
The High Priestess: Tarot Mystic Guide


The Tarot, with its enigmatic symbols and archetypal imagery, serves as a profound tool for self-discovery and guidance. Among the traditional tarot deck's powerful cards, the High Priestess stands as a mystic guide, inviting us to delve into the realms of intuition, mystery, and the unconscious. In this exploration, we unravel the secrets behind the High Priestess tarot card and discover how its wisdom can be applied to enhance our lives.

The High Priestess Card: A Symbolic Journey

Represented by card number II in the Tarot's Major Arcana, the High Priestess is a symbol of deep intuition, spiritual insight, and the mysteries that lie beneath the surface. In most decks, she is depicted as a serene figure seated between two pillars, holding a scroll in her lap, adorned with the lunar crescent at her feet.

Key Symbolism:

  1. Dual Pillars: The pillars behind the High Priestess represent duality - light and darkness, masculine and feminine, conscious and unconscious. She stands as the bridge between these opposing forces, guiding us to find balance in our lives.

  2. Scroll: The scroll she holds signifies esoteric knowledge and hidden wisdom. It emphasizes the importance of turning inward and trusting our inner guidance, relying on the wisdom we carry within.

  3. Lunar Crescent: Positioned at her feet, the crescent moon symbolizes the cyclical nature of life, intuition, and the ever-changing aspects of the unconscious mind. The High Priestess is closely aligned with the lunar energy, emphasizing the power of receptivity and intuition.

Applying the High Priestess Wisdom to Our Lives:

Trust Your Intuition

The High Priestess encourages us to listen to our inner voice and trust our instincts. In a world filled with external noise, tapping into our intuition becomes a powerful tool for making authentic decisions aligned with our true selves.

Embrace the Unknown

Much like the mysteries shrouded in the High Priestess's scroll, life is filled with uncertainties. Embrace the unknown with a sense of curiosity and openness. The High Priestess teaches us that, within the mystery, there is potential for growth, transformation, and deeper self-awareness.

Cultivate Balance

The dual pillars behind the High Priestess symbolize the importance of finding balance in our lives. Whether it's balancing work and personal life or navigating the realms of light and shadow within ourselves, the High Priestess guides us to seek equilibrium.

Explore Your Spiritual Path

The High Priestess is a symbol of spiritual wisdom and connection. This card encourages us to explore our spiritual path, connect with our inner selves, and dive into the depths of our subconscious. It's a reminder that our spiritual journey is unique and deeply personal.

Honor Your Feminine Energy

In many tarot decks, the High Priestess embodies the feminine divine. Embrace and honor your feminine energy, recognizing its power, intuition, and nurturing qualities. The High Priestess encourages us to connect with the receptive, intuitive aspects of ourselves.

The High Priestess in tarot beckons us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, intuition, and spiritual growth. As we integrate the wisdom of this powerful card into our lives, we find a compass pointing us toward balance, trust, and a deeper connection with the mysteries that shape our existence. Embrace the guidance of the High Priestess and unlock the hidden realms within, for in the stillness of intuition, we discover the profound truths that guide us on our unique life path.


Join us for the Rising Women Leaders Way of the Priestess Program


Embracing the Sacred Darkness: Winter Solstice Ritual for Priestess Healing and Divine Feminine Wisdom


As the Winter Solstice graces the Northern Hemisphere, we stand at the threshold of the longest night, a time of deep introspection and reverence for the sacred darkness. In the ancient tapestry of traditions, Winter Solstice (around December 20-23) is not just a celestial event but a spiritual journey, inviting us to slow down, turn within, and embrace the wisdom held in the quiet depths of the season.

Honoring the Seasonal Shift:

In ancestral times, people gathered around the Yule log, lighting ritual fires to beckon the return of the sun. It's a season of patience, akin to an expectant mother awaiting to confirm the presence of life within.

“The holiday of Winter Solstice celebrates the presence of spirit and the power of faith that our visions of the future will come into manifestation. All we can do in the middle of winter is pray and hope the light will return. Winter Solstice is not about having the light. It is about carrying hope and trust while moving toward a vision that we will work to make a reality.

This time invites us to slow down, even when our culture tells us to speed up, go shopping and get everything ready for the holidays. It is a time to turn within to the wise old self present in every woman. She lives on the edge of spirit, able to access this world and the next. She is the one who is already holding the future. Dreaming is Her power and she patiently waits in the dark with wisdom and guidance.

This is a time of trust - that the flowers will eventually return, and a time to celebrate the dark, where the inner life is honored and nurtured.” ~ Ruth Barrett

Reclaiming the Feminine and the Dark:

As we reclaim the feminine in our culture we are also re-patterning our relationship to the dark. On this darkest day of the year may we all receive the nourishment, love, and safety inherent in the darkness. May we honor the coming of the light without bypassing the gifts the darkness holds for us - the gifts inherent in our challenges, in our deepest feelings, in the unknown and within the darkness of our womb. 

On this Solstice, may we remember the power in the darkness. May we welcome the light. Let us take this time to go inwards.

Questions for Journaling:

  • What am I visioning and hoping for?

  • What dreams do I carry for the year ahead?

  • How can I step into greater trust with life?

  • Who is my wise old self, and what wisdom does she have for me?

Winter Solstice Ritual:

  1. Gather 8 candles and your favorite tarot decks.

  2. Clear a safe space to create a circle of candles around you.

  3. Invoke your guides, angels, and protectors to be present.

  4. Light each candle, one by one, in honor of the 8 high holy days of the year.

  5. Extinguish each candle, starting with Imbolc, reflecting on the past year at each high holy day.

  6. Pause in the darkness. Reflect on your present moment at the Winter Solstice. What gifts and wisdom does the darkness hold?

  7. Light a candle, one at a time for the year ahead, pulling a tarot card for each. Allow the experience to be intuitive and reflective.

  8. Invoke the return of light, speaking prayers or intentions.

  9. Close the ceremony in a way that feels right for you, perhaps with "By the power of three, a holy trinity, it is done," or singing three oms.

As we stand in the embrace of the Winter Solstice, may we find solace in the sacred darkness and wisdom in the introspective journey it offers. By slowing down, turning within, and embracing the gifts of the unknown, we can navigate the coming year with grace and intuition.

Let this Winter Solstice be a celebration of the divine feminine, a time of healing, and a reminder that in the sacred darkness, we find the seeds of our deepest wisdom and growth.


Embracing the Divine Feminine: Spring Equinox Sisterhood Event Ideas for Rebirth and Renewal


As the vibrant energy of the Spring Equinox sweeps in (around March 19-21 each year in the Northern Hemisphere), we honor the balance of day and night and find ourselves standing on the threshold of renewal and rebirth.

This time of year, also called Ostara, is when the air is charged with the promise of new beginnings, making it the perfect time to gather with sisters and celebrate the divine feminine. I wanted to bring together some of my favorite sisterhood event ideas inspired by the wisdom of Ruth Barrett, author of Women’s Rites, Women’s Rituals: Intuitive Ritual Creation. This is a time where we will focus on the themes of balance, empowerment, and the awakening of the maiden goddess within.

Prepare your spirit for the wild dance about to begin with the rise of the mating season and the call of your dreams. All of life is bursting with fertile energy: birds singing, eggs hatching, spring flowers blossoming and Spirit ready to run free again after the contractions of the colder months. Consider how you are cracking open out of your shell and ready to spread your wings into new territory. Be ready for a bold leap and actively co-create with the Universe to bring your dreams manifest. Unite the opposites, especially Fire & Water, which is the fusion of Spirit & Fertility. Ostara initiates a time of empowerment where you are encouraged to take more risks, be more wild, believe in your dreams, and make things happen with your wild freedom and full abandon. ~ Ruth Barrett

Journaling Questions for Self-Exploration:

  • What wisdom am I bringing from the dark of winter?

  • What am I leaving behind?

  • Who am I becoming?

  • What is awakening in me now?

  • What seeds am I planting?

  • What am I transforming?

  • What is my intention for this new season?

    Meditation and Ritual Ideas for the Season of Emergence

  1. Make flower crowns. All you’ll need is some wire and lots of flowers

  2. Create an “Angel Wash” where women stand on either side of a “birth canal” and sing as each woman steps through the threshold to be witnessed, caressed, and celebrated

  3. Cover yourselves with a dark cloth, then emerge into colorful, open spaces symbolizing the transition from winter's darkness to spring's vibrancy

  4. Dance and sing, celebrate the interconnectedness of sisterhood

  5. Paint and decorate eggs as symbols of fertility and new beginnings

  6. Share garden ideas, or start planting a garden together to honor the Earth's cycles of growth and transformation

  7. Honor the connection between mothers and daughters, acknowledging the generational ties of strength and resilience, invite mothers and daughters into the center of a circle to be sung to

  8. Create a symbolic hatching ritual, simulating the breaking through a seed's shell casing under the weight of the earth

  9. Bake a birthday cake to celebrate the birth of spring and the renewal of life

  10. Share or read stories about courageous young girls, inspiring empowerment and resilience

  11. Dance and move in a circle formation to honor the cycle of rebirth and return, fostering a sense of unity and connection

  12. Find creative ways to remember and honor the young girl within yourself and others. Host a sharing circle where women can share about their first menstrual cycle, or how they felt becoming a woman. Listen and honor each others stories of youth

  13. Spend time with a young girl or group of girls, nurturing the seeds of strength and wisdom, especially sharing education about women’s cycles and fertility

As the wheel of the year turns and the Spring Equinox ushers in a season of growth and renewal, may more and more women gather in sisterhood to honor the Priestess within. Through reflection, meditation, and shared rituals, we can honor the divine feminine within and around us, embracing the empowerment and balance this season offers. May our celebrations be filled with joy, connection, and the sweet promise of new beginnings.


121 | Client Story: Healing After Heartbreak & Discovering a Life Full of Beauty with Mama Jenn

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Announcement: Enrollment is now open for the 2021-2022 Way of the Priestess Training Program with Meredith Rom. We begin June 10, 2021. Download the program guide at and book a call to learn more.

It’s an honor to welcome Mama Jenn to our podcast episode today! Jenn has been a client and participant in this past year’s Way of the Priestess program. She shares her story of healing her heart after a difficult break up, rediscovering her connection to Source and finding her gifts as an intuitive guide and reiki healer.

We also talk more about her experience in the program, connection with the other women, finding her voice and shifting her relationship to how she loves, honors and nourishes herself.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Jenn’s story of healing after heartbreak and finding her gifts and purpose as a healer

  • Jenn’s experience participating in the Way of the Priestess Program

  • Connecting with female archetypes

  • Deepening our connection to Source

  • Choosing love, ourselves, and self-care amidst challenges

  • Listening to the wisdom of our bodies

  • Connecting more deeply with the plant world

Stay in Touch with Jennifer:

Stay in Touch with Rising Women Leaders:


Jennifer Segovia is a massage therapist, holistic health and energy medicine practioner, who supports women on their healing journey. She empowers women to return to their own creative life and the embodiment of their true power. Her purpose is to remind women of their connection to their innate feminine nature. She uses various holistic approaches such as Reiki, Shamanism, Chinese medicine, Chakra therapy, Crystal therapy, Women’s Spirituality, breathwork, meditation and other intuitive modalities. 

 Her creative process is an act of loving devotion to the divine. She lives courageously as she answers to the call of her own wild song… and by sharing her own story she encourages others to listen for theirs.

 Blending compassion and a loving spirit, she offers her work as a medium to create, healing and awaken the heart and soul of humanity.

