with pregnancy and becoming a mother

  • How to overcome the fear of failure 

  • Veladya’s online shop, products and coaching offerings

Stay in Touch with Veladya


In an extremely short period of time, Veladya Chapman has risen to become one of the most sought after influencers in the wellness, lifestyle and health industry. Within her first year on social media, Veladya grew to over 100,000 highly-engaged followers and subscribers.

Veladya is a Carnegie Mellon University alumni with a Bachelor’s degree in Acting & Musical Theatre. She has gone on to perform on Broadway in the Tony Award winning musical, The Book of Mormon and guest-starred in roles on series like CBS’ Instinct. 

While working as a professional actress, Veladya attended the Institute for Transformational Nutrition to become a Certified Holistic Nutritionist. 

Veladya now helps heal people from all over the world through her books, educational Youtube videos, personalized wellness plans and public speaking. 

Veladya is a prominent figure in the wellness and reproductive health community having influenced millions of people to elevate their lifestyles. Her rapid online growth has led to many eyes awaiting her next moves including top tier brands and event hosts. 

A true creative, Veladya is known for merging her talents and knowledge to produce inspiring and life-changing content that has reached over 2 million people to date. 

Veladya is a strong advocate for plant-based nutrition, sustainable living, and unconditional love for all beings.


088 | Healing the Womb with Meredith Rom


Available for a Limited Time: Healing the Womb: 1:1 Sessions to Heal the Past and Activate Your Manifestation Power:

A few weeks ago I visited Maui, considered the Sacral Chakra of the islands and heard the voice of Gaia say, “Heal their wombs to heal the planet.”

And I realized there’s a skill I have that I haven’t been sharing with you.

When I began offering somatic healing modalities in my work, I discovered almost all the women I was working with had experienced some form of sexual abuse or trauma related to the womb in their life. 

I saw how when we addressed those old wounds and brought love and healing to the memories, these women were so much more confident, excited and ready to move forward with their dreams. 

Over the past three years I’ve worked with women who’ve experienced traumatic hospital birth experiences, abortion, miscarriage, and physical or sexual abuse. As we healed these memories, both big and small, I watched as they began to shine ever more brightly.

I now know 1 out of every 2 women has experienced some form of sexual abuse or womb violation in her life. 

These experiences directly affect our ability to feel like we matter, we are worthy, and that what we have to say is of importance.  It hinders our self-esteem, makes us want to play small and hide away from the world. 

As a certified Matrix Re-imprinting practitioner, EFT facilitator, trained coach, initiated Priestess and compassionate listener, it is my mission to reach more women who are holding on to these difficult memories that are holding them back from taking courageous steps and living at their highest potential.

Some challenges you may be experiencing if you you’ve had a violation:

  • not able to hold boundaries 

  • not feeling like your voice matters

  • unable to charge what you’re really worth

  • questioning and doubting your creative projects

  • feeling stuck or stagnant

  • disconnected from the energy of creation and your inherent power

When the womb is violated and we feel a trauma we often disconnect from this sacred power center because there is just too much pain or shame. 

Do you struggle with feeling safe to receive?

To experience pleasure? 

Do you yearn to feel more confident?

To have better boundaries?

To tap into your feminine power of creation?

To deeply believe in yourself?

In the month of November I’m offering 1:1 sessions to


Living from a Healed Womb Opens the Door to:

Better boundaries 

Feeling more confident and powerful 

Attracting healthier love relationships 

Feeling more empowered to give birth

Discovering a deeper connection to source and your ability to manifest

These sessions are especially potent if you’ve experienced:

Birth trauma 



Painful menstrual cycles 

Difficult sexual experiences 

Medical trauma related to the womb 

Your womb power is directly linked to your ability to manifest 

Imagine birthing a new generation from a healed womb

Birthing children into a world who know who they are and what they came here to do. 

