full moon

Full Moon in Aries & A Channeled Message from Mary Magdalene

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FULL MOON IN ARIES :: The Great Transformation :: A Channeled Message from Mary Magdalene

For the last few years I’ve had a writing practice with Mary to tune into her channeled messages. As we approach the upcoming election, I wanted to offer this loving message I received to the community.

Dear One,

The Golden Age is upon us, but first dark consciousnesses must be purged. For centuries civil war has existed in the consciousness of humans, especially in the United States. This war has moved beyond the battlefield, but now you see it on the debate stages. This consciousness of war and fighting is coming up now to be witnessed and dissolved. Even though it may feel like you are going back in time, know that you, as a collective are evolving. There’s no going back. The darkest of the dark is coming up into the light. Trust that consciousness is evolving, and you are moving forward.

It is a time to take great care of the body, because you are literally clearing these dark consciousnesses from the field through your body. When you feel fear or shame or any difficult emotions, and release them, let them move through you, there is less dense energy in the field.

Your body is a vessel of transformation in these times of great change, and to be honored as it will connect you directly back to source.

You hold a unique blueprint that is valid and needed now. Your soul chose to be here at this time and we thank you. Whether you are witnessing, feeling, protesting, or transforming these dense energies, we thank you. We thank you for neutralizing the field, for going into a place of deep feeling because we know this is not easy work.

Remember, awareness is the first step in creating change. When you see something, you can no longer deny it, and you are called to activate and create change.

There are people who needed to see the fires to believe in climate change.
There are people who needed to see injustice to believe racism still existed. Now that this is in the light, it can be transformed.

Allow this Aries moon energy to take down the old systems and ways of being that are ready to be dissolved.

We know change can feel unfamiliar and uncomfortable. Take care of your emotions. Take care of your body. Cleanse, pray, rest

Know that you are not alone and beyond the chaos of dismantling is a new future that the children, the souls coming in at this time are ready to build.”



Libra Pink Full Moon 2020

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Blessed Libra Full Moon on April 7, 2020. This Full Pink Moon is the second full supermoon of 2020 (the first was in Virgo on February 19).

“A supermoon sits at the closest possible proximity (perigree) to Earth. Although it won’t necessarily look bigger or brighter, on a metaphysical level, its influence could be stronger.” ~ astro style

This time calls us forth into our greatness, as the injustices of the world have been so clearly brought to light. This is our time to speak up and stand for justice. What breaks your heart most about the world at this time?

Listen. Follow the golden thread. Ignite your passion to restore balance. To serve. To awaken.

And with every step, ask how can you create more beauty? Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of femininity, sensuality, the arts, music, fertility and creativity. Right now we are being asked to restore balance in a way that honors our sacred feminine heart.

The Queen is one who knows she is powerful, and she says YES to that power to be in service to her people. She also knows she must take supreme care of herself and hold strong boundaries so she may fill up her own inner well and have that much more to give…

Questions to Contemplate:

Where have you been depleting yourself? What needs to be restored within?

What breaks your heart about what’s happening in the world?

How can you walk with even greater beauty, intention and devotion to your calling?

How can you use your unique gifts and talents to restore balance? To stand for justice?

May your Libra Full Moon lead to deep heart opening and the awakening. Each and every one of us is needed at this time of great change.

Blessed Be.


The Power of Ritual


Last September I sat in a yurt near Yosemite sitting at an altar in each of the four directions with the question, "How do I fully express myself? I was at Erica Jago's EARTH retreat where Erica had just taught us a powerful exercise from the Native American tradition about how to use the 4 directions to gain more clarity in our lives.

Through the exercise, I answered questions like, "What was I like as a child?"  "What am I grateful for?" "What wisdom have I gained?" "What brings me joy?" and "What are the new possibilities for my life?"  I drew a card from the tarot for each direction, sat, wrote, and meditated on these questions.

The whole process took about an hour, and afterwards I left with a map of exactly what I needed to do over the next year to fully express myself.

I knew I needed to sing, dance, write, and speak in front of large groups.  However, I had so much fear even just thinking about it.  Erica then placed an empty glass jar in the center of the room and said, "Now, write your fears on a piece of paper and place them in the jar.  On the Full moon we are going to burn them."

Through the exercise, I discovered I needed to meet monthly with other women on the full or new moons as a space to be vulnerable so that I could gather strength and courage.  I knew I needed to join the public speaking group I was avoiding because it would give me the space to practice, and I knew I needed to start singing, dancing and playing kirtan in front of others.

On the Full moon, Erica held a powerful ritual.  Each person shared the art they had created over the week, the insights they had gained and released their fears, and their art in the fire.

One by one, we shared the insights we had gained over the weekend - what we were releasing and what we were stepping into.

I had my harmonium with me, and I knew it was time to play it in front of the group.  I openly shared my fears and blocks I have had around self-expression.  As I did, tears streamed down my face as I imagined the little girl inside myself who had been closed down for so long.