She currently lives in Aledo, Texas and offers soul sessions, private coaching, online Reiki certification programs, retreats, workshops, and women's circles.   


Will This Be the Year You Say ‘Yes’ to Your Calling?


I’ve been on the phone the last few weeks with amazing women joining us this year in the 10 month program, Way of the Priestess. 

On one call this beautiful woman was sharing about her self-doubt. How she knows there’s more to life than being a hairstylist (especially after COVID restrictions put that on hold), that she really longs to help people in a deep and meaningful way, but every time she tries to make a change, to prioritize something different, she doubts herself.

Self-critical voices come in, telling her she’s not enough, she doesn’t know enough, she’s not worthy of it, and on top of that, she just doesn’t know how to take the first step forward. 

She knows deep down her highest self is strong, powerful, embodied, independent. 

Her deepest desire is to have a platform to help women evolve. She longs to raise her vibration, the vibration of the planet and to create a ripple effect with every woman she comes into contact with.  She wishes to bring the consciousness of the divine feminine to more and more people.

But every time she looks in the mirror she can’t help but judge herself. 

She starts a project and then she stops in her tracks. Her fear and doubt stop her.

Then her kids need her, the emails need her, the laundry needs her. She lets life get in the way.

Do you ever put your callings on the back burner? 

What about your spiritual practice? 

But this year she’s decided it’s going to be different. this is the year she is deciding to make it a priority. This is the year she’s investing in community, in guidance, and support.

When we get stuck in fear, self-doubt and self-critical voices, it really helps to have guidance. To have community. 

To understand where these limiting beliefs and thoughts are coming from. 

Here are a few ways I’ll be supporting women to fulfill their callings this year:

Inner healing 

When we identify a pattern (for example, getting stuck in self-doubt or unworthiness) it really helps to identify the original wound. What memories from childhood are ready for healing? What subconscious core beliefs want to be healed? What past lives are we carrying where our power was taken away? When did we decide it’s not ok to shine? To be our most powerful and magical selves?

In Way of the Priestess, every woman receives private healing sessions throughout the program. In this space we can go deeper into healing these core wounds, unwinding the limiting beliefs, so each woman can feel confident taking her next steps forward. 


Sometimes we need our greatness reflected back to us. The kinds of communities I create are some of the most nurturing and encouraging I have ever been in. We listen to each other, we celebrate each other, we create a safe space to be seen. To share the fears and doubts, and to let them dissolve. 

Being in an age where so many of us are confined to our homes, having depth, intimacy and consistency in community, is invaluable. 

We’ll be meeting on zoom twice a month for 90 minutes… during this time I’ll be offering teachings, we’ll have time to connect and share our hearts with each other, we’ll sometimes have guest teachers. and sometimes we’ll be in ceremony together to honor the wheel of the year and high holy days. 


The laundry, the emails and the to do lists will continue to pile up. One of the most powerful ways I’ve had in my life to follow through on a spiritual practice, or taking a step forward towards my dreams is accountability.  When I tell someone I am going to do something, I follow through. Especially when there’s someone who will be checking in and asking about how it went! 

Having a guide, someone consistent in your life prioritizing your dreams and callings, brings them to the forefront of your life. Suddenly there are no more excuses. And if you do get stuck, we can explore why, and uncover and heal the beliefs that may be holding you back.


When it comes the the path of the Priestess, sometimes it’s just about wanting to learn and know more.

Every month in the program includes a priestess practice, an ascended master guide, a ritual, new and full moon wisdom, a new facilitation skill and an initiation gateway, or theme to be exploring that month. 

By the end of the program you’ll have what you need to host your own women’s circles, to facilitate a rite of passage for those you love, and you’ll write your vows as a priestess. You’ll get to practice your facilitation, and be witnessed in crossing a threshold, stepping into life as your highest self in our closing ceremony.

This program is an invitation to bring your spiritual growth and your desire to serve, to create something more with your life, to the forefront. 

No more putting your dreams on the back burner. It’s time to say yes to that deeper calling. The essence of what your soul came here for. 

If you feel like you would benefit from community, guidance and support this year, I invite you to join us. 

Book a call to learn more.

With love, 


P.S. To learn more about the Priestess Path, read my article, “Seven Signs You’re a Modern Day Priestess”


114 | The Role of the Priestess in the Modern Age with Meredith Rom

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Enrollment is now open for the 2020-2021 Way of the Priestess Training Program with Meredith Rom. Download the program guide at and book a call to learn more.

This episode is an excerpt from our recent webinar, The Role of the Priestess in the Modern Age. Sign up to watch the whole replay here.

In this episode you’ll learn about:

  • The archetype of the priestess and why this role is so needed at this time

  • 6 spiritual tools for times of rapid acceleration and ascension

  • Practices to clear and heal the 5 core wounds of the priestess

  • Pillars of the priestess path + how to activate your soul gifts for world change

  • You’ll also get an inside look at the Way of the Priestess Training Program

Links in this Episode:

Stay in Touch with Rising Women Leaders:

Meredith Rom is a yoga teacher, author, women’s leadership coach and host of the Rising Women Leaders podcast. She supports women to heal past wounds and release limiting beliefs to fully embrace their greatest gifts and soul callings. Her mission is to see women shining at their brightest, owning their worth and using their voice to be a beacon of light for others to awaken in this world.

After graduating from NYU she followed her intuition to Northern California where she now teaches yoga and mentors women to rise in courage, self-love and feminine leadership.  

Learn more at and on instagram @risingwomenleaders.


102 | Mysteries of the Womb, the Rose & the Holy Grail with Shona Keeli Rose



Have you been yearning to honor your divine feminine essence? The power of your womb? The blessing of your heart?

Our latest podcast episode is full with feminine mystery. I sat down with Shona Keeli Rose of the Rose Lineage Mystery School to hear her powerful story of healing her womb, and remembering her path as a Priestess and Womb oracle in preparation of this time of global awakening.

We also talk about the path of becoming a mother, conception, pregnancy and birth as a sacred path of service, and how we can honor the path of the Priestess in times of great change.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Shona’s journey healing cervical cancer and receiving direct guidance on how to heal her womb

  • The journey of pregnancy and birth (she is now pregnant with her second child)

  • The power of the rose and the what the rose lineage is

  • Mary Magdalene and The Trinity of the Holy Grail 

  • The invitation of the Priestess in these times

  • Embracing our sexuality and womb wisdom


Stay in Touch with Shona & The Rose Lineage:


Shona Keeli Rose is the founder The Rose Lineage Mystery School, A Mystery School for The Venusian Rose Temple Arts; She is a Mother Priestess, Rose Empress Initiator, and Gifted Womb Oracle.

Shona is present in this time of awakening to support the budding, blossoming, and blooming of the divine feminine expression and exploration of the inner power through The Trinity of the Holy Grail. The sacred heart, the holy womb center, and the yoni ( vagina ) – these three spaces are the birthplace of all creation, and they carry the most pristine untapped erotic energy available to women. By supporting women to remember how to practice and embody supreme self-love,  thus opening the temple gates for a magical manifestation of the most pleasurable and authentic life.

She is here to support women awaken to the throne of their inner Queendom. Shona is a light bearer and energetic midwife to the wave of Rose Consciousness, that The Sophia Christ healing is bringing back to the planet at this time.  Holding an impeccable space for exquisite hands-on healings, supporting women to surrender into self-love, and revelation, she assists the rebirthing of women ready to become a natural authority of their body wisdom to access their fullest, creative and magnetic potential. Her wisdom is drawn from ancient womb religions and practices spanning thousands of years including Lemurian, Gnostic, Egyptian, Mayan, and Tantric traditions.

Priestess Definition | What it Means to be A High Priestess


I’ve been connecting with more and more women feeling the call of the Priestess and High Priestess path. So many of us are awakening to our true nature, and feel a deep desire to give back and contribute in the world, especially now when it feels like everything is falling apart.

So what is a Priestess? What is her role? What does a Priestess do? And what is a High Priestess?

A Priestess is here first and foremost to serve. She brings the formless into form through deep listening and communion with the divine.

She is here to raise the collective consciousness and to contribute in her own unique way, becoming a frequency of divine love.

She is here to anchor the frequency of the divine feminine, to restore balance on our planet and support ascension through with an energetic shift.

The difference between a Priestess and a High Priestess is one who has walked the path long enough to have gained deep experience and knowledge in service, ritual facilitation and leadership skills.

In ancient times the High Priestesses were often born into royal families in places such as Crete, Egypt and Anatolia (Consider reading the book Initiation written by an ancient Egyptian High Priestess). The rituals they performed ensured fertility and prosperity for the villages. They were prepared for their role since childhood and were educated for religious roles and duties.

In modern times the noun “Priestess” is the title of a woman who has studied and trained, and has gained experience as a spiritual leader, spreading the knowledge of the spiritual teachings she has learned and embodied.

She teaches from her direct experience and the journey itself of becoming a Priestess has shaped her and prepared her for this role.

Here are six pillars to explore the essential role of the Priestess in modern times.

She Restores Balance of the Sacred Feminine 

Our culture has been out of balance for a long time. Pushing, forcing, accomplishing, doing, and at what cost?

Taking resources from Mother Earth, cutting down the forests, pushing beyond our our Earth’s limits for selfish economic gain. This has been the reality we have been living in for so long, and on top of this, so many of us carry this conditioning of the patriarchy within ourselves.

How often have you pushed yourself when you really needed to rest? How often do you find yourself talking negatively to yourself, or your body?

We can begin to heal the imbalance in the world by starting with our own bodies. What would it look like for you to love yourself. To slow down and nurture your body. To listen to your intuition. To surrender and allow. To listen to the heart, rather than the head.

The heart has always been meant to be the motherboard of our human experience. 

The brain is meant to be in service to the heart. 

But in our backward reality the brain has been in charge of our human experience, and we have cut ourselves off from our heart and emotions. This of course, leads to havoc and chaos because the brain is inherently NOT connected to source. 

This creates a disconnection from guidance and truth in our society. The brain/the head, the masculine was never supposed to be running the show on our human experience.

We are here to midwife a new paradigm where the sacred feminine exists in unity with the masculine. Where we listen to our bodies, our hearts, our wombs, and the whispers of Mother Earth.

How do we activate this role?

The Role of the Priestess is much more about BEING rather than DOING.

We activate this role as a Priestess by deeply listening. By showing up to our meditation seat. By being with our breath. By listening to our dreams. By taking care of our bodies, raising our vibration with food, and by slowing down.

So where have you been pushing yourself? and What would it look like to soften and follow your own natural rhythms and cycles?

Turns the Formless into Form

When we are tuned in, taking care of ourselves and deeply listening, we receive messages.  These messages may come in meditation, or in yoga class, or on a run, or any other activity when we get out of our head and into our bodies.

Our intuition lives inside our bodies.

And when we receive these messages, these quiet whispers, then it is our responsibility to ACT on those ideas.

As modern women on the Priestess path, our primary role is to become a channel, a chalice for the experience of God or the Goddess and create sacred space where others can also connect to God/Goddess as well.

To be a Priestess is to be a conduit for the formless to come into form. 

Many of us get stuck here with receiving the message and let the creativity go to waste. We put emails, laundry, and everything else on the to-do list first. Or we feel fear or self-doubt, and put it off.

What is your heart longing for? 

What messages and guidance are you receiving now?

So how do we activate this role of the Priestess?

We activate this role by saying YES to our intuitive guidance. By listening to the messages and by taking action. By stepping into what we feel is our dharma and our life purpose.