Imagine birthing your creative projects from a healed womb

To know your inherent sense of self-worth and purpose…


No more seeking validation from the outside

Discover your true source of self-worth and power from within

Womb Healing Benefits:

Tap into your creative power to manifest your dreams

Experience more confidence in birthing creative projects 

Discover an unshakeable self-love and self-worth from within

Experience being fully witnessed, seen and heard in sharing your story 

Heal relationship to the masculine for healthier, more positive relationships 

Experience less fear around giving birth / Heal past memories around giving birth

Why am I doing this? 

I believe the source of our manifestation power as women begins from a healed womb. It is our source of connection to spirit and higher guidance. 

Imagine what happens when we numb out and disconnect from that source…

We lose our connection to our power, to our ability to create, to speak up for what we believe in. We lack self-confidence and we don’t believe what we have to say truly matters. A woman who has experienced trauma, or simply doesn’t believe in herself will struggle to set boundaries, she’ll struggle asking for what she really wants, and she will have a difficult time earning the income she really wants to earn.


As part of this mission, I see living in the world from a healed womb as an integral place to start.


What if I don’t have a physical womb/uterus? Can I still benefit from these sessions? (hysterectomy, transgender male to female) 

I believe there is an energetic imprint of the womb that every female-identified person has, even if they do not have a physical uterus.  Our sessions will work with any memories where you did not honor your boundaries, you felt violated, or weren’t able to speak up for yourself. Many of these circumstances are related to sexuality, abortion, miscarriage, giving birth, or experiences in the medical system that did not feel self-honoring. Inside, you’ll know if there is a trauma, a story, big or small that wants to be heard and healed, and I am here to be a loving guide on your path to healing.

What does a healing session look like? How does it work? 

I use the modalities of EFT (Tapping) and Matrix Re-imprinting to uncover past memory or memories that are ready for healing. We will compassionately connect with the image, your younger self to heal the moment of challenge or trauma. We will then allow that memory to be re-lived in a new way, and imprint the picture and new core belief into your subconscious.

In addition to the private healing session, I also will send you two recordings - one is a guided meditation for healing the womb. The other is a recording all about the womb and Sacral Chakra.  These recordings will be available to you immediately upon purchase.

What can I expect to happen after my session? 

These sessions work on the level of rewiring core beliefs. We will discover what beliefs were formed in moments of past trauma and allow your subconscious to heal the memory and create a new core belief to operate from.  When we uplevel in this way, we will begin to see shifts in our outside world. Whether it’s more confidence to execute a creative dream, or to ask for what you want, to set better boundaries, or to charge more for your work, the possibilities are endless.

What have you seen happen?

After these types of healing sessions I’ve seen women feel more confident speaking up or public speaking, birth their creative projects and dreams, feel more empowered giving birth to their children, and making peace and having a better understanding about difficult past memories. 

How can I prepare? 

Take some time to meditate or journal on the following questions: When did I not honor my own boundaries? When was the first time I felt violated? What difficult memories are ready to be healed?  When do I struggle speaking up for myself or asking for what I want? How do I feel about charging for my work? What holds me back from fully expressing myself?


What you receive: 

(1) 75 minute private healing session

Sacral chakra recording (30 min)

Womb healing guided meditation (25 min)

3 payments of $200

What you receive:

(3) 75 minute private healing sessions

Sacral chakra recording (30 min)

Womb healing guided meditation (25 min) 

Visit to sign up.

Heal your womb to heal the planet

Together, let’s create a better world.

These sessions are only available in the month of November and there are a limited number available (there’s only one of me)!



From the first session, I felt completely at ease. Meredith created the sense of safety and strength that I needed for processing some deeply traumatic experiences and emotions that I had been holding onto for decades. It has been a miracle to finally begin to release all that trapped energy with such a gentle and skilled guide. 

~ Jen Ditchik

“The work I did with Meredith in one hour, has had a more resonant effect on me than any therapy I've ever done...” 

~ Olivia

“Working with Meredith has been the best investment I’ve ever made in myself.” 

