new moon

New Moon in Libra & The Power of Patience

via @matialonsor

via @matialonsor

New moon blessings to you. This New moon lands at 7:05 AM EST in Libra (Western) and Virgo (Vedic astrology) on Wednesday, October 6th.  

What have you been noticing? How have you been feeling? 

With three planets retrograde (Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury) I’m feeling a strong pull to stillness, patience and allowing the natural unfolding of things. If you’ve been feeling challenged, this week in particular, know you are not alone. 

Mercury is super strong right now, retrograde until October 19th, the time it is closest to the Earth and exalted, bringing even more power and strength to Mercury in our field, which could enhance communication, or on the other hand, lead to over-communication, (ie) saying things we may later regret. Let’s remember to take a pause when reacting to a situation and find our center before responding.

It also doesn’t surprise me that we saw the kind of technology outages like with FB and instagram yesterday. Mercury is so strong right now, it literally short-circuited several modes of our primary communication. 

Saturn has been retrograde since May, so depending on where Saturn is transiting in your chart, this energy can bring change, challenge and/or transition (homes, careers, health, social circles, etc). Saturn can also make things feel like they are moving painfully slow, so we will start to feel relief and movement in our lives again when Saturn goes direct October 11th. Hang in there, there are just a few more days of feeling such a strong Saturnian influence. 

With all these powerful and strong planets aligning with this New Moon, I see it as a time to come deeply home to ourselves. Can we give our outer circumstances space to unfold in their own divine timing, rather than trying to push or force our own agendas? Can we nourish our bodies and our hearts in the meantime? 

Let’s dive deep into self-care, meditation, and inner reflection. Making home made meals, taking baths, being in nature, are just a few ways we can work with the energies of this new moon. 

Enjoy this article, one I wrote a few years ago on patience.

With love,



New Moon Solar Eclipse December 14, 2020: New Beginnings, Patience & Structure


Themes: New beginnings, Patience, Structure

On this New Moon total solar eclipse, we are being asked to lay the foundation for the year ahead. With Saturn's strong influence within one degree of Jupiter, as well as its 'swa' placement in sidereal Capricorn, we are able to wield the most beneficial qualities of Saturn: the energy of building, slowing down, taking our time, and tending to what has been forgotten.

Saturn asks us to be patient and to be willing to wait for the rewards. The energy of this planet delays, but never denies. While we may feel a drive towards activity, we will also probably feel the energy of Saturn's constraint.

Be patient during this time. Although our inner child may be ready to let go of the limitations and go out and "play," the wisdom of Saturn beckons us to clean out the closets, and finish the "hard work" that will allow more freedom on the other side.

While the season of winter and the upcoming solstice asks us to pause on our larger life dreams, when we slow down and trust in the process, we create more space to expand in the months to come.

Questions to Contemplate:

What have I been putting on the back burner?

What is asking for my attention?

How can I slow down?

Where do I need more support?

How can I tend to my emotions?

What will support me to be more fully present in this moment?


Read more astrological wisdom from some of my favorite sources below...

Western Astrology: New Moon in Sagittarius

On December 14-15, we have a Total New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius. Solar Eclipses are like potent New Moons and unlock a door to a new portal of energy.

There is so much fresh energy on offer for us under this Eclipse. It brings the promise of brand new beginnings, fresh starts, and the opportunity to set wheels into motion.

The strong, abundant energy flowing around this Eclipse may also bring some gifts and rewards our way. This will be extra amplified by Saturn, who a few days later on December 17, will leave Capricorn where it has been for the last 2.5 years, for the sign of Aquarius.

It is said that whenever Saturn leaves one zodiac sign for another, we are gifted and rewarded for all of the hard work we have achieved.

The energy of the Solar Eclipse has the power to amplify these gifts and rewards, so think about where you have felt most challenged and where you have done the most growth, and then stay open to any gifts and rewards that may be illuminated for you under this energy.

The Sagittarius Solar Eclipse falls at 23-24 degrees of Sagittarius, which is also just a couple of degrees shy of the Galactic Center.

The Galactic Center is believed to be the center of our Universe and sits at about 27 degrees of Sagittarius. This is a highly sensitive degree of the zodiac and indicates strong galactic activations.

Under the light of this Eclipse, we may notice our frequency lifted and our consciousness ascending. We may begin to become aware of growing pains or ascension symptoms. We may even find ourselves accessing the wisdom of our intuition, spirit guides, and higher self with greater ease.

The Universe is always offering things to us, but we have to be in an open state to notice and receive these offerings too.