We step into this role when we let go of our fear or failure and are willing to give life to the divine messages we receive. When we remember, “Failure is actually a success, because we tried…” we are able to move ahead with taking action on the messages we receive in our dreams, and most often we won’t even fail!

In order to take clear and authentic action, it is so helpful to receive continued support and encouragement. I create accountability and sisterhood in my Priestess Initiation program and 1:1 coaching programs. I am also trained in EFT Tapping to help my clients release fear and limiting beliefs on a somatic level.

Emotional Healing 

Many women who came here for real, powerful change have had some kind of trauma in their life. 

Difficult experiences + pain actually help us to become deeply compassionate.

When we fully FEEL and move through our pain we are able to find our greatest gifts as well as our passion and power.

In activating this role we look at:

Where am I holding trauma? What limiting core beliefs do I have?

Whom do I need to forgive? Where am I holding resentment? 

How am I being a victim to my circumstances?

For the last several years I’ve been supporting women to heal the womb — trauma around physical abuse, sexual abuse, boundary violations, not feeling like you have a voice or that what you have to say matters.

I’ve supported hundreds of women in this work and it’s been incredible to see them heal this trauma to more fully activate their soul gifts and power 

Client Story

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“Meredith created a calm, safe, and compassionate space. I immediately felt comfortable opening up to her despite having just met her.

Her presence is so warm and calming and you can truly feel that she knows her stuff and possesses a ton of non-judgemental compassion.

When I reached out to work with Meredith, I was struggling with creative blocks. I had done enough inner work to know that something deep in my emotional body was holding me back from finishing creative projects and having the self-confidence to move forward in my life and career.

Again, feeling completely comfortable in my vulnerability with Meredith, she led me through a Womb Healing session and we dislodged some deep, old, childhood wounds. The healing Meredith guided me through had to do with healing shame around my sexuality and ability to trust myself. It was very intense but I felt incredibly loved and held the entire time. Afterward, some very interesting realizations surfaced and I began to look at my life in a different light. I truly believe my work with Meredith helped me to get clear on my creative goals.

I began writing a memoir AND finally, after two years, officially launched my website. If you have the opportunity to work with Meredith, you will absolutely not regret it. She is a true goddess.”

~ Stephanie Attenni, Los Angeles, CA

Read more client stories here

She Creates Ritual 

Rituals infuse magic, intention and sacredness into our daily lives. A ritual can turn a mundane act done without awareness into a sacred act with clarity and purpose.

Slowing down to say a blessing before a meal changes the experience. Meditation, singing, or lighting a candle imbues a moment of peace and serenity into a busy day.

Ritual can also be a healing space where women come together to honor a specific purpose. These rituals may honor transitions, letting go, grieving, the lunar cycle or the change of seasons. Participating in ritual has been one of the most healing ways to mark a big transition in my life.

Ritual has provided a space for me to be fully seen, acknowledged and supported by my sisters. After participating in ritual, I feel more confident and courageous to share myself with the world.

How do we activate this role?

We activate this role by tuning into our inner guidance, and creating a sacred ritual in honor of a transition in life. We honor this role by creating the community we long for, and by bringing women together in women’s circles.

We honor this role when we release jealousy and comparison and deepen our connection in sisterhood.

Witnesses + Creates Beauty 

Many Priestesses feel a special connection to Venus, which is all about beauty, art, fertility, music, the energy of the feminine. If you feel drawn to creating beauty and sacred space - in a home, in a garden, in creating flower mandalas, or art, you are also holding the role of a Priestess.

Creating beauty is a valid form of contribution in the world.

Beauty brings us into our heart.

Being with Mother Earth, falling in love with her, and witnessing her beauty calls us into right action and choices. It calls us into creating opportunities to share that beauty with others, and begins a ripple effect of change.

Witnessing the beauty of Mother Earth, and forming a relationship with her calls us into our desire to protect her.

How do we activate this role?

We step into this role by surrounding ourselves with beauty. By creating beauty around us always. By practicing the Beauty way, we leave a space even more beautiful than we found it.

Sacred Activism 

The Priestess is often deeply affected by the state of the world around her. She sees injustice and is called to support and activate change.

In sacred activism we ask, “What breaks my heart most about what is happening in the world?”

“How can I use my unique gifts and talents to implement change and restore balance?”

In my Priestess Initiation program we also explore our privilege, and offer partial scholarships to women of color.

Think of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua and the healing work they did for people of all classes and backgrounds. When we open our eyes to the injustice in the world and educate ourselves we are able to take steps to create systemic change.

How do we activate this role?

We activate this pillar by educating ourselves. By engaging in conversations. By contemplating our privilege. By speaking up when we see injustice. By releasing shame and victimhood. By asking the deeper questions, “How we can create a deeper ripple effect of change in our work?” 

To learn more about the Priestess path, read our article, Seven Signs You’re a Modern Day Priestess.

You can also sign up on our waitlist to be the first to know when we open the doors to our Priestess Initiation Program.

In the meantime, I’d love to hear in the comments, which pillars do you resonate most with? and what does the Priestess path look like for you?


Five Core Wounds of the Priestess & How to Heal Them with Meredith Rom



*Enrollment is Open for the Rising Women Leaders Priestess Initiation

While I was preparing for my recent webinar, The Role of the Priestess in the Modern Age, it became clear to me that there were 5 core wounds that have consistently held back the women I’ve worked with from activating their soul gifts and creating world change.

This conversation was originally aired on the Vital Mother Podcast with Jillian Anderson.

What came through in our conversation felt so powerful that I wanted it to reach more women and decided to share it with you today on Rising Women Leaders.

In this episode we discuss:

  • How Jillian and I met

  • The importance of not giving an F or shrinking to keep others comfortable

  • What is a Priestess? What does it mean to be a Priestess?

  • The 5 Wounds of the Priestess and how they may be affecting how you’re showing up to and for your calling

  • What EFT is, and why it’s effective at healing unresolved trauma

  • How to navigate the fear of being seen, the fear of being judged, and more!

  • A gift I received from my motherline

Enrollment is now open for the Rising Women Leaders Priestess Initiation

5 Core Wounds of the Priestess

The Fear of Being Seen

For many women, the fear of being seen lives in our cells, in our DNA, from our ancestry and from past lives when it literally was not safe for women to be seen as powerful.

From the witch hunts across Europe, to the days of Jesus and Mary Magdalene for women of the past who were healers, natural born leaders, or those who chose to speak up for change, there was a very real threat of being stoned or killed.

In the past, it was not safe for women to shine their light, to be powerful, or to speak up.

Even though for many of us now, it is safe to share our voices, this wound can activate any time we try to public speak, record a video, make a post on social media, or be seen in the public eye.

So how do we heal it? I’ve found again and again, for this wound, the healing balm is sisterhood.

To have women in your life who have your back, to feel the support of your sisters behind you, really makes a woman feel safe to take a step forward. Because then, even if she fails, she will have a team of sisters ready to love her, support her and encourage her to stand back up and try again.

The Fear of Being Judged 

There’s a lot of stigma around the word Priestess, I even felt a visceral fear before sharing publicly that I was one.

Being a healer, being different, or even just being spiritual can often feel ostracizing.

Whenever someone stands out against the social norm, there is the fear of being judged, and losing love from others.

Think back to what it was like in high school, that deep desire to want to fit in, to conform to a mold, it’s very painful to be different and go against status quo. 

The healing balm for this wound: to call upon the fiery goddesses of Kali and Sekhmet.

When we activate our energy of fire, cut away what is not serving and create strong boundaries, we are able to care less about what others think of us.

It also helps to ask, “What’s really more important to me?” When we feel deeply connected to our dharma and mission, it’s so much easier to stay clear and focused on our goal.

Isolation & Feeling Alone

Another wound so many women who feel called to the Priestess Path carry is the fear of being alone.

The feminine is collaborative. It is all about community, and working together. And look what has happened in our modern society - so many of us are alone in our homes, working to further our own individual goals rather than working towards a greater good of the whole.

But we are meant to be together. To work together. It can feel so painful doing it on our own that we don’t even take a step forward.

The healing balm for this one of course, is community. 

In the Rising Women Leaders Priestess Initiation I’ll be guiding each of the women to begin women’s circles in their communities. We’ll also be joining together in likeminded community support online over ten months, and then together in person for our closing retreat.

We need more safe spaces and community for women to be joining together, and sometimes we need support in order to make it happen!

Feeling Unworthy or “Not Enough”

This is literally what the patriarchy and capitalist society wants you to feel in order to sell you things. 

When we feel unworthy or not enough, we most certainly won’t be able to believe in our power. We most certainly won’t feel that our voice matters enough to speak up and create change in the world.

Recently I got a text from a dear sister sharing photos of a speaking engagement she did about climate change. However, after sending the photos, before I could even celebrate her accomplishment she said, “I shouldn’t have worn that, I look fat.”

We have been so indoctrinated to feel bad about our bodies. To feel unworthy. To feel “not enough”

Think about how much of an energy drain that is.

What if we devoted even a sliver of the energy we spend feeling bad about our bodies to meditation, service or activism…?

How much do you think we would be able to shift? 

Society telling us we are unworthy or not enough is just another way to hold back the feminine, suppress our voices, and make us feel small.

Do you want to play into that old story?

To heal this old story it’s helpful to let the voices come to light in a safe space, where you can have your greatness reflected back to you from a friend, mentor or guide.

It’s also so helpful to rewire core beliefs around unworthiness with Tapping/ EFT, something I share in my work with my clients.

Being Too Highly Sensitive

In truth, being highly sensitive is a superpower.

But the shadow side of it causes us to feel stuck, stay in bed, and maybe not be able to move forward at all. For many being highly sensitive can feel like a wound, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Feel it all. Feel the grief of the world, but don’t wallow in it. Then it becomes self-absorbed. When we shift our focus from being so much on ourselves and our grief, we can take action on what really matters to us.

It also helps to know how to create energetic boundaries.

Grounding Cord:

To begin, imagine sending a grounding cord from your root or sacral chakra down to the center of the Earth. Notice the color, the texture. Imagine the grounding Earth energy helping you feel more anchored.

You can send anyone else’s energy you may have picked up down the grounding cord, imagine the hot, molten core of the Earth transmute the energy immediately.

Golden Egg Meditation For Cleansing Your Aura:

From the top of your head, imagine a golden stream of light down the front of your body and up the back of your body. Imagine it continuing to cycle. Then from the top of your head imagine a golden stream of light down the back of your body and up the front. Do this again for moving down the right side and up the left. And then from the head down the left and up around the right. Notice if you feel any places that have been compromised.

Then send a golden stream of light from your heart around the right side of your body, to the left. And again from the left to the right. Now imagine these golden streams expanding and merging with each other until you are completely contained within a golden egg.

Imagine a golden rain shower over your whole aura to cleanse it.

For Boundaries:

After completing the golden egg meditation, imagine a royal blue color surrounding your golden egg. Royal blue is the color of protection and boundaries. You can then place a violet flame around the royal blue, and declare out loud that any negative energies that are not yours will be instantly transmuted in the violet flame.

A more quick clearing exercise I use often is below:

Simple, Quick Clearing:  Repeat this out loud, “When I take 3 deep breaths and clap my hands 3 times I declare any energy that’s not mine will leave me, any energy that is mine, that I may have lost will return to me.” Then take your deep breaths and clap your hands 3 times.

Feeling the call of the Priestess?

Rising Women Leaders Priestess Initiation

If any of these “core wounds” resonate with you, we’d love to hear in the comments below.