I had an abortion a few years ago and I wasn’t expecting to share this with anyone. Yet one day she told the women in our program if anyone has experienced womb trauma, an abortion or miscarriage that we could share our story with her during our one on one session.

I didn’t see how I could heal from this, give myself love, or forgive myself, but Meredith held space for me to do all of this.

In our session, I met Mary Magdalene and the Spirit Baby. I reprogrammed the night the spirit baby was conceived and the day I chose to have an abortion. Meredith showed me I could communicate with my spirit babies, that I could grieve a pregnancy I didn’t want, and that I didn’t need to carry shame because of my choice. 

I now have so much love and forgiveness surrounding my decision, myself, and the spirit baby. Without Meredith I wouldn’t know any of this was possible.

~ Amber

Meredith helped me spread my wings and fly. I think every woman should have 1:1 healing with her; it is the greatest gift you could give yourself.

Meredith is a natural healer. In my experience she has a gift for creating a sacred space that allows one's own soul to rise to the surface and offer clear guidance and wisdom. It's hard to put into words, but I will try: she allowed me to hear my heart song. She guided me to strip off layers of crappy false beliefs and she helped me tap into my intuition and my own Inner Guidance. She helped me to heal very old wounds that I did not even realize were keeping me stuck. 

~ Renee Linnell,

Again this is the only time I’ll be offering these sessions as a single or 3 package sign up, especially at this rate - there are also a limited number of these sessions available so I encourage you to go to to sign up for your session today. 

Blessing your womb… with all my love,



087 | The Way of Tea, Meditation & Liberation with Baelyn Elspeth



How often have you created a whole conversation in your mind ~ a conversation that hasn’t even happened?

In this episode, Baelyn and I talk about the craziness of the mind. In particular, the fear, the illusions and projections we create that so often lead to separation.

To move from a thought to an action, the nature of the mind can create such a drain of our energy. That’s why Baelyn begins every morning with meditation and tea ceremony.

In this week’s episode we talk about Cha Dao, or The Way of Tea, a way of being ~ slowing down, finding clarity and intention while living with devotion, discipline and focus.

We discuss what it takes to cut through the chatter of the mind and remember true stillness. Baelyn also shares how she navigates work relationships, sisterhood and vulnerability. This conversation is truly full of so many gems… we hope you enjoy tuning in!

“Tea is a plant teacher, a spirit of Nature, manifested through this Leaf and awakened by hot water. Used in ceremony, it is a dance between the elements, a sensory exploration of presence, where everything is connected by space.” ~ Baelyn

In this episode we discussed:

  • Why Baelyn chooses to create offerings in collaboration

  • How Baelyn came to be on a spiritual path 

  • How tea found her (and not the other way around)

  • Her greatest insights and lessons from tea + silent meditation

  • Baelyn’s morning practice 

  • How Baelyn navigates the “stories” we create about other women (and how to handle jealousy and comparison in sisterhood) 

  • How to  create a space of healing and intimacy when you’re triggered

  • The truth about fear and how to navigate it

  • Baelyn’s upcoming Warrior Priestess trainings

Stay in Touch with Baelyn


Baelyn Elspeth grew up in Los Angeles studying dance from the time she was 4. This affinity with movement provided a doorway into her relationship with spirit, health and the body. She has since journeyed into deeper connections with Self through studying Yoga, Tea and Meditation. She is under the lineage and instruction of the Tea Sage Hut Center in Taiwan and works with Tea as a daily practice to cultivate stillness and presence.

Over the years, her path has evolved toward deepening her relationship to Mother Earth and the Sacred Feminine. Holding space with song and rhythm have also become key elements in her offerings. Whether serving traditional Tea Ceremonies, or holding ritual space through sound and drum, for her, all these paths are ways of being a vessel for spirit and consciousness.

Currently Baelyn travels and devotes her time to sharing and facilitating sacred spaces for communities all around the world, bringing the medicine of Tea and Ceremony wherever she goes. She primarily focuses on collaborative efforts and so along side the offerings of other practitioners, she holds retreats, workshops, and is a council member of the annual women’s gathering Spirit Weavers. She also curates and nurtures a permanent home for Tea, Ceremony, and the Sacred Arts at AY^AM in Playa Del Rey, CA and Santa Fe, NM.