The fastest way to get into a state of receiving is to shift our mindset, and the easiest way to do that is to focus on abundance, appreciation, and gratitude as often as we can.

When you shift out of complaining, wishing things were different, or self-limiting thinking, and open instead to abundance, you will open the door to not just seeing the offering of the bluebird, but all that you have to offer too.

Giving from the pureness of your heart is also another way to open to receiving. This time of year tends to bring out the spirit of giving anyway, but see if you can shift this to come from a more heart-centered place rather than a place of obligation.

The Sagittarius Solar Eclipse beckons us to rise up and observe the many blessings that have been hidden in the shadows. As we bring our blessings into the light, it also shines a spotlight on our relationship with the Universe.

The Universe is always listening and responding to us. Even during those dark times where it feels the Universe has not got our back, that is only because we have entered a chapter where we are strong enough to walk as One.

Embrace the season of your life, ground into this Solar Eclipse energy, and keep your heart and mind rooted in the miracle that you are.

Overall, the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse carries some of the brightest energy we have experienced all year.

Stay open to the light even though there may be darkness present too. Listen to your own inner voice and keep your heart pointed in the direction you wish to head.

~ Tanaaz


Vedic Astrology: New Moon in Scorpio

The last eclipse of 2020, this one a total solar eclipse, will take place on December 14th. Solar eclipses always coincide with the new Moon, where today’s new Moon will be at 11:16 AM EST, in sidereal Scorpio.

For those with significant planetary placements in sidereal Scorpio, such the Ascendant, Moon or Sun here, the effects of this eclipse are likely to be experienced more powerfully.

As an influence that amplifies human action for better or for worse, eclipses are inwardly transformative periods and ideal for intensified spiritual practices, worship and charitable giving.

This Total Solar Eclipse will be visible in the Southern Hemisphere, from Chile through some parts of Argentina. Some regions in southern South America, South-West Africa, and Antarctica will see a partial solar eclipse. This eclipse will start at 8:33 AM EST, and end at 1:53PM EST, and the moment of maximum eclipse will be at 11:13AM EST.

The chart of today’s New Moon will give an indication of the themes which are likely to color the next 30 days. In this chart, Saturn stands out, where its effects are deeply pervasive.

One reason Saturn is prominent is because of its transit within one degree of Jupiter. Here they enter into the too-close adverse association known as ‘planetary war’. These two planets rival for dominance and it is common belief that the planet in higher northern latitude becomes the victor. Here, the winner is Saturn. These two planets will be exactly conjunct on December 21, the day of the winter solstice....

Saturn is the planet of structure. At its best, Saturn’s containment may encourage a steady focus, where priorities and mature intentions are set, diversion falls away, and things of substance are created. Saturn’s slowed-down, introspective and simple nature may be ideal for giving importance to the things which will endure.

~ Tamiko Fischer

New Moon and Earth Day in Taurus April 22, 2020

Image Source

Image Source


Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus ~ all about beauty, connection to the natural world and the pleasures of life. Today we welcome this influence in our approach to love, healing and honoring our Earth Mother…as today is also the 50th anniversary of Earth day. 

I see today as an opportunity to honor ourselves and our planet as the beloved and to embrace our connection to the beauty of the natural world.

Here are some ideas on how to honor this Taurus new moon

  • Sit outside with the plants and simply BE

  • Offer your moon blood to the Earth with reverence, thanking her for all she offers to us

  • Plant a garden. Get your hands in the dirt.

  • Make an earth mandala and share your blessings for the Earth

  • Redesign your altar with items you find from the natural world, light a candle and sit in silence and connection with Mother Earth’s gifts

  • Connect with flowers and breathe in the sweet smells, just because

  • Take a bath (my favorite ☺️) add Epsom salts and rose petals for a feminine touch

  • Drink cacao and pray

  • Sing, laugh, cry

  • Drop in deeply with a good friend, share your heart with someone who loves you, let yourself be seen.

I’d love to hear how you plan to utilize the energies of this New moon in the comments below… may our Earth Mother feel all the blessings we shower upon her this week.



Scorpio New Moon: Fire & Destruction


It’s a very strange feeling to be packing a bag not knowing how long you will have to leave your home, or even if you will have a home when you return.

What would you take with you?

It was amazing to feel how much of what I owned felt OK to leave behind.

Some clothes, jewelry, a folder with important documents, and most importantly my sound healing instruments - harmonium, crystal bowls, and didgeridoo were what I chose to take with me.

Sunday morning around 4 am many of those whom I know and love and I were woken up by SOS phone signals, texts and sirens outside alerting us we were now in a mandatory evacuation zone.