Then, I sang the mantra, Aad Guray Nameh, The Mangala Charan, a mantra to help us all overcome self-doubt and create a protective field of light.

Everyone sang with me.

In that moment I was witnessed in releasing a deep rooted fear, and for the first time, was fully witnessed in sharing my singing voice.  That moment carried so much power and healing.

A ritual is a space to be witnessed in your truth and supported by your sisters.  It is a space to honor the rites of passage in your life.

Rituals infuse magic, intention and sacredness into our daily lives.  A ritual can turn a mundane act done without awareness into a sacred act with clarity and purpose.  Slowing down to say a blessing before a meal changes the experience.  Meditation, singing, or lighting a candle imbues a moment of peace and serenity into a busy day.

Ritual can also be this healing space where women come together to honor a specific purpose.   These rituals may honor transitions, letting go, grieving, the lunar cycle or the change of seasons. 

Participating in ritual has been one of the most healing ways to mark a big transition in my life.  Ritual has provided a space for me to be fully seen, acknowledged and supported.  After participating in ritual, I feel more confident and courageous to share myself with the world.

I had no idea the kind of transformation that would take place over the next year.  I went home, with a map in my hands, knowing exactly what I needed to do to fully express myself.

Without that ritual, I don't know if I would have had the courage to go on my first teaching and singing tour, to join a public speaking group, deliver toasts and speeches, dance without self-consciousness, and devote myself to writing and art.

Ritual helped me release my fears and feel supported in taking action towards my dreams.  It was a way to mark a new beginning and enter into a new way of living.


Now I'd love to hear:

What rites of passage have you gone through that you would like to honor?  

What fears are you ready to release and what new beginning are you stepping into?  Share with us in the comments.

I encourage you to create your own ritual, or join us in our Way of the Priestess program to create one with us there.

With love, Meredith

Sync with the moon

yoga and meditation-ancient wisdom-divine feminine

Since last Wednesday I have been sleeping outside in a tent watching as the moon grew full over the horizon.  I drove from my home in Sonoma County, CA up to Mount Shasta and to Oregon for a music festival.  (check out some photos from my travels here).  Sleeping outside on the land, watching the moon brighten to its fullness and start to wane again has made me think about the connection between our bodies and nature. You may notice you feel more social during the full moon and more introverted with the new moon.  The moon pulls the tides and can also sync with the woman's body during her menstrual cycle.  Traditionally, women would menstruate with the new moon and ovulate with the full moon.  The new moon energy of drawing inward would coincide with the woman's time to rest.  The energy of the full moon would energize the woman during ovulation and nature would optimize the conditions for her to find a mate.

Unfortunately, with so much artificial light both inside and outside our homes, many women have lost their connection to the moon.  So today, in honor of last weekend's full moon, I have a few tips for you to harmonize with nature and sync with the cycles of the moon.

4 tips to sync with the moon:

1. Sleep in total darkness during the new moon and allow light to come in through your window during the full moon

The body will attune to the moon the way women did in ancient times sleeping outside with the moonlight.  Make sure there are no digital lights in your room when you sleep and do your best to turn off all technology.  Leave your blinds open during the full moon so the moonlight can seep in.  Your body will begin to naturally sync your menstrual cycle with the cycles of the moon.

2. Rest during your menstrual cycle and save times of rigorous exercise, movement, dancing and socializing during ovulation

The menstrual cycle is a time to focus on intuition and listen to the body's subtle messages.  It is a great time for gentle yoga, journaling, and reflection.  During ovulation, the body will have much more energy to be social and active.  See if you can sync with your body's natural rhythm.  If you are not sure when you ovulate, count 14 days after the first day of your period.  Plus or minus 3 days of this time will most likely be when you ovulate.

3.  Eat foods to support your own moon cycle

Did you know certain foods are beneficial during the woman's menstrual cycle?  The best foods to integrate into your diet at this time are dark leafy greens, like dino kale, beets, and sea vegetables like kelp.  Try adding a few kelp leaves to the mix when you cook brown rice.  These nutrient dense foods will replenish the body during the depleting time of menstruation.

4.  Practice these restorative yoga poses during menstruation to relieve low back aches and menstrual cramps

This sequence of poses was adapted from the Iyengar moon cycle series for women.  The poses support the downward flow of energy during the woman's moon cycle.  I used this sequence just a few weeks ago during my own cycle when I woke up in the night with aches.  After twenty minutes, I felt relief and was able to fall back asleep.

[av_video src='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp7tAnOBb14' format='16-9' width='16' height='9']

Have you ever thought about connecting to the moon?  Let me know what you think of these tips in the comments below.  Try out these poses the next time you're on your "moon" and let me know how it goes!

With love, Meredith


About the Author:

Meredith Rom is a women's leadership coach,  yoga teacher, and group facilitator.  She helps women tap into intuition and manifest their dreams through yoga, writing and retreats.