086 | Relationships, Co-dependency & a Life Remade with Leah Morris



Have you ever wondered why empaths and narcissists are often so attracted to each other? Or what it means when people talk about co-dependency?

In this conversation today with Leah Morris we dive into the topic of relationships - especially the kinds of unhealthy patterns so many of us can fall into. We discuss what they are, how to avoid them, and also how to attract the kind of love that is deep, true and long-lasting…

In this episode we discussed:

  • Leah’s journey after divorce and what it really meant to fall in love again - with relationships, career, life, and self

  • Co-dependency - what it is, how to know if you’re co-dependent

  • Leah’s experience of stepping into healthier relationships

  • Why narcissists end up with highly sensitive and empathic people

  • The power of language and a simple tool we can use to shift how we communicate with more confidence and authenticity

  • How to step OUT of a victim mindset

  • How Leah shifted her relationship to money from scarcity to abundance on her journey as an entrepreneur

Stay in touch with Leah


Leah Morris is a Relationship Transition Coach, founder of Life Remade, published writer, and speaker. She helps people to authentically  process their feelings, thoughts, and emotions in order to give them a deeper understanding of themselves and others. 

Her 1:1 work consists of 3 main areas: relationship trauma recovery, communication skills enhancement, and  empowered personal development.

She specializes in helping her clients gain a solid sense of Self Worth, develop unshakable intuitive Confidence, and heal after emotional Heartbreak so they can find the deep and meaningful connections that they’ve been yearning for.

From Leah: “Through my personal journey, I've experienced what brokenness feels like. It's dark and small. I lived a life of being "powerless," placing my self-worth in anything but myself, wanting others to love me more than I was loving me, giving up my whole life to play a supporting role in everyone else's... just to have it all fall apart. When I finally woke up, I found myself feeling exhausted, alone, and purposeless. It's here where I’ve gained insights that have allowed me to step into my own power, to trust myself so much that my actions reflect my truth, to know the value of deeply listening to my inner voice and finding connection with others, and to not let my fears lead my life.

When we lose touch with our instincts, everything else doesn't seem to make much sense. Through my creativity and innovative perspective, I help guide you to discover new ways to redirect you toward YOUR dreams. My ability to focus on you, read between the lines, ask the right questions and offer sincere advice and feedback comes from an insatiable curiosity and commitment to your personal development. I know how it feels to finally come out of the dark, and it's my life's passion to get you there too.”


085 | Sacred Social Leadership with Meg Berryman

Putting the we in wellness MegBerryman.jpg


Meg is a mother, teacher, healer, podcaster and social scientist that empowers women to step into sacred, social leadership.  This conversation was full with wisdom on how to show up and embrace a world that can often feel overwhelming. In this episode we talk about how to simultaneously take care of ourselves and give back at a time that is asking for all of us to be leaders.

In this interview we discussed:

  • What sacred, social leadership is

  • Why we are all change-makers / influencers

  • Why the spiritual/personal growth communities are perfectly placed to be a leading part of social change 

  • Why we are scared of leadership and why we count ourselves out of social leadership spaces

  • How to serve without burning out 

  • Meg’s devotion to addressing climate change

  • Why stepping up and giving voice to our journeys is so important for social change 

  • Why your voids are your medicine 

  • Meg’s upcoming course on parenting and leadership

Stay in Touch with Meg:

Meg Berryman is a coach, facilitator and teacher with a passion for awakening sacred social leaders. She brings together her 10+ years in social change, her masters degrees in gender and public health/behaviour change and her experience as a yoga teacher, coach and leadership facilitator to create incredible learning experiences for socially conscious women seeking wellbeing, connection and contribution. She is a mother of two girls, and lives in Central Victoria, Australia on a property she is regenerating with her husband and many rescue animals.