094 | Shakti, Devotion & Tantra with Halo Seronko



*Enrollment is Now Open for the Rising Women Leaders Priestess Initiation ~ we begin March 11, 2020 and there are still a few spots left in the Wild Heart Retreat on the Big Island of Hawaii, April 17 - 22, 2020. We hope you can join us!

Since having this conversation with Halo I have shown up first thing in the morning to my meditation seat for 20 minutes a day. Something about her presence, devotion and knowledge of Taoism and Tantra reinspired me into a consistent daily practice. (Thank you Halo!!)

In this conversation we discussed feminine and masculine polarity, as well as how to harness those energies for greater balance, ease and grace. When we set in place a structure (the masculine), our more feminine qualities can be more fully expressed... This conversation is full of gems, especially if you wish to deepen on a devotional path.

In this episode we discussed:

  • How Halo was led to the path of Taoism and Temple Dance

  • What is Tantra? And how does it apply to our Modern World

  • Halo’s Daily Sadhana

  • Devotion & Discipline and the Value of Both

  • The Role of the Priestess

  • How to Activate Your Inner King and Queen 

  • Halo’s upcoming India retreat and online programs

Stay in Touch with Halo:


Halo Seronko is the founder and lead instructor of the international and online school Shakti Temple Arts; a school with the mission to re-awaken the feminine traditions of spiritual pursuit such as Temple Dance, Classical Tantra Yoga and the Taoist Feminine Arts.

Living between the holy land of India and the USA for the past 10 years, Halo has been bridging the worlds by bringing ancient traditions of Shakti embodiment to the West. While in India she studies Classical Indian Temple Dance, Tantra, Yoga and goes on extensive pilgrimages to sacred sites of the Goddess. The mysteries of the feminine and of the womb have been her guiding lights upon her quest for deeper and deeper embodied understanding of the Goddess, and thus she has been diving deep into ancient practices of Shakti cultivation from various traditions for the past decade.

Shakti Temple Arts is Halo’s offering to the rise of the Divine Feminine. Through time tested lineages of embodiment, consciousness, health and beauty practices, Shakti Temple Arts offers keys to unlocking the soul's yearning for expression of it's innate divinity in THIS life, and in THIS body.

Halo believes that Temple is a vessel for the divine be it an ancient architectural structure, or our very bodies, breath and consciousness. Temple is a way of life that acknowledges the sacred in all that is, and offers reverence and awe in the form of beauty, and the cultivation of awareness.

 Halo has brought these sacred arts around the globe online and in live retreats in India, Guatemala, Australia, Greece, Costa Rica and the West coast of the USA.


093 | Magdalene Rising with Michele Bumbier



*There’s still time to join us on the Big Island Retreat + for our new free webinar, The Role of the Priestess in the Modern Age*

It’s been so incredible to have access to all we do in this era of technology…. I’ve met so many women through instagram and podcasts who are doing such profound work to restore the balance of the sacred feminine. Michele Bumbier @magdalene.rising is one of those women, who I’m so honored to introduce you to today.

Michele is a researcher, Earth-based educator and devotee of the Great Mother. She feels there is a strong resonance between women's work and Earth work, and focuses her heart in devotion to these areas.

In this episode we discussed:

  • The legacy and life of Mary Magdalene

  • How Michele came to find Mary and research her life

  • How we connect with Mary Magdalene as a guide and mentor

  • The importance of contemplative practices

  • Tending the Earth as devotion

  • The role of the Priestess in the modern age (also the topic of my upcoming webinar)

Links in this episode:

Stay in Touch with Michele:


Michele Bumbier is a Nature-Based Educator, devotee of the Great Mother, researcher, and gardener living in the humid sub-tropics. She works to benefit all beings by bringing humans into right relationship to the land through regenerative gardening. She also spends her time researching and studying the Sacred Feminine, particularly the life & legacy of Mary Magdalene. She feels there is a strong resonance between women's work and Earth work, and focuses her heart in devotion to these areas. You can usually find her 

propagating rare plants with her beloved or contemplating the lives of the women she holds dear to her heart. Find more of her Earth work at on IG. For more on Michele's musings on Mary Magdalene follow @magdalene.rising.

Music in this episode from


The Gifts of Pre-Menstruation

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I want to talk for a minute about the gifts of pre-menstruation because it seems the week before a woman bleeds (also known as PMS) has gotten a bad reputation. Physically, this is the time after a woman ovulates, and there is a drop in progesterone, which can often lead to hormonal mood swings, irritability and overall agitation.  

But there are so many gifts to this time that are not often talked about.

Like…DIVINE ALIGNMENT… and the power of Kali Ma’s fierce love… I now think of this time of the month as an opportunity to realize all the sh** I’ve been putting up with the rest of the month and use it as an opportunity to CUT away ALL that is not serving. (Think of Kali with her sword)…

It’s a time for us to call upon our ROAR of no more to bring us into deeper alignment. 

This time of the month finally gives us the courage to say NO and speak UP for our needs. 

There are so many facets of the divine feminine, and without this fierce, fiery power, we aren’t utilizing the full spectrum of the feminine available to us. 

I now see rage as sacred, something that continually calls me into my highest and can be expressed in healthy ways. When used and expressed I set better boundaries and step more fully into my voice and power.

What’s been your experience of the week before you bleed? 

Are you able to feel the full spectrum of your emotions?  Have you been able to utilize the fiery energy to set boundaries and step into deeper alignment with your truth? 

May we all re-pattern our relationship to the dark side of the feminine… and release shame around this time of the month to truly see all the gifts available to us…  Would love to hear about your experiences in the comments 

To learn more about the path of the feminine, join the waitlist for the Rising Women Leaders 2020 Priestess Initiation right here.


074 | Yoga, Psychology & Permission to Be You with Ashley Turner



What an honor it is to welcome Ashley Turner to the Rising Women Leaders podcast!

Ashley didn’t shy away from any of the questions I asked, including several personal questions — how her wounds of being rejected in college became her medicine & opportunity to teach, what she’s currently learning & how she’s growing in her relationship, the inherent vulnerability of leadership, what she does when she feels triggered by comparing herself to other women, and how she’s navigated her own blind spots around the conversation of white supremacy. We covered everything from trauma healing, the rise of the feminine, priestess work, love and activism in this conversation…it is rich with insight & wisdom for you.

In this episode we discussed:

  • How Ashley found yoga and decided to become a teacher 

  • What being a Priestess looks like in Ashley’s life

  • The rise of the feminine & what’s happening right now in the collective consciousness

  • How Ashley blends psychology into her yoga & mindfulness work 

  • Finding your authentic voice in a saturated field of work

  • Her practices and tools for healing trauma 

  • Her journey of educating herself in the world of race & activism

  • The vulnerability of leadership and being a public figure

  • Love & relationships, what we can learn from our soul contracts

Stay in Touch with Ashley:

Elevating personal growth as a lifestyle, Ashley Turner  is a yoga/meditation teacher, Licensed Marriage + Family Therapist (#98598), facilitator, writer and Priestess.

Ashley Turner is an acclaimed yoga–meditation instructor, Licensed Psychotherapist, writer, Priestess and facilitator.

She is the founder of Yoga Psyche Soul, an innovative Yoga Psychology training program for teachers, clinicians and dedicated students fusing yoga, depth psychology, mindfulness and neuroscience. She is the creator of 10 best-selling yoga DVDs and co-author of Aroma Yoga.

Ashley has graced such lists as:

  • 100 Women in Wellness to Watch’ ~ MindBodyGreen

  • 100 Most Influential Yoga Teachers in the US – Sonima

  • Top 100 Psychotherapy Blogs – FeedSpot

Known for her charisma, depth and ability to turn complex theories into accessible, real-life tools, Ashley is a sought after speaker, facilitator and presenter at conferences and events worldwide.

She works with therapy and coaching clients via Skype and leads transformative events to power points around the globe. Ashley lives by the ocean in Venice Beach, CA.


058 | The Art of Allowing & Priestess Rising with Marin Bach-Antonson

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It is a great honor to introduce you today to a personal guide and mentor of mine, Marin Bach-Antonson. 

For the last year I have been participating in a 13 gateway Priestess Initiation Program led by Marin. It has been a truly transformational experience to embody principles of the sacred feminine in every area of my life. 

In this conversation, Marin shares about the role of the Priestess, the rise of the feminine in our collective consciousness and one of the most simple and profoundly life-changing practices we can bring into our life right here and right now.

"When you allow those feelings to be exactly as they are, then you have access to the feelings. You are not pushing the feelings aren't trying to make them different,  yoga them away, journal them out, or juice fast them into dissolving. You're just being with them because you are allowing them. The only way out is through. It's the feeling of our feelings that ultimately gets us to the other side of them."

In this episode we discussed:

  • How Marin found herself on the Priestess path
  • The 4 stages of feminine awakening
  • Allowing: why it's the highest expression of the divine feminine
  • A key secret to manifestation
  • Marin's personal practice for manifesting abundance
  • The archetype of the Priestess and how it is showing up in the collective
  • Marin's experience with Mary Magdalene
  • How to connect to your Dharma

Stay in touch with Marin:


Marin Bach-Antonson is a women's spiritual coach, soul catalyst and creator of the Priestess Rising Initiation Program, a leadership program for women ready to embody their radiance, lead from the heart and claim their role on the forefront of the feminine awakening movement. She has over 20 years experience crafting ritual, leading red tents and bringing women together in sister circles which she believes is part of the new paradigm and how we western women are meant to change the world.You can find her at


Is There a Priestess Awakening Within You?


Have you always felt a connection to your intuition but a longing to further develop your trust in it? 

Do you ever find yourself having vivid, even prophetic dreams?

Do you love the space of ritual and authentic sharing, but wish for even more of it in your life?

Do you ever feel connected to ancient Egypt, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary or Isis without even really knowing why?

Do you believe in past lives, and the possibility that you may have been a Priestess before?

There is an awakening happening in many women at this time.

We are beginning to remember.

For the last few years, I have been remembering this part of myself ~ the Priestess. The wayshower. 

A woman here to birth a new paradigm. 

I've been stepping more and more into an embodiment of service. 

Becoming a sacred chalice for the divine. Embodying the sacred feminine. 

Allowing. Trusting. BEING. 

We are here to awaken our collective consciousness. We are creating more unity in a culture that has been out of balance for a very long time...

Are you remembering?

Here are a few signs there is a modern day priestess awakening within you...

Your Calling is to be of Service

To be a leader, you must first learn to serve. —Jennie Mira

The priestess is not a teacher or leader on a pedestal, but rather, she is of the highest service. She is in service to her community and to her calling. Being of service is not about placing anyone above or below, but rather creating a mutual relationship of respect between the priestess and the women she facilitates and serves.

Her work is to become a channel, a vessel to serve the highest good of the divine. She must maintain a practice of self-care to be the most present and abundant in her ability to serve and become a channel.

Many women fantasize about a priestess wearing flowing robes, crowns and using magical tools, but in reality the priestess is the last one there at the end of the ritual, prepared to scrape the candle wax off the floor...

You are Highly Intuitive

The priestess uses practices such as writing, dancing, movement, meditation, self-care and alone time to hone her ability to listen to intuition. Our intuition is like a muscle that heightens when we pay attention to it. The more she can quiet the busyness of her mind, the more access she will have to the guidance of the divine and be able to step into the role of a channel to those in need.

You Seek Out Ritual in Your Daily Life

Rituals infuse magic, intention and sacredness into our daily lives. A ritual can turn a mundane act done without awareness into a sacred act with clarity and purpose. Slowing down to say a blessing before a meal changes the experience. Meditation, singing, or lighting a candle imbues a moment of peace and serenity into a busy day.