Luckily we did not have to leave in a panic, knowing the fires were 25 or more miles from our house. But i tell you, the whole scene still felt apocalyptic. When the sun rose, the winds outside looked like when the tornado was coming in the Wizard of Oz ~ the trees swaying and branches breaking with every violent gust. Cars drove down the road beeping their horns, disrupting an eery silence of the land as more and more people left their homes vacant.

I couldn’t help but wonder, “What is being asked of us?”

and “Of all the places in the world, why have I felt called to live here in Sonoma County?” a place that has been afflicted by wildfires in the last few years.

One thing that has continually come through for me, is that many who have felt called to live on this land are here to be Earth protectors, and one of our most important roles during uncertain times like this is to bear witness to our Earth Mother and all she is doing to call out for help, or to wake us up.

To witness her in her fiery call of destruction, to feel the pain and grief of the land, and to be one of those to speak out on her behalf.

We’re now seeing the effects of living for years in disharmony with the land.

Centuries ago the indigenous people who lived on these lands would lovingly tend to them, intentionally burning the land periodically to clear away underbrush, dead trees, enrich the soil and prevent massive wildfires like this one.

Those practices were put to a stop when European colonialists took the land away from them.

One hundred years of un-tended land, paired with extreme rains in the winter - creating even more new growth and underbrush, climate change, extra-long dry seasons pushing the first rains further and further back, and outdated PG&E equipment creating sparks, have created a kind of perfect storm for many living on the West Coast.

So what are we to do?

It doesn’t feel like an accident that these fires aligned perfectly with the beginning of Scorpio season in the astrological calendar.

If you have been feeling the energies of death, destruction, transformation, and strong emotions, you are not alone.

Scorpio season is a time of diving deep and being close to the Earth.

Today’s new moon in Scorpio is a call to go deep within, feel your pain, call upon your courage and welcome Kali Ma to burn away what is no longer serving in order to be born anew.

If you are moving through the intensity right now (from the fires or otherwise) I invite you to ask:

How can I use this new moon energy to PURIFY and ACTIVATE what is most true for me?

As the veils become thinner as we enter Samhain (October 31st), I feel we are being invited to listen to the whispers of Mother Earth and our ancestors… to listen to what messages are most needed at this time.

I will be spending the week visiting my last living grandmother in NY (it seems her time on the Earth plane is nearing the end) and processing the last few days of shock and grief after being evacuated and watching from afar what is/was happening to the lands we call home.

It is a potent time to bear witness to our Earth mother and listen to her fiery call for us to WAKE UP.

How will you honor this new moon? The energies of fire and destruction? Transformation and rebirth? I welcome your thoughts and shares as a reply to this email or on my latest instagram post.

Blessed Be.


The Power of Ritual


Last September I sat in a yurt near Yosemite sitting at an altar in each of the four directions with the question, "How do I fully express myself? I was at Erica Jago's EARTH retreat where Erica had just taught us a powerful exercise from the Native American tradition about how to use the 4 directions to gain more clarity in our lives.

Through the exercise, I answered questions like, "What was I like as a child?"  "What am I grateful for?" "What wisdom have I gained?" "What brings me joy?" and "What are the new possibilities for my life?"  I drew a card from the tarot for each direction, sat, wrote, and meditated on these questions.

The whole process took about an hour, and afterwards I left with a map of exactly what I needed to do over the next year to fully express myself.

I knew I needed to sing, dance, write, and speak in front of large groups.  However, I had so much fear even just thinking about it.  Erica then placed an empty glass jar in the center of the room and said, "Now, write your fears on a piece of paper and place them in the jar.  On the Full moon we are going to burn them."

Through the exercise, I discovered I needed to meet monthly with other women on the full or new moons as a space to be vulnerable so that I could gather strength and courage.  I knew I needed to join the public speaking group I was avoiding because it would give me the space to practice, and I knew I needed to start singing, dancing and playing kirtan in front of others.

On the Full moon, Erica held a powerful ritual.  Each person shared the art they had created over the week, the insights they had gained and released their fears, and their art in the fire.

One by one, we shared the insights we had gained over the weekend - what we were releasing and what we were stepping into.

I had my harmonium with me, and I knew it was time to play it in front of the group.  I openly shared my fears and blocks I have had around self-expression.  As I did, tears streamed down my face as I imagined the little girl inside myself who had been closed down for so long.

Then, I sang the mantra, Aad Guray Nameh, The Mangala Charan, a mantra to help us all overcome self-doubt and create a protective field of light.

Everyone sang with me.