084 | The Bliss Method with Lee Noto

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I left this conversation with Lee Noto so energized!

Her story of burning out after hustling her way to the top is all too common… I feel her story and message are deeply needed at a time where so many of us still struggle with pushing beyond our limits.

May this conversation remind you to slow down and integrate the power of the feminine into your life…

In this episode we covered:

  • Lee’s story of how facial paralysis and cystic breakouts led her to her healing journey

  • The Bliss Method - What it is, how to use it and how to habituate bliss as a way of being

  • Simple and powerful practices to allow bliss into our day

  • The power of play

  • The fear Lee has faced this year and an inside-look into her life as a business owner

Stay in Touch with Lee:


Lee Noto is an Intimacy Coach & Bliss Expert. She works with ambitious, high-powered women at the top of their game go from burnout to bliss so that they can regain their sense of self without compromising their success.

At the height of her success, fueled by hustle, she found herself in a state of complete and utter burnout, confronted by cystic breakouts, full-body hives, and facial paralysis. This wakeup call led her to mastermind her own journey to bliss using a set of practices that are now the cornerstone of her signature transformational system called The Bliss Method. 

She now coaches clients one-on-one and leads workshops and talks around the world. Lee incorporates aspects of Eastern and Western modalities, such as: neuroscience, psychology, Tantric philosophy, various meditative practices, Reiki, and more. She has studied with numerous teachers on subjects including conscious & sacred sexuality, meditation, breath work, and transformational change work. Her unique approach allows her to create a safe space for clients to step into their power and create a bliss-filled life. 

Learn more about the work Lee does by visiting


083 | Creativity, Art & Learning to Trust with Devon Walz


Announcement: We have a new free masterclass available for you! Learn how our clients elevate their voice, impact & income in their spiritual business: - We’ll show you a step-by-step game plan to elevate your voice, impact and income even if you consider yourself a highly sensitive person and are afraid of visibility, sharing your voice or being seen...

I recently heard Elizabeth Gilbert speak on the topic of creativity … and since then I’ve been thinking A LOT about how creativity supports us in feeling healthier and more alive. The universe is constantly creating (think about the plants, stars, asteroids, really the whole universe is constantly shifting, changing, growing, evolving and being creative) so when WE are being creative, it’s like we are aligning with the natural laws of the universe. It’s turning out to be an incredible antidote to depression, grief, illness and anxiety, among other ailments.

It was so fun to dive into this topic with artist Devon Walz talk about the rich topic of creativity on this week’s episode…

In this episode we discussed:

  • How Devon stays focused, motivated and continually inspired in the creative process

  • Her story of moving through depression, undergoing a lot of healing and learning how to do art and business in a way that works for her as a result

  • The role of trust and intuition in the creative process + life in general!

  • Staying committed to personal truth while building a business in our masculine, fast-paced society

  • The role that emotional work + self-care continues to play in art and business

  • The main blocks holding back creatives and visionaries from doing their work

  • Why we need artists + visionaries to be doing their work in the world and the role they're playing for all of us

  • How art aids in shifting the consciousness

  • How Devon faces her fears in the realm of creativity + entrepreneurship

Stay in Touch with Devon:

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Devon Walz is a professional artist, muralist,  mentor and dreamer.

She believes that creativity and beauty are powerful medicine for us all and sees her own art as the most essential way to know herself. Through her colorful and etheric-feeling abstract paintings, she explore the ways that emotion, energy and form collide. 

Devon mentors developing creatives along their path and helps them to realize their most honest expression. Her approach is one that combines practical strategy, emotional healing and deep love. 

In addition to mentorship and online courses, she hosts 1-on-1 painting weekends (for artists and non-artists alike) to make a mess, break out of perfectionism and discover their soul’s language in her Southern California art studio.

Her work has been licensed by companies big and small, and is held by collectors around the globe. 