Ritual can also be a healing space where women come together to honor a specific purpose. These rituals may honor transitions, letting go, grieving, the lunar cycle or the change of seasons. Participating in ritual has been one of the most healing ways to mark a big transition in my life. Ritual has provided a space for me to be fully seen, acknowledged and supported by my sisters. After participating in ritual, I feel more confident and courageous to share myself with the world.

You Feel Drawn to Sync with the Moon

In ancient times, women slept in tribes, often under the stars and the moon. Their menstrual cycles were in sync with each other and with the lunar cycles: often bleeding at the new moon and ovulating at the full moon.

You may begin to be more in tune to the natural world and notice energy levels rise and fall. Going out to socialize will make more sense with the heightened energy of ovulation and/or the full moon and slowing down to nest will feel perfect at the new moon. For a modern day priestess, creativity, energy levels and social needs begin to flow in tandem with the moon and tides.

You Are Highly Sensitive

A priestess can feel the energies of the room and has a heightened ability to feel other people's emotions. This can be difficult for highly sensitive women because the world may sometimes feel like "too much."

As a highly sensitive person, you may feel alone in a world of extroverted and gregarious people, however we often forget that heightened sensitivity is a gift. You can fuel your feelings and emotions into writing, singing, and listening with a deeper level of compassion for others.

You Are Naturally Drawn to Holding Space

The twenty-first century priestess becomes the container who helps create sacred space wherein women can connect with the Goddess within. —Ruth Barrett

A priestess is a space-holder. She creates the space for others to show up as they are. Have you noticed that people turn to you to guide them through an experience? Holding space is not about planning or knowing what to do or say. It is about becoming present to the moment. All that is needed is to tune into the energy of the person or the group; to listen and ask for guidance within.

But to be honest, the Priestess path is not always glamorous or easy. It involves initiation, it is an invitation to continually respond to life with love. To welcome both the light and the dark. 

And it is most certainly not a path to be walked alone. 

For the last month I have been calling together women who are remembering. 

Women who feel the call of the Priestess, and ready to honor the path of the sacred feminine within themselves and in the world.

This is the last week of enrollment for The Sovereign Circle. This 9-month feminine leadership initiation and high priestess sisterhood provides the container and sacred space for you to remember this path. 

Are you ready? To step into community? Ritual and collaboration? To feel the web of a supportive sisterhood?

There are only a couple more days available to schedule a free call with me. I'd love to learn more about you and explore the possibility of joining us. 

There is an affordable monthly payment plan to participate. On the call I'll walk you through the curriculum, call dates and more details. It will be a space to get to know each other better and you can feel into if this would be an aligned next step for you. 

Do you feel the call of the Priestess?

I don't have plans to lead a program like this again until next year..

Now's the last chance.

Book a time to speak here.

With love, 


038 | Relationships, New Motherhood & The Role of the Priestess with Katie Burke


Just days ago this amazing woman, Katie Burke gave birth to her second child. I was lucky to sit down with Katie in early September when she was 32 weeks pregnant to hear about her role as a Priestess, the birth of her first child, and navigating marriage, a business, and family all while being on a personal growth journey of ascension and awakening.

Sitting down to talk with Katie felt like reuniting with an old friend. I decided to share the video of our conversation today as well so you can get a behind-the-scenes look into our intimate conversation.

In this episode we discussed:

  • The magic of conceiving and giving birth to her first child
  • What it means (to Katie) to be a Priestess
  • Moving through fear and doubt around claiming the role of the Priestess
  • Mary Magdalene, Isis and the guides that came to Katie during her awakening 
  • How to navigate your personal growth while being in a marriage
  • Tips on making it through hard times in a relationship while being on an awakening path together
  • How to connect with your guides and open your own channels of communication with divine guidance and intuition
  • What's to come in Katie's business 

Stay in touch with Katie:


Formally a digital marketing guru and graduate student of strategic communication, Katie Burke began her Divine Feminine Awakening and remembering when she conceived her daughter. This journey of self-healing and radical self-worth led to the Modern Priestess Movement and her own self-actualization.

Katie administers the Feminine expression of Christ Consciousness coming from the spiritual traditions of Mary Magdalene, and the Ancient Egyptian Teachings of Isis & Hathor.  She currently is pregnant with her second child and enjoying the summer with her daughter and leading bi-monthly meditations with her partner, Ben Burke. 


025 | Astrology, Asteroids & Feminine Archetypes with Rebecca Farrar


"For me, astrology is about enchantment...When I am looking at someone's birth chart, I am looking at their soul's patterning. I am looking at the moment they were born and the heavens froze, and this special moment becomes someone's soul process." ~Rebecca

If you are a sensitive being like me you are probably feeling all the energies around what's happening in the news, the world and our country.

At one time or another, you've also probably turned to astrology to learn more about how what's happening in the stars reflects upon what's happening in the world, and within ourselves.

I'm happy to introduce you to Rebecca Farrar today, an astrologer who I recently interviewed for the Rising Women Leaders podcast.

In one of Rebecca's recent posts, she shared about how Uranus began a year long dance with Jupiter at the end of 2016 which will offer some astrological insight into this coming year.

"The themes of Jupiter revolve around philosophy, morality, travel, celebration, or success. In its more shadow expression it leans towards excessiveness, over-consumption, self-involvement, and hyper-morality. In relationship to Uranus it can invoke a revolutionary spirit against things that may not seem moral or non-humanitarian. (I think we have all felt this energy building since the 2016 U.S. election.)"

Today's episode will take you into the world of astrology, asteroids and feminine archetypes and how you can use them  to gain deeper insight into yourself and the world.

"Astrology tells me about their evolution as a soul, it tells me about where their challenges are, what their relational patterns are, how they can self-soothe with their emotions, how they can take care of themselves better. It gives a sense of enchantment with the self, letting you understand you are a part of this huge cosmic thing and you have an important role to play..."

There is a very specific reason you are here. Consciousness is shifting so quickly at this time and you are needed...

In this episode you'll discover:

  • What is the sun, moon and rising sign and what do they mean about yourself?
  • The magic and mystery of the witch and priestess feminine archetypes 
  • Embracing our weird & wild ways
  • How feminine archetypes show up in astrology 
  • How Rebecca uses the asteroids in her birth chart readings and how it affects our charts 
  • What to look out for in 2017 and how astrology is affecting the times we are in - calling us into social justice and revolution
  • How Rebecca uses ritual in her life to honor different times of the year and phases of the moon
  • Rebecca's journey with self-worth, facing fears, leaving a  full-time job and allowing herself to claim authority in her field and in her life

To learn more about Rebecca's birth chart readings, astro-locality readings, and to join her email list with tips and rituals for the full and new moon, visit her website, 

Rebecca M. Farrar, M.A. is an astro-priestess, wild woman, writer, and lover who lives in San Francisco (or Man Franpsycho as she likes to call it). She provides astrological guidance with a down-to-Earth approach utilizing her studies on the evolution of consciousness and psychology. Before coming out of the "broom" closet, she worked for more than a decade in PR and marketing and had brief forays as TV reporter, speed dating hostess, spokesmodel, yoga instructor, and world traveler. In 2013, she completed her M.A. In Philosophy at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her thesis, titled “Stargazing: Re-enchantment Through Language,” combines philology, consciousness studies, and enchantment with the stars. (Warning: She will talk your ear off if you ask about it.) When not staring at her transits she can be found "force" cuddling her cat, posting on Instagram, or curled up with a good book. Read more on her site:

Want to win a free 75-minute coaching session with our host?

Rising Women Leaders is running a New Year Giveaway between now and February 11, 2017 for a free 75-minute online coaching session with our host, Meredith Rom.

In this video call we will take the space to reflect on what you want to cultivate for the new year, how you want to show up to take care of yourself, your spiritual practice, and your service and contribution to the world.

Meredith will also answer any questions you have about starting or growing your business, branding, leading workshops, podcasting, finding your voice, or crafting and sharing your story.

To enter, write us a review on iTunes!

  • Follow  this link
  • Click the blue button on the side bar that says, "View in iTunes"
  • Click "Subscribe" under the Podcast Image then Click "Ratings and Reviews"
  • Click "Write a Review" where you can choose your rating, write your review and click "Submit"(you may be asked to login with your Apple ID)

You can also search for "Rising Women Leaders" in iTunes on your desktop or on the Podcast app on your iPhone to write a review.  

Positive reviews on iTunes will support our community to grow, thrive and reach the women who are seeking the powerful wisdom shared by the ladies featured on this show.

The winner will be announced on the podcast just after February 11! Thank you for participating, Good luck!!


022 | The Call of the Goddess with Achintya Devi


Subscribe on Itunes here

On the first day of 2016 I took off my clothes and jumped into a freezing cold body of water.

For so long I had avoided cold water, knowing that my body already runs on the cold side and I wanted to do everything I could to stay comfortable.  But on New Year's Day, when I was on a hike with a group of friends and we came upon a gorgeous pond, I just knew I had to do it.  

I felt amazing afterwards. 

But a week ago I went up to Orr Hotsprings with my partner and found myself avoiding the cold plunge at all costs.

I watched as my partner jumped in the icy cold pool on the first night and wondered how he could do it when it was already so cold outside.  Even though I knew I would feel amazing afterwards, I was still avoiding it.

Until one moment I just knew I needed to jump in. It was time to stop procrastinating and just go for it. 

So I did.

And what I noticed as I jumped out was that I could suddenly fully sustain being in the cold air outside.  My body was warming up more quickly from the inside.  

Suddenly I stood a little taller, spread my collarbones a little wider and walked with confidence upon the cool, hard Earth. 

So often in life, we do everything we can to avoid the "cold plunge."  Those things that scare us, those things that feel difficult or challenging.  We procrastinate and put them off...

But the thing is, as soon as we stop avoiding it, we feel bigger and stronger than ever before. 

This is what the past year has been like for me - continuously jumping into a cold pool of water.  It has not always been easy, and at times it has felt like too much...

But as I sat interviewing Achintya Devi for the Rising Women Leaders podcast and hearing her speak of finding the gifts in our challenges and difficulties in life, and how relieved and powerful we feel when we face them head on, I knew it has all been worth it.

Achintya spoke:

"It is the medicine of your pain or fear to walk towards it.  If we keep turning away from it, it's going to keep perpetuating in our lives...and when we can look that challenge in the mirror...and when it is fully felt through the body, something shifts, energetically, in our DNA in our brain structure, in our cells and in our hearts and we understand there is a deeper truth that lies underneath it. "

As we close out 2016, I knew this was the perfect episode to leave you with.

Achintya speaks so powerfully of what is happening in our world right now, how women are being called to embody their divine feminine sovereign power and how we can fully activate and align on our path.

For this episode especially, I urge you to listen all the way to the end.

About three quarters of the way through we touch on some deeply meaningful topics that I think you will want to hear. You may want to have a tissue on hand.

From Achintya:

"We really need you right now...

Every single one of us is completely unique.  There is a grand tapestry being woven right now and each and every one of us has a unique color and frequency... it is going to be incomplete without your thread...

I invite you to trust that your presence matters.  You chose to come to this earth for a reason.  You are holding a particular frequency that is medicine for someone or something..."