In that moment I was witnessed in releasing a deep rooted fear, and for the first time, was fully witnessed in sharing my singing voice.  That moment carried so much power and healing.

A ritual is a space to be witnessed in your truth and supported by your sisters.  It is a space to honor the rites of passage in your life.

Rituals infuse magic, intention and sacredness into our daily lives.  A ritual can turn a mundane act done without awareness into a sacred act with clarity and purpose.  Slowing down to say a blessing before a meal changes the experience.  Meditation, singing, or lighting a candle imbues a moment of peace and serenity into a busy day.

Ritual can also be this healing space where women come together to honor a specific purpose.   These rituals may honor transitions, letting go, grieving, the lunar cycle or the change of seasons. 

Participating in ritual has been one of the most healing ways to mark a big transition in my life.  Ritual has provided a space for me to be fully seen, acknowledged and supported.  After participating in ritual, I feel more confident and courageous to share myself with the world.

I had no idea the kind of transformation that would take place over the next year.  I went home, with a map in my hands, knowing exactly what I needed to do to fully express myself.

Without that ritual, I don't know if I would have had the courage to go on my first teaching and singing tour, to join a public speaking group, deliver toasts and speeches, dance without self-consciousness, and devote myself to writing and art.

Ritual helped me release my fears and feel supported in taking action towards my dreams.  It was a way to mark a new beginning and enter into a new way of living.


Now I'd love to hear:

What rites of passage have you gone through that you would like to honor?  

What fears are you ready to release and what new beginning are you stepping into?  Share with us in the comments.

I encourage you to create your own ritual, or join us in our Way of the Priestess program to create one with us there.

With love, Meredith

Sync with the moon

yoga and meditation-ancient wisdom-divine feminine

Since last Wednesday I have been sleeping outside in a tent watching as the moon grew full over the horizon.  I drove from my home in Sonoma County, CA up to Mount Shasta and to Oregon for a music festival.  (check out some photos from my travels here).  Sleeping outside on the land, watching the moon brighten to its fullness and start to wane again has made me think about the connection between our bodies and nature. You may notice you feel more social during the full moon and more introverted with the new moon.  The moon pulls the tides and can also sync with the woman's body during her menstrual cycle.  Traditionally, women would menstruate with the new moon and ovulate with the full moon.  The new moon energy of drawing inward would coincide with the woman's time to rest.  The energy of the full moon would energize the woman during ovulation and nature would optimize the conditions for her to find a mate.

Unfortunately, with so much artificial light both inside and outside our homes, many women have lost their connection to the moon.  So today, in honor of last weekend's full moon, I have a few tips for you to harmonize with nature and sync with the cycles of the moon.

4 tips to sync with the moon:

1. Sleep in total darkness during the new moon and allow light to come in through your window during the full moon

The body will attune to the moon the way women did in ancient times sleeping outside with the moonlight.  Make sure there are no digital lights in your room when you sleep and do your best to turn off all technology.  Leave your blinds open during the full moon so the moonlight can seep in.  Your body will begin to naturally sync your menstrual cycle with the cycles of the moon.

2. Rest during your menstrual cycle and save times of rigorous exercise, movement, dancing and socializing during ovulation

The menstrual cycle is a time to focus on intuition and listen to the body's subtle messages.  It is a great time for gentle yoga, journaling, and reflection.  During ovulation, the body will have much more energy to be social and active.  See if you can sync with your body's natural rhythm.  If you are not sure when you ovulate, count 14 days after the first day of your period.  Plus or minus 3 days of this time will most likely be when you ovulate.

3.  Eat foods to support your own moon cycle

Did you know certain foods are beneficial during the woman's menstrual cycle?  The best foods to integrate into your diet at this time are dark leafy greens, like dino kale, beets, and sea vegetables like kelp.  Try adding a few kelp leaves to the mix when you cook brown rice.  These nutrient dense foods will replenish the body during the depleting time of menstruation.

4.  Practice these restorative yoga poses during menstruation to relieve low back aches and menstrual cramps

This sequence of poses was adapted from the Iyengar moon cycle series for women.  The poses support the downward flow of energy during the woman's moon cycle.  I used this sequence just a few weeks ago during my own cycle when I woke up in the night with aches.  After twenty minutes, I felt relief and was able to fall back asleep.

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Have you ever thought about connecting to the moon?  Let me know what you think of these tips in the comments below.  Try out these poses the next time you're on your "moon" and let me know how it goes!

With love, Meredith


About the Author:

Meredith Rom is a women's leadership coach,  yoga teacher, and group facilitator.  She helps women tap into intuition and manifest their dreams through yoga, writing and retreats.