082 | Infuse the Sacred into Your Business with Anastasia Holland & Meredith Rom


I’m excited to announce a new collaboration with Anastasia Holland ~ a two-day in person Sacred Business Immersion in San Francisco September 14th + 15th this Fall.

This episode is a glimpse at the online masterclass Anastasia and I led to announce our in person retreat weekend in SF.

We hope to see you soon in San Francisco… Learn more and join us at


In this episode you’ll learn how to:

  • Expand your creative potential to own your worth + release limiting beliefs around money

  • Step into more confidence in using your voice + sharing your message

  • Harness the power of pleasure, femininity and sisterhood to grow your audience

  • Reconnect to divine inspiration to design your business in alignment with your values

    With Love,


081 | A Gift for Female Entrepreneurs with Meredith Rom


I’ve been doing this work for a long time now and last week I was doing a client review of what’s happened in the last year for my past clients in the world of feminine entrepreneurship… I was happily surprised to discover that many of them have been able to 

  • Increase their income to $3-10k per month in their spiritually centered business

  • Use their voice with confidence to share their message

  • Help more people and make a bigger impact because they finally have the time and freedom to focus on it!

I’ve been so busy helping THEM grow their dream businesses that I haven’t taken the time to share with YOU how you can earn more money and finally put yourself out there to do the work your heart has been calling out for you to do.

For that, I apologize.

All the time I’m hearing from women that they're struggling to get by in their business, that they deeply feel they have a calling, a sacred mission to fulfill, but are having to work multiple jobs and burning out trying to make it all work…

…A phone call with someone who lacks the confidence to put herself out there and share her message.

…A Facebook message from someone who is afraid to raise her prices because she’s afraid no one will sign up.

…A DM from a sister who’s been spending her time growing her instagram following but behind-the-scenes is not earning anywhere near the kind of income she would like to make.

The truth is, you CAN earn more money AND live life on your own terms (with a flexible schedule, time for family, self-care, and spiritual practices)… It’s just that I haven’t been focusing on helping YOU with those kinds of results.

I’ve been waking up to the fact that if ANYONE in the world is meant to be earning more money, it is spiritual, heart-centered women like you.

That’s where we need more power. More femininity in leadership. More women owning and earning their worth.

And you know what?

When you are owning the true value of what you have to offer, you will actually have more TIME to focus on spreading your sacred work, your voice, your message, your soul gifts in such a bigger way…

So many more people will benefit from what you have to share.

So even though earning great money is part of it, underneath that, I really want you to make the impact your soul came here to make.

To break through the fears.

The self-doubts.

The limiting beliefs.

The old stories saying you can’t.

It’s time to honor your voice. Your soul callings.

No more hiding.

I know I’ve been offering value to you through the podcast, and I’ll keep doing that, but I’m realizing it’s not the same as taking you by the hand to make the shifts I think you would really love to see in your life.

No more.

I’ve opened up some time in the next week to speak to a select number of committed women about how they can increase their impact and income without letting go of their spiritual and feminine values.

There’s no charge for this and it’s totally free.

But it’s not for everyone.

Here are the kinds of women I can help:

  • Feminine entrepreneurs who have an existing business and want to grow their work online

  • Those who are committed, show up and take action

  • Those who have a deep soul desire to make a positive impact through their work

  • Those who are willing to step outside their comfort zone to grow

If you’re tired of playing small in your business and you’re ready to start seeing results, then I’m making the time to show you how to get there.

Click here to book your session.

With love,


PS: This podcast is going out to thousands of people today. Spaces WILL fill up fast (and there’s only one of me)!

Click here now and book your session before they fill up!


080 | Your Story Medicine & Writing a New Narrative with Jumakae


I love connecting with women supporting others to come into the power of their voice, and this week’s podcast guest, Jumakae is one of those women. We go deep into talking about what we’ve witnessed supporting women to break free from old stories and limiting beliefs and what happens when a woman begins to see her challenges and difficulties as a source of empowerment to activate and inspire others.

This conversation is rich with insight on the power of storytelling, public speaking, releasing trauma and owning the power of our voice. I hope you enjoy it!