And we need you.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Achintya's recent visit with the spiritual teacher Amma
  • Rising above times of darkness and challenge - how to see the gifts in our difficulties
  • The call of the goddess and what is happening at this pivotal time
  • How Achintya left a relationship that was no longer serving her, followed the call of her heart to move to Maui and create her dream business and partnership
  • The advice Achintya has for YOU if you feel the calling of the feminine rising but ever find yourself held back by fear or self-doubt from fully stepping into your power
  • Moon Temple Offerings in 2017! More info here

Tomorrow I will be entering ten days of silence at a Vipassana meditation retreat with my friend Karen.  

I know there may be some challenge and difficulty that arises with meditating for ten hours a day, ten days straight, but I am willing to embrace it to invite a deeper state of peace and equanimity.

 I welcome any good thoughts coming my way (I will be in silence and away from all technology December 20 - 31).

Know that I am wishing you an empowered and loving end of 2016 and I deeply look forward to connecting and sharing more inspiring content with you in the New Year.

With love, 

Achintya Devi is the Founder of Goddess Rising, a Global Sisterhood and School of Women’s Wisdom & Moon Mysteries, dedicated to activating and empowering the Wild Sacred Feminine within women worldwide through Moon Priestess Trainings and Leadership Certifications, Wild Sacred Women Retreats, a HerStory Rising Publication and an Online Global Moon Sisters Temple.

As a Women’s Wisdom Guide & Teacher, Ordained Priestess, Wholistic Health Practitioner, Acupressure Therapist and Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher, she is especially passionate about women reclaiming and embodying the rhythm of their Womb Moon Wisdom and rising together in sisterhood to reawaken the collective Feminine Power for lasting transformation within and to serve as Sacred Feminine Leaders in this era of great Planetary Awakening.

Achintya is from British Colombia, teaches and travels internationally and is based on the island of Maui.

Read the Transcript:

Meredith Rom:

Welcome to the Rising Women Leaders Podcast. We are a sisterhood of women stepping into courage, self love and feminine leadership. I'm your host, Meredith Rom, and here I'll be sharing personal insights, as well as interviews, with inspiring leaders and entrepreneurs, so you can create more daily magic in your life and also grow your business without losing sight of spiritual values as a rising woman leader. If you like this podcast, use our hashtag, #risingwomenleaders. Follow me on Instagram, @MeredithRom, and sign up for email updates at You'll receive all the new and inspiring content, including insights I only share on email. Now get cozy with a cup of tea, light a candle, and grab a journal to listen to this week's magical radio podcast.


Hi everyone, it's Meredith. I wanted to premise this episode by just letting you know that there are some really powerful insights and wisdom that come through about what's happening in the state of the world, and with women in particular and listening to the Call of the Goddess and coming into there rising. I just really want to encourage you to listen to this episode all the way to the end, especially around three quarters of the way in when Achintya starts speaking of some really powerful wisdom. She has a beautiful invitation for you as well, to take into your heart, as we end this year and begin again in 2017. I'm about to go into a 10 day Vipassana silent mediation retreat where I will be in meditation for up to 10 hours a day, leaving. You might even be listening to this while I'm there, so you can think good thoughts for me. I thought this was just the perfect episode to share with you, to close out this year, to come into your heart and your intentions for what is ahead. I am sending you all so much love.


I can't wait to share all the episodes that I have waiting for you in 2017. Have a beautiful day and enjoy the show. Namaste.


Hi everyone, I'm here today with Achintya Devi, who is the founder of Goddess Rising, a global sisterhood and school of women's wisdom and moon mysteries, dedicated to activating and empowering the wild sacred feminine within women worldwide. As a women's wisdom guide, and teacher, ordained priestess, holistic health practitioner, acupressure therapist, and kundalini yoga and meditation teacher. She is especially passionate about women reclaiming and embodying the rhythm of their womb moon wisdom and rising together in sisterhood to reawaken the collective feminine power for lasting transformation and to serve as sacred feminine leaders in this era of great planetary awakening. Thank you for being here Achintya.


Achintya Devi:

Thank you for having me, Meredith, and for everyone listening. I'm so honored to be with you in this space at this time.


Meredith Rom:

Yeah. I know that. You live on the great island of Maui, right?


Achintya Devi:



Meredith Rom:

Yes. You were just spending some time in California, where I live. I would love to just start off by hearing about your travels and what was happening for you there.


Achintya Devi:

I did used to live in Northern California as well, just further north of you. I lived there for a long time. I first moved to California to go to the Heartwood Institute, in 2000. That's up in Humboldt County. That was a gateway for me to really have a lot of years, a lot of chapters in my life, in Northern California. I'm really familiar with the landscape there and the energy there. That is another home for me. I'm in California at least twice a year with friends and reconnecting to the land and also for work, for hosting trainings and for Moon Temples, Red Tents, and for being with Alma, as well. As which we were just touching on before our recording here. Yeah, this past journey was a quick one. One of which I wasn't quite sure if it would lead me home to Maui or to North Dakota, at Standing Rock, which is still sort of up for the spirit, for the guidance, to be there.


It's a powerful time right now and just returning home, settling in, from really some deep feeling of my well, I feel, with Alma, who's been my spiritual teacher since I was 19 years old. It's part of that six month trajectory to always be with her and in her presence. That was a big part of my journey and spending time with my beloved, [inaudible 00:06:06], and him and I reconnecting with his family and some of our dear friends. Being with my dear sister, Amaya, who I co-teach Priestesses of the Moon with at our Wild Sacred Women Retreat. It was a full time being with nature, being with Alma, being with friends, being with family and in creation of some goodies that will come out in the new year as well.


Meredith Rom:

Yeah. It's so good and so important to take those times of self reflection and retreat, especially as women who hold a lot of space. I find that it is really important for us to take that time for ourselves to, like you said, fill up your own well spring. I'd love to hear more about Alma. I feel like we've connected through the Instagram world a little bit, and then I had listened to an interview of you where you talked a bit about Alma, and I just felt my heart open. Anyone, I feel, that has a heart connection with Alma, there is just something special there for me, as she was a teacher that really helped me in a time when I was at the very beginning of my spiritual path and discovery and led me to travel to India and have a lot of openings. I'd love to hear about your time with her and also just how you came to find her.


Achintya Devi:

There is so much, I feel, I could share about my time being with Alma. For those of you that don't know, she is the form of the divine feminine incarnate, great mother, alive on the planet, who's truly here as the embodiment of love and is with us. Being in her presence truly, I can become speechless, and at the same time I feel like I can share a lot. My journey first began with her, as you were asking Meredith, when I was 19. My aunt and uncle, who had been with her previously, invited me to this meditation retreat. Little did I know that that weekend would for sure change the course of my life, or alter and enhance, the journey of my path. I had some of the most profound experiences in my meditations with her. It became very clear to me that she was for real and that I was meant to really continue to connect with her, even though I didn't fully understand it on a mental level at that time. My experiences of God or Goddess had really been through nature.


It did take a little bit of time for my mind to understand that, yes, this is happening through the form of a person as well. Which, after years and years, I feel really, truly, it still correlates to energy. Nature, being the momma goddess, Alma being the mother goddess in human form. Just that this is truly about connecting with the presence of unconditional love, which essentially is all of our nature. Yeah, really I feel like her presence has been a huge guiding force and light in my life, as I felt really inspired after a couple years of, "Being with her," or, "Having sense met her," where I felt the large pull to go to India.


I first went there, 2002, and have had about eight different journeys to India to go to her Ashram and be on her travels, on her tours, the North India Tours, the South India Tours where she is in full force giving blessings and her programs and her teachings in addition to all of the incredible humanitarian charities that happen through her. It's so amazing to me because really, she is such the icon for me of leadership, where she is sourcing herself from the infinite source, which she is completely connected to. She is offering this to the world. She's offering her presence, and suffering, is offering her work, too, and poverty, is giving of this infinite well to benefit others.


It's absolutely, to me, still after 21 years, absolutely, completely jaw dropping, inspiring, to see how she is with every individual with full presence and how she is utilizing every single breath of her life to enhance humanity and to shift the things that need to be shifted on the planet so that people are not suffering, so that we are truly walking as leaders in the world rooted from a place of spirit within, having spirituality be the force of which all of this has derived from. People ask her all the time, and I feel the same too, it's like, "What's your religion?" She shares, "Love and service." There's a little window.


Meredith Rom:

Yeah. It's inspiring and that's beautiful to hear that this is one of your guiding lights, someone that you look to as an example in leadership.


Achintya Devi:

Yeah, it was really actually her that, through being with her, that Goddess Rising was birthed. I had an experience of being in her Ashram in 2012 where I really wanted to give forth a new years resolution workshop, because this was a big year, the Mayan calendar ending. I had this experience within that time, and it was just for women, that that's really where it all coalesced for me. I had a really strong experience of her presence coming through me where I had this, almost, revealing of the path in front of me, and that everything from this lifetime, and perhaps other, had come and arrived at this moment. Where, I knew clearly, without a doubt, that I was now meant to really serve women, to serve my sisters, to utilize all of my gifts in support of women rising together in remembrance of themselves, of their power of the goddess.


It was really through my experience with her, then, that she was like, "All right, you've done enough of serving in the Ashram and doing this certain work in your life. Now it's time to go do this." My time at her Ashram has been less and less and less, since then, because I feel as she does with so many of her children, is say, "Okay, now it's time to go and fulfill this mission. This is why you're here." In that way I feel like we're, as woman, I feel that are committed to awakening on the path and serving in leadership, that we are essentially all working for the Queen Bee, that Queen Bee of the goddess, of the mother. We're really all under her divine wings that are here for the same purpose and utilizing our gifts to serve that purpose, to walk our purpose.


Meredith Rom:

Yeah. Our work can really reach new levels when we approach it from that place. Honestly, just really wanting to give and to serve and watch, to be of help to other people in their path. I can just think of that shift when I became a yoga teacher. It was that first big shift of, "Wow." At first I thought I was going to this training to do something for myself, and to learn. Then, suddenly it's like that shift into, "No, there are actually really a lot of people who need this right now, and if I can just be a vehicle of that."


Achintya Devi:

I love that. I really feel that it's this constant place of always being a student of life and serving and teaching and leading, that we really can't have that leadership without continually being a student, of having that attitude of humility and the welcoming in of the next level of what we can expand or what we can deepen into, what we can learn. We're human and we are constantly having the opportunity to come to another place of embodiment within our own selves to be able to share that with others. That's my experience, anyways.


Meredith Rom:

I agree. I'm curious what you were holding in your heart, in particular, this recent time being with Alma. Any wisdom or insights that came to you from just this past visit?


Achintya Devi:

This is something. I feel this Autumn has been a huge time of great impact, where there's so much uncertainty in the collective and there's a lot of celebration and there's a lot of empowerment and there's a lot to be grateful for, and simultaneously there is a great uncertainty in the unknown in the direction of our planet. Some of this was brought forth, I guess, for me and my heart, it was many things. One of them being in my commitment to serve and to serve out of love and to truly share teachings and wisdom and embodiment for women to rise in the empowerment of their selves, and really informed by the rhythms of the moon, the power that lies within the wisdom of the womb, and to really be connected to the earth and leading from this place.


I took it upon myself to really have one of my intentions to have some of this time be for me to fill up. I am holding deep space for a lot of women at this point in my journey and I know that for me it's really important to be able to just surrender to the goddess and be her daughter and to just be in her presence. That was, I was saying, part of filling up my well. Also, at the same time, is really this place from the perspective of being committed to this path for my own self, and being a priestess on this path of serving love and serving the goddess and walking in a way that I can be of best service. I have had the inquiries and the holding of the collective in my heart of feeling how, with the recent elections, and all that's happening at Standing Rock, as two of our most strong events that have taken place recently, that this place of the future and how do we move forward in this unknown and where there's a lot of collective fear.


