Will This Be the Year You Say ‘Yes’ to Your Calling?


I’ve been on the phone the last few weeks with amazing women joining us this year in the 10 month program, Way of the Priestess. 

On one call this beautiful woman was sharing about her self-doubt. How she knows there’s more to life than being a hairstylist (especially after COVID restrictions put that on hold), that she really longs to help people in a deep and meaningful way, but every time she tries to make a change, to prioritize something different, she doubts herself.

Self-critical voices come in, telling her she’s not enough, she doesn’t know enough, she’s not worthy of it, and on top of that, she just doesn’t know how to take the first step forward. 

She knows deep down her highest self is strong, powerful, embodied, independent. 

Her deepest desire is to have a platform to help women evolve. She longs to raise her vibration, the vibration of the planet and to create a ripple effect with every woman she comes into contact with.  She wishes to bring the consciousness of the divine feminine to more and more people.

But every time she looks in the mirror she can’t help but judge herself. 

She starts a project and then she stops in her tracks. Her fear and doubt stop her.

Then her kids need her, the emails need her, the laundry needs her. She lets life get in the way.

Do you ever put your callings on the back burner? 

What about your spiritual practice? 

But this year she’s decided it’s going to be different. this is the year she is deciding to make it a priority. This is the year she’s investing in community, in guidance, and support.

When we get stuck in fear, self-doubt and self-critical voices, it really helps to have guidance. To have community. 

To understand where these limiting beliefs and thoughts are coming from. 

Here are a few ways I’ll be supporting women to fulfill their callings this year:

Inner healing 

When we identify a pattern (for example, getting stuck in self-doubt or unworthiness) it really helps to identify the original wound. What memories from childhood are ready for healing? What subconscious core beliefs want to be healed? What past lives are we carrying where our power was taken away? When did we decide it’s not ok to shine? To be our most powerful and magical selves?

In Way of the Priestess, every woman receives private healing sessions throughout the program. In this space we can go deeper into healing these core wounds, unwinding the limiting beliefs, so each woman can feel confident taking her next steps forward. 


Sometimes we need our greatness reflected back to us. The kinds of communities I create are some of the most nurturing and encouraging I have ever been in. We listen to each other, we celebrate each other, we create a safe space to be seen. To share the fears and doubts, and to let them dissolve. 

Being in an age where so many of us are confined to our homes, having depth, intimacy and consistency in community, is invaluable. 

We’ll be meeting on zoom twice a month for 90 minutes… during this time I’ll be offering teachings, we’ll have time to connect and share our hearts with each other, we’ll sometimes have guest teachers. and sometimes we’ll be in ceremony together to honor the wheel of the year and high holy days. 


The laundry, the emails and the to do lists will continue to pile up. One of the most powerful ways I’ve had in my life to follow through on a spiritual practice, or taking a step forward towards my dreams is accountability.  When I tell someone I am going to do something, I follow through. Especially when there’s someone who will be checking in and asking about how it went! 

Having a guide, someone consistent in your life prioritizing your dreams and callings, brings them to the forefront of your life. Suddenly there are no more excuses. And if you do get stuck, we can explore why, and uncover and heal the beliefs that may be holding you back.


When it comes the the path of the Priestess, sometimes it’s just about wanting to learn and know more.

Every month in the program includes a priestess practice, an ascended master guide, a ritual, new and full moon wisdom, a new facilitation skill and an initiation gateway, or theme to be exploring that month. 

By the end of the program you’ll have what you need to host your own women’s circles, to facilitate a rite of passage for those you love, and you’ll write your vows as a priestess. You’ll get to practice your facilitation, and be witnessed in crossing a threshold, stepping into life as your highest self in our closing ceremony.

This program is an invitation to bring your spiritual growth and your desire to serve, to create something more with your life, to the forefront. 

No more putting your dreams on the back burner. It’s time to say yes to that deeper calling. The essence of what your soul came here for. 

If you feel like you would benefit from community, guidance and support this year, I invite you to join us. 

Book a call to learn more.

With love, 


P.S. To learn more about the Priestess Path, read my article, “Seven Signs You’re a Modern Day Priestess”