In this episode we discussed:

  • Jumakae’s story from working on a rape crisis hotline to being fired/freed to start a new path of helping others write a new story for their lives

  • Surviving Saturn return

  • Storytelling as Liberation 

  • Dealing with 'imposter syndrome' and inner critic voices when it comes to sharing yourself in the world

  • What pole dancing taught Jumakae about healing and empowering herself

  • Releasing trauma from the body

  • The initiations of entrepreneurship

  • The connection between the throat and sacral chakra 

  • The ancestral healing that happens when we share our voices and stories

  • The personal responsibility we must take in sharing our stories to empower others

Stay in Touch:

June Marisa Kaewsith, also known as "Jumakae," is a professional artist, wellness consultant, and storytelling coach. As an artist, she has conducted spoken word workshops and mural projects with various youth groups, and has facilitated theater skits with community members addressing local issues from workers' rights to environmental justice. As a keynote speaker, she has motivated crowds through her original poetry in high schools, college campuses, and various nonprofit groups throughout California. Clients who have sought her as a storytelling coach are change agents who have gone on to tell their stories on large stages in front of thousands of people, entrepreneurs pitching project proposals and product launches to board rooms for a handful of investors and funders, and individuals or artists seeking confidence in their ability to speak authentically and perform their work publicly.

Through her additional practice as a wellness consultant (DBA "​Green Tara Guidance​"), she is a 200 hr registered yoga teacher trained to work with survivors of sexual trauma through​ Peace Over Violence​ and a transformational​ ​life coach​ (which she rephrases as

"life doula") with a professional certification from​ Leadership That Works​. With her passion for the arts and somatic learning, she holds self-care and storytelling workshops for organizations and individuals to become more comfortable with their mind and body.

On her leisure time, she creates meditation candles and natural skin care products with her mother inspired by Thai traditional herbalism and plants indigenous to Tonvga land known today as Long Beach, California, where she currently resides.


079 | Transform Fear & Rise into Leadership with Meredith Rom



I realize many of you who may just be finding the Rising Women Leaders podcast may not know my story of how I came to start this podcast and do this work, so today I get to share with you! This episode is from when I was interviewed by Meg Berryman, host of the Beyond Being Well podcast. Meg holds beautiful space for me to share my deepest truths ~ what I believe in, what I feel I’m here for, and how I help women rise in the world of feminine leadership.

In this episode we discussed:

  • The kind of world I envision and how my work supports that larger vision

  • My story: listening to my intuition + cultivating courage to move from NYC to CA then travel to India alone at 22

  • What leadership means to me

  • How to take courageous steps to transform fear

  • Rewiring core beliefs + healing with EFT (Tapping) 

  • Facets of self-love & self-care and how they will support your business

  • The journey of writing + publishing my first book, Just Be: A Search for Self-Love in India 

  • 3 tips to take the pressure off when it comes to birthing your big dream

  • 12 qualities of the Queen and how we can use this archetype to uplevel our life and business

Stay in Touch with Meg:

Stay in Touch with Meredith:

Meg Berryman is a coach, yoga teacher + social change catalyst who awakens sacred, social leaders. A teacher of feminine mysteries, Meg empowers women to journey from wellness, to wholeness and beyond - encouraging each women to develop a powerful vision of the world she wants to live in, so she can align her energy and actions and find purpose in the every day. She is a mama of two girls and lives with her husband on her property outside Melbourne, Australia. You can follow her work at @megjberryman on instagram. 


078 | Sustainable Success: Embodying Spiritual Practice in Business with Nikki Silvestri



It was such an honor to sit down to speak with Nikki Silvestri of Soil & Shadow this week. From her life as a speaker to CEO and mom, I was inspired to learn about Nikki’s life behind-the-scenes of her business.

Nikki shares what it looks like for her to embody her spiritual practice in her day-to-day activities, as well as what it took to get to where she is now: To have a family, thriving business, and career as a public speaker and change-maker with an environmental, social and economic impact.