One of the things that took place is that that was actually vocalized by a dear brother of mine in his questions. Alma's response was really profound. It really was so simplified by this story, which I think is just we can all relate to. I think that's what's so powerful about Alma is that she shares these stories in which we can all relate to to learn through them, where there was two boys in a pool and there was no lifeguard. One of them didn't know that he could swim. He started to drown, but he didn't have any fear. The other boy that was there said, "Aren't you scared? You're about to drown." He said, "No, I'm not scared because I know that my mother's here with me."


I felt like the whole room just had this sigh of understanding that even in these times where we feel like we're drowning or we feel despair for the collective, for our own selves, for what is out of our control, that when we have faith, when we have the great mother, when we have God, when we have Goddess, when we understand, or feel, more importantly, feel that we are actually being guided by spirit and that we aren't alone that the fear dissipates. For me, this isn't to say that we don't act. This isn't to say that we just give that responsibility over to the divine and we don't do anything. It's that it's informing how we act and how we serve, knowing that, at least for me I can say that I know that there is a grander purpose.


I believe that all that's happening right now on the planet is happening in divine order, even though I don't like a lot of what I'm seeing. I understand that it's a part of the shadows that have been hidden away that are now coming to such a great light for us to no longer hide them, but for us to really see them, so that we can take action for healing or for peace, or for justice. I'm seeing that. I'm seeing that with our collective coming together at Standing Rock and around the world, to make a difference and say, "No longer are we going to stand for our native peoples of this land and lands all around the world to be perpetrated in this way. No longer are we willing to allow for the pollution of our waters. No longer are we allowing for corporate greed." In this larger sphere, I see how this is the Kali Yuga. Kali, being the goddess that is taking out her sword to cut away the ego.


Part of that is for it to be exposed. We have this opportunity, I feel, to do this beautiful and often can be challenging, inquiry, of like, "Where have we perpetrated? Where have we been disrespectful to the earth? Where can we be accountable for our own selves and move forward from there?" The other piece being that, which I have felt for years and years, and I feel like it's finally there's more of us, I feel, who are seeing this and believing this too, or experiencing that, this trust in the government, speaking of apparent leadership. Yes, there are incredible things about the governments around the world, and there are ways in which clearly we can see that the way that they currently are in bed with larger corporations are truly destroying the earth because they have their bottom line of top dollar over the preservation of mother earth and all of her peoples.


It feels this incredible time right now where we're all rising and calling bullshit on the things that are the lies that we've been fed for so long. To say, "Nobody else is going to lead us out of this but ourselves," and truly that we are the ones we've been waiting for. There is no one here that we can just be our savior. It's like, "No, it's time to mobilize on mass, together, to make a shift." That's why I believe those that are listening right now and those that are our in our spheres of people that we connect with have a similar resonance with this. We recognize that we are all here to serve as change agents, as change makers, to truly catalyze this shift and be the solutions and to implement these in the world, from the inside out. Okay, that was lengthy, but there you go.


Meredith Rom:

Wow. It's so powerful and such, just potent wisdom that is really needed at this time. Wow. I'm just thinking about all this, and you holding this space. I'm curious, did you always feel this calling? Growing up and coming in to more of your power and holding that space, what did it look like for you? Was there a moment of awakening? Was it always a part of you? I'm curious around that aspect of your journey.


Achintya Devi:

Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah, I feel like it's both. I feel like for us to have come into this world choosing the family that is on the spectrum, pretty much on the path of awakening and a really loving family, large family. Not necessarily like my nuclear family, but my greater family who I'm really close with. I feel like I have had great support from my family from a very young age, which has truly made a huge impact for me. Of course, we all have chosen our challenges to catalyze us through different rights of passages to bring forth our strength, for us to see ourselves, and in these times of great challenge to forge ahead. I've definitely had a few of those, for sure.


One of them being in my early twenties where I was experiencing severe menstrual cramping, which I relate to. This is sort of two-fold, which is really interesting to think about the earth right now, what we're speaking about of leadership and the earth's resources, and how our bodies are representations of the earth as well and how there's pollution to the earth and how there has been pollution to our bodies. I was preparing to go for a journey to Ecuador and Peru and I was on the fence about getting certain inoculations, which I ended up doing, and really was a poisoning of my body.


That effected me in great ways. I had severe menstrual cramping for years. Shortly after that, and also really intense acne. Those two things really were great teachers for me. I see this now, it's like how we take in the poison, that of the snake's poison, or being the medicine ... Wait, I'm going to reframe that. Having the medicine of the serpent, like taking poison and transmuting it into something else. Which, is gold. Transmuting it into gold, to a gift. This is definitely part of what I can see now that really assisted my journey into being in the leadership that I'm in now and the empowerment that I'm in now, from that. I had no idea at the time that those inoculations were vaccines. They were rabies shots, actually, among other things that were going to really alter my body in significant ways.


The cramping really was so intense for me that I had to journey deep, deep, within. It's like going into the deep underworld of pain and of apparent separation, and to the places where I then understood and felt the greater, global cramp, the cramping of how women are really manipulated into feeling disempowered by advertising, by the collective, by society. The ways in which we stuff ourselves away from feeling our pain and our anger and our emotions. All of these greater epidemics that I see on the planet of how women are challenged and are struggling, I experienced through this great physical pain in my early twenties. That really catalyzed me into the deepening of the blood mysteries and healing and my lineage and of both blood and the cosmic lineages, and always have felt this understanding of walking the path of the priestess that I felt since a very young age where I started to feel like this is the deepening of that. Sort of didn't understand at the time where it was going to lead.


It was sort of like following those bread crumbs of the great mystery. The second part being, having really intense acne at a young age, or not a young age. This is the thing is I had it later in life because of the rabies shots in my body completely reacting and trying to get this poison out of me. That was extremely challenging to have to then go into deep vow to myself to be completely authentic from my heart without judging or criticizing the way that I looked, that I didn't like the way that I looked. I think that that's truly another epidemic that's on this planet. I think most women on the planet, in some way, don't like something about them. They can easily say, "I don't like my thighs, I don't like my eyebrows, I don't like this." Depending on how deep that is or how ingrained that is, can be so detrimental to our precious hearts, to us as women and as human beings.


That really was a great catalyst for me to be able to have deep self love and compassion. Those are definitely a couple things that come to mind in relation to this greater conversation that were sort of my underworld journeys and to rise from that. This is something each and every one of us have. We each have something no matter how much grace and love is in our lives. We've chosen to have certain challenges to bring us into greater remembrance and reclamation of ourselves and what our dharma is in the world, how we are chosen or how we choose, to then serve. To take that poison and offer it now as gold.


I feel like I've come greatly full circle and risen from that to be able to really be in this space to catalyze.


Meredith Rom:

A lot of my work is around connecting that self love, to allow ourselves to just be exactly as we are and to go deeper into that self love. I'd love to hear just a little of how you began to connect to that self love. For anyone that may be listening that is going through a challenge or a hard time or a difficult relationship to their body, what do you have to offer for them? What wisdom do you have to share around that?


Achintya Devi:

Isn't that just like the whole journey of this life, right? That's a really powerful question. I really feel that everyone's deep journey with this is so unique and different. Yet, at the same time it's so interwoven because when we come down to our innate nature as human beings, spirit living inside this body, our nature is love. That is who we are. Whatever ways have come forth on each of our paths that have challenged us are, in a way, truly the the things that test us to still come home to the love within ourselves. I know that there are so many of us on the planet that have ... Everyone has experienced pain on some level. For some of us, it's been more traumatic than others. I feel it really is the pain and the joy or the pain and the love, or the fear and the love, are truly all just two sides of the same coin.


There's such an opportunity to have this lens to integrate because when you're experiencing really deep pain or a continual chronic, negative, self talk and beliefs that are really pulling you towards fear and away from love, when there is at least some sort of recognition of this and the choice that we all need to make. I think this is the wisdom piece. Nobody can do this except for yourself. It's to say, "I'm going to choose something else." Then, when that is there, when there's that moment of really empowered choice, it's been my experience, and I've witnessed so many women as well, where there's this opening to go deeper into the pain. When we go deeper into the pain and fully feel it for what it is, then naturally it shifts. There is truly, I feel, it is the doorway to the things that we feel in our lives that are uncomfortable or that are painful or that are super challenging. We've been so conditioned to turn away from them that it's not pleasurable. It doesn't feel good.


It's really the medicine of that pain to actually walk towards it, or the fear, and walk towards it. If we keep turning away from it it's going to keep perpetuating in our lives and the same patterns are going to be repeating themselves and this endless cycle, like a hamster wheel, of some sort of level of dissatisfaction or continued chronic fear, or self doubt, and on and on, and on and on. When we really can look that challenge in the mirror, if it is anxiety or if that is feeling scared or beliefs of not being good enough, or whatever that is, it's truly that part of the pain when fully felt through the body, something shifts. Energetically, in our DNA, in our brain structure, in our cells, and truly in our hearts. Recognize, "There's actually a deeper truth that lies underneath this."


For every person, that's going to be slightly different. Yet, at the same time, it's, "Yes, I am love. I am the embodiment of love. I am not separate from God, Goddess. I am not separate from the spirit. I am not separate from my fellow human beings on this planet." There's such this incredible healing and opportunity that arises from this. It's my belief that it's so important for us to continually in our lives walk towards what feels uncomfortable because there's truly medicine that is there for each and every one of us. Deep insight and powerful revelation that can only be had when we do turn to face that.


Meredith Rom:

Yes. It's so true. This makes me think of two things. One is that I'm about to go into a 10 day Vipassana meditation course.


Meredith Rom:

Yes. 10 days of silence. 10 hours a day of meditation. I've done it once before a few years ago and it's potent medicine. Everything comes up from the pain in the body to some tense, past emotional pains. The practice is about becoming the witness to it all. Not being in a place of aversion or craving, but rather just watching it and letting it be, feeling it, going deeper into it and watching that it isn't permanent and there is something that it transforms into.


Achintya Devi:

Mm-hmm (affirmative).


Meredith Rom:

The other thing that reminded me, I just went to a hot springs and there is the cold plunge at this hot springs I went to. Orr Hot Springs? Maybe you've been there?


Achintya Devi:

Yes, many times. I used to live near there.


Meredith Rom:

Yeah. Yeah. The whole time I was avoiding the cold plunge. At first I was like, "No way. No way. I'm not going near the cold water. Can we go in the hot water, get really cozy in here?" At the same time, every time I got out of the hot water I would just be so cold and it was really uncomfortable. As soon as I was like, "I'm going to go for the cold plunge." I just went for it. I got out and I felt invincible. I felt like my body [inaudible 00:40:54] myself up and suddenly I could stand in the cold air because I was willing to go deep into that cold water.


Achintya Devi:

Yes. Oh my gosh, I love that because what the cold does is it pushes the heat in you. In that same way, it's like, when I go into my resistances, as I go into my aversions, it actually pushes the truth and the love back into me. Yeah, that's powerful. I love that and I love Orr. I love that place.


Meredith Rom:

It is such good wisdom. I'd love to hear your insight and take on what is happening right now in the world and what is happening with women and coming into their power and this idea around Goddess Rising and what is happening with women right now.


