New Moon Solar Eclipse December 14, 2020: New Beginnings, Patience & Structure


Themes: New beginnings, Patience, Structure

On this New Moon total solar eclipse, we are being asked to lay the foundation for the year ahead. With Saturn's strong influence within one degree of Jupiter, as well as its 'swa' placement in sidereal Capricorn, we are able to wield the most beneficial qualities of Saturn: the energy of building, slowing down, taking our time, and tending to what has been forgotten.

Saturn asks us to be patient and to be willing to wait for the rewards. The energy of this planet delays, but never denies. While we may feel a drive towards activity, we will also probably feel the energy of Saturn's constraint.

Be patient during this time. Although our inner child may be ready to let go of the limitations and go out and "play," the wisdom of Saturn beckons us to clean out the closets, and finish the "hard work" that will allow more freedom on the other side.

While the season of winter and the upcoming solstice asks us to pause on our larger life dreams, when we slow down and trust in the process, we create more space to expand in the months to come.

Questions to Contemplate:

What have I been putting on the back burner?

What is asking for my attention?

How can I slow down?

Where do I need more support?

How can I tend to my emotions?

What will support me to be more fully present in this moment?


Read more astrological wisdom from some of my favorite sources below...

Western Astrology: New Moon in Sagittarius

On December 14-15, we have a Total New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius. Solar Eclipses are like potent New Moons and unlock a door to a new portal of energy.

There is so much fresh energy on offer for us under this Eclipse. It brings the promise of brand new beginnings, fresh starts, and the opportunity to set wheels into motion.

The strong, abundant energy flowing around this Eclipse may also bring some gifts and rewards our way. This will be extra amplified by Saturn, who a few days later on December 17, will leave Capricorn where it has been for the last 2.5 years, for the sign of Aquarius.

It is said that whenever Saturn leaves one zodiac sign for another, we are gifted and rewarded for all of the hard work we have achieved.

The energy of the Solar Eclipse has the power to amplify these gifts and rewards, so think about where you have felt most challenged and where you have done the most growth, and then stay open to any gifts and rewards that may be illuminated for you under this energy.

The Sagittarius Solar Eclipse falls at 23-24 degrees of Sagittarius, which is also just a couple of degrees shy of the Galactic Center.

The Galactic Center is believed to be the center of our Universe and sits at about 27 degrees of Sagittarius. This is a highly sensitive degree of the zodiac and indicates strong galactic activations.

Under the light of this Eclipse, we may notice our frequency lifted and our consciousness ascending. We may begin to become aware of growing pains or ascension symptoms. We may even find ourselves accessing the wisdom of our intuition, spirit guides, and higher self with greater ease.

The Universe is always offering things to us, but we have to be in an open state to notice and receive these offerings too.

The fastest way to get into a state of receiving is to shift our mindset, and the easiest way to do that is to focus on abundance, appreciation, and gratitude as often as we can.

When you shift out of complaining, wishing things were different, or self-limiting thinking, and open instead to abundance, you will open the door to not just seeing the offering of the bluebird, but all that you have to offer too.

Giving from the pureness of your heart is also another way to open to receiving. This time of year tends to bring out the spirit of giving anyway, but see if you can shift this to come from a more heart-centered place rather than a place of obligation.

The Sagittarius Solar Eclipse beckons us to rise up and observe the many blessings that have been hidden in the shadows. As we bring our blessings into the light, it also shines a spotlight on our relationship with the Universe.

The Universe is always listening and responding to us. Even during those dark times where it feels the Universe has not got our back, that is only because we have entered a chapter where we are strong enough to walk as One.

Embrace the season of your life, ground into this Solar Eclipse energy, and keep your heart and mind rooted in the miracle that you are.

Overall, the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse carries some of the brightest energy we have experienced all year.

Stay open to the light even though there may be darkness present too. Listen to your own inner voice and keep your heart pointed in the direction you wish to head.

~ Tanaaz


Vedic Astrology: New Moon in Scorpio

The last eclipse of 2020, this one a total solar eclipse, will take place on December 14th. Solar eclipses always coincide with the new Moon, where today’s new Moon will be at 11:16 AM EST, in sidereal Scorpio.

For those with significant planetary placements in sidereal Scorpio, such the Ascendant, Moon or Sun here, the effects of this eclipse are likely to be experienced more powerfully.

As an influence that amplifies human action for better or for worse, eclipses are inwardly transformative periods and ideal for intensified spiritual practices, worship and charitable giving.

This Total Solar Eclipse will be visible in the Southern Hemisphere, from Chile through some parts of Argentina. Some regions in southern South America, South-West Africa, and Antarctica will see a partial solar eclipse. This eclipse will start at 8:33 AM EST, and end at 1:53PM EST, and the moment of maximum eclipse will be at 11:13AM EST.

The chart of today’s New Moon will give an indication of the themes which are likely to color the next 30 days. In this chart, Saturn stands out, where its effects are deeply pervasive.

One reason Saturn is prominent is because of its transit within one degree of Jupiter. Here they enter into the too-close adverse association known as ‘planetary war’. These two planets rival for dominance and it is common belief that the planet in higher northern latitude becomes the victor. Here, the winner is Saturn. These two planets will be exactly conjunct on December 21, the day of the winter solstice....

Saturn is the planet of structure. At its best, Saturn’s containment may encourage a steady focus, where priorities and mature intentions are set, diversion falls away, and things of substance are created. Saturn’s slowed-down, introspective and simple nature may be ideal for giving importance to the things which will endure.

~ Tamiko Fischer