Libra Pink Full Moon 2020

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Blessed Libra Full Moon on April 7, 2020. This Full Pink Moon is the second full supermoon of 2020 (the first was in Virgo on February 19).

“A supermoon sits at the closest possible proximity (perigree) to Earth. Although it won’t necessarily look bigger or brighter, on a metaphysical level, its influence could be stronger.” ~ astro style

This time calls us forth into our greatness, as the injustices of the world have been so clearly brought to light. This is our time to speak up and stand for justice. What breaks your heart most about the world at this time?

Listen. Follow the golden thread. Ignite your passion to restore balance. To serve. To awaken.

And with every step, ask how can you create more beauty? Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of femininity, sensuality, the arts, music, fertility and creativity. Right now we are being asked to restore balance in a way that honors our sacred feminine heart.

The Queen is one who knows she is powerful, and she says YES to that power to be in service to her people. She also knows she must take supreme care of herself and hold strong boundaries so she may fill up her own inner well and have that much more to give…

Questions to Contemplate:

Where have you been depleting yourself? What needs to be restored within?

What breaks your heart about what’s happening in the world?

How can you walk with even greater beauty, intention and devotion to your calling?

How can you use your unique gifts and talents to restore balance? To stand for justice?

May your Libra Full Moon lead to deep heart opening and the awakening. Each and every one of us is needed at this time of great change.

Blessed Be.