Nikki didn’t hesitate to share all of herself in this episode - from what she learned burning-out in the non-profit world, to having challenges with fertility when she was ready to have a baby, to working through her own limiting beliefs around financial success. Nikki shares how she rose above her challenges to create a sustainable and thriving business with a triple bottom line ~ one that is here to see success in terms of planet, people and profits, and how she is helping other companies to do the same.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Nikki’s journey of becoming an entrepreneur and starting her business, “Soil & Shadow”

  • Behind the scenes, what it looks like for Nikki to be a Mother & CEO

  • Climate change, carbon emissions, and sustainable soil and agriculture practices that can reduce the amount of carbon in our atmosphere

  • How Earth’s ecosystems mirror our personal relationships

  • Nikki’s journey with moving beyond limiting beliefs to do empowering work that is good for people, the planet AND drives profits

  • How Nikki embodies her spiritual practice in her business

  • Nikki’s challenges with fertility and having her son as well as what needed to shift in her life

  • Nikki’s journey with being seen, improvising and becoming a keynote public speaker

  • Behind Nikki’s decision to continue running her own business (rather than working for someone else) when becoming a mother

  • Nikki’s upcoming projects including Diversity & Inclusion initiatives in the workplace

Stay in Touch with Nikki:


Nikki Silvestri is the Founder and CEO of Soil and Shadow, a project development firm designing economic and environmental strategies with human left in.

As the Co-Founder of Live Real and former Executive Director of People's Grocery and Green for All, Nikki has built and strengthened social equity for underrepresented populations in food systems, social services, public health, climate solutions, and economic development. A nationally recognized thought leader, her many honors include being named one of The Root's 100 Most Influential African Americans.

Nikki is a Faculty Member at the Food Business School (she co-designed and taught one of their inaugural courses, "Ethical Leadership in Food Business"). She is the Board Co-Chair of the Business Alliance of Local Living Economies (BALLE), and is an advisory board member of TendLab, a boutique firm unlocking the power of parenthood at work. She is the recipient of numerous awards including ELLE Magazine's "Gold" Award and OxFam America's "Act Local, Think Global" Award.

Nikki began her work in social change through the foster care system in Southern California, where she directed Foster Youth Empowerment Workshops. She has a master's degree in African American Studies from UCLA, and is originally from Los Angeles. She currently lives in Oakland, with her husband and son.

077 | Giving Purpose to Your Money with Lara-Rose Duong



As an entrepreneur I have had to “look under the hood” when it comes to my own relationship to money. It took time to learn how to charge my worth, receive and accept money in my life, and actually educate myself on all the things I didn’t know.

The truth is, once you heal the old stories you've been carrying around money, it feels really awesome to earn it, to save it, and to spend it on things you love. I feel super proud of how far I've come in this area of my life and so grateful to see money as just another form of how I can nurture, give and receive. 

It was an honor to welcome Lara-Rose to the Rising Women Leaders podcast to share her own money story, and how we can take a step back and consider how our choices with money will affect all those who come after us. She offers her wisdom on how you can live with intention and how coming into alignment with your relationship to money will truly affect all areas of your life.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Prosperity & legacy ~ discovering how you wish to be remembered and what you want to leave behind

  • Lara’s money story and how she navigated her own debt, wealth & money management

  • How to free ourselves from our family money stories

  • Why “shutting everything down” can actually be the most productive decision you make for your business

  • Lara’s journey of taking a leap into entrepreneurship

  • Facing our fears, merging all parts of ourselves to be whole & honoring our soul’s calling

  • Your true value & why it is so much more than what’s reflected in your bank account

  • Living with intention & why giving purpose to your money is important

Stay in Touch with LRD:

LRD is a spiritual advisor to individuals of exceptional wealth. Together, they explore legacy, spirituality, prosperity and all the pieces of the life pie with the sole focus of defining and experience success on their own terms. All the while, letting love drive our prosperous actions.