Achintya Devi:

Right to the core. Here we go. Yeah, wow. The great Goddess Kali comes direct in this moment. For those of you that are listening, I know that you have either heard about Kali, this goddess, and if you haven't, definitely read up about her. We're embodying her right now. We're actually in, in the great cycles of time, and we have the cycles of the moon and the cycles of the sun and the cycle of the seasons and these greater cycles of time. We are in this great Kali Yuga. Kali is a goddess who is about destruction. She is here coming forth onto the planet in her essence, rising through us, as women, to destroy our egos, to destroy all that is keeping us from our power.


Kali is this goddess, when you look at her and how she's depicted with the skulls around her neck and she's slaying all these demos with her sword. She looks super fierce and scary from the outside, but from the inside she has the biggest heart and is the great mother in the form of this incredible compassion. She loves her children and us so much that she comes forth to strip away, to cut away, anything that is truly not serving to be on our path, that is not serving our upliftment, that is really here to destroy the beliefs that we carry, that we have been taught, that we've been conditioned, into that keep us in patriarchal subservience, that keep us from loving each other, that keep us from uniting as sisters, as brothers and sisters, as a family on this planet.


All of this destruction that we see that's taking place all around us in Aleppo right now, at Standing Rock, as the earth has been raped and is being raped, that is being pillaged out of greed and out of fear. This is where Kali comes to the earth and is like, "I am here to cut all of this fucking bullshit away to realize and recognize who you truly are and what is really important." All of that, which I see around, that's taking place on the planet, and all that can be challenging to look at, I believe does serve this greater picture and this greater dance that we're in that can be so hard for us, for women that are on this path right now of awakening to their power. It's like, "Okay, what is power?" When we look around and we see big corporations and the governments that claim to be of service and of power, that's actually not power. That's manipulation and control. This is where Kali comes to cut this away.


She's putting this all in our face so that we can make that choice and say, "I want to choose another way. I know there is another way." It's like, everything that's happening on the outside is truly what's happening on the inside of our global human consciousness that we're all connected with. The feelings that we may feel that are anger and sadness and despair and grief and maybe start crying out of nowhere, we, as women, we feel and we are true and we are intuitive, we are made of water. The same water that runs around the globe that is being polluted, and the pollution that's inside of us that's now getting extracted, it's like, we are tapping into, not only our own personal story and how that weaves with a larger collective, but we're tuning into the transpersonal, where sometimes it can get a little murky. We're like, "Is this mine or is this that of the collective?"


We're all connected, I think that that's another piece that we get to really refine ourselves and our own boundaries and say, "That's something else, but yet I'm feeling it." That's because we are midwives and we are midwifing. We're midwifing the [inaudible 00:47:43] the planet. I know that this is truly why we are gathering together as women, that we're not only just midwifing love back to the planet but we're midwifing the return of the divine feminine of the goddess to come and unite with the masculine and where the masculine is going through its own rebirth, in men and in women. The goddess, there is so many specific goddesses from countless cultures and places on this beautiful earth. In essence, the goddess, the divine feminine, has been repressed, has been shamed, has been hidden. At the same time, she's chosen to go underground for some time and now she's choosing because it is time to return. She doesn't return just outside of us, she's coming through us.


Kali is pushing out all that that is within us that is keeping us from truly being in freedom and being in our sovereignty and being in our divinity and being in our unity and this is the journey of the modern woman right now that no longer can ... We live our lives just for ourselves but that we're living this life in remembrance of truly what it means to be a human being to serve on the planet, to live our dreams and make the necessary steps to offer what we can and our gifts to work and to change the world for truly how we wish to live, for ourselves and for our future generations. This is no joke. This is why we're here.


I feel I could go on and on, and it truly feels like it's like this is why I do the work that I do. I feel that for so many other women, but just speaking for myself in this moment, it's like this is why I choose to get on the computer every day to show up, to be accountable, to act with integrity, to truly be the best that I can be in devotion to love and service, to midwife, Goddess Rising again on the planet, in her true, powerful, beautiful essence, that is really the nature of each and every woman on this planet and encompasses all beings.


Meredith Rom:



Achintya Devi:

Thanks for bringing that forth Meredith.


Meredith Rom:

Yeah. I'm going to breathe that in. It makes me think about how, because Kali is wild and messy.


Achintya Devi:



Meredith Rom:

Transformational. It's not all always going to be easy. There are going to be some real things we have to face within ourselves and around fully stepping into power and our greatness and of being that high lights and beacons to be of service. I imagine for you, I imagine connecting deeply to this why and connecting to what it is that you are really here to do and why you're here to do it. It has helped you to work through fears and challenges and doubts that come up along the way. I wondered if you could speak directly to imagining there is a woman out there right now, and I know are many of them who are doubting themselves in stepping into their power, what you would say to her. What you would say to those women?


Achintya Devi:

That we really need you right now. That the gifts that you were born with, the gifts that you may have repressed or have said goodbye to a long time ago, that which has really given you great joy and pleasure as a young child, the talents that you have, the ways of being that truly are the essence of uniquely who you are, we need that right now. Every single one of us is like a snowflake that is completely unique. If we imagine in the same way that there's this grand tapestry that's being woven right now, and each and every one of us has a specific color or energy or frequency to creating that tapestry, it's going to be incomplete without your threat. I really invite you to trust and to open to the great potential and possibility that your presence matters, that your gifts do make a difference. These voices, like, "Who? Me? It's just this," and how we can put ourselves down in that way.


If you are feeling this right now, just really inviting that invitation that on a really deep level that you chose to come to this earth for a reason. You are holding a particular frequency that, yes, there actually is medicine for someone for something. It's so helpful sometimes to understand that or feel that because when we, as women, offer ourselves in service, there's a bigger draw where we have our purpose. I believe that this self doubt from this place of being scared to step into your power is also an invitation to really redefine what power is for you. Power isn't control and power isn't always leading in a particular way. Power is not domination. I know that in these feelings, like scared of being seen. Scared of being seen and feelings of rejection or what are people going to say because I don't want to feel what I felt before when I felt pain in this way.


At this time, it's like, there is no more time, in a way. It's like now is the time to make that choice of mustering that deep love, the essence that's really inside of you and trusting that and saying yes to that, because that is your power. That power is the thread that we need in this great tapestry. I ask of you to take a step in this next week, whenever you're listening to this. To take a step in this next week to do something that scares you, to do something that's going to challenge your courage and to take a baby step on that razor's edge. There's a lot of, I believe, that is coming for us on this planet, so much that maybe you really unexpected and it's already here. At the same time, we really need each other. We need each other's gifts and we need each other's support and we need to be fully present with each other.


It's my request to you, as a sister on this planet, for you to take that step and to take your place into this great orchestra and this great sisterhood that has been coming to the planet for however long and that we've been together for lifetimes. We're remembering each other once again. We need you. We need each other. That is my request, and knowing that you're totally supported and that you do have women around this globe that are walking this path with you alongside of you. Some in front of you, some behind you, to assist each other as we all really are here to catalyze remembrance with each other and to uplift one another and rise together. That is this other aspect of the goddess that's rising. She's rising through our sisterhood to truly remember what that is so that we can unite and move away from separation and competition and jealousy and come into celebration and come into collaboration and honoring of one another.


This is a place that I would love to meet you in.


Meredith Rom:

Yes. Yes. I wondered if you could share a fear that you have faced recently? Anything that you have overcome or worked through or been really loving to yourself with? What has that been like? What have you learned? How did you do it?


Achintya Devi:

That's a really good question. I can't think of something that's super recent, but I could say in this last chapter of my life, or I guess it feels like more chapters now. I think this is something that a lot of women can relate to also, you may have experienced. It was, I don't even know how many years ago now. I just feel like this is what's coming through. It was this fear or challenge of letting go of a relationship that lasted and lingered for quite some time. Actually, in hindsight, was my final saying no to that and saying yes to myself was truly what catapulted me forth into creating Goddess Rising Sisterhood and our Mystery School. That's a really powerful piece for me on my path. I would say that I really had challenge of saying goodbye. I'm like, "Okay," because I want to work through this  challenge or to truly be in this catalyzation of creating another way of being together.


After quite some time of these challenges of looking at my own fear of the future. Okay, what's this going to look like if I leave and everything coming up of full spectrum of leaving the home, not having anything, really detaching fully and listening. Really, through this, it's like listening to my deep intuition, listening to my voice. It's time to go. It's time to complete. I am cutting these chords. It's time to say goodbye. It's time to move forward, and doing that. When I did I had a transition time of actually being a hospice for my dear angel dog, spirit guide, passed him on to the other side. Then, I moved to Maui. It was this great call that I had received, truly from the goddess, very specifically to come to Maui. Everything really has, from that time, catalyzed into my deeper sense of purpose and my deeper path of service and as priestess and deeper alignment with relationship.


Now I am living with, and just bought a home with, truly the king of my dreams. He is freaking amazing. He is truly my beloved and my best friend. It's something that I have felt. I had desired and wanted since a very young age, knowing that there was someone that I really, truly, was meant to be in this life with in that way. It's happening now. That's happening from me having the courage to be like, "No. I am saying no to this and I'm saying yes to this." I'm really following my heart and I'm following the guidance that I'm receiving from within myself. I think that that is a continual test for all of us, as women. It's like, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of years ago when we were trained to really be exercising our intuition and our gifts in this way, it was a lot easier to navigate. We're dealing with so much in this modern world that challenges us to be in our heads all the time and not so much in our bodies and in our intuition.


We're constantly needing to tune into our truth and our intuition in this way, to really listen to what's there, because that is our compass. That is our guide. That is the goddess living inside of us. This is our soul guiding us inside. I think that that really comes down to this great learning and this opportunity to constantly be tuning within to listen and no seeking the answers outside of ourselves. When we do that, that we are truly guided and that we're guided into living our dreams. I was guided into being here and walking the sacred path, right now, in this particular way. Yeah, that's what comes up right now when I think about that and the importance really of saying yes to the voice and the feelings, the gut intuition that lies inside of us.


Meredith Rom:

Following your heart, and from that place you had to take the leap. You had to really trust in the universe that your next step was going to lead you into something even greater than you could have ever imagined.


Achintya Devi:

Yeah, absolutely. On an emotional level, on a financial level, on a spirit level, in every way. It's like, "Okay, here we go. Here come the wings as I leap." We each have to take that leap. That truly, it's called the leap of faith for a reason. We've got to change that. That's when the wings sprout.


Meredith Rom:

Yes. Such amazing work and wisdom that you've done and that you've shared. I wondered what you were excited about in your business, now? What is happening for you and if there is anything offerings, things that you're doing now, that you'd like to share with the women listening?


Achintya Devi:

I really, first and foremost, want to share that we welcome any woman here to come into this deeper recognition of her own power to the power of our body and the power of our cycles. There is a free moon charting map that I invite all women to have by their bedside table to be charting and to have this be a sacred ritual to do once a day or once every couple days besides your bed, to get to know your rhythms, get to know your body and the way that it connects with the moon phases and your emotions and your sexual cycles. It's truly, I feel, this 101 of the modern woman right now. It's coming home to, "What are my cycles?" How our power comes from that. It is cyclical. That's what I'm super passionate about is this cyclical power that we have as women.


You can download that for free on the website. We have free rituals for you to come to at the High Holy Days on the wheel of the year to celebrate your connection with the earth and sisterhood and your own journey of empowerment and awakening and healing. Those are just really heart offerings for any woman at any time. In terms of going deeper with the mystery school and things that require tuition, we are about to ... I think we're doing this in February, right? This is a February?


Meredith Rom:

I'm feeling pretty inspired to share it sooner.


Achintya Devi:

Okay. Whenever this is going out, just stay connected. There's two things for 2017. It's all timeless. We're beginning the next year of our Moon Sisters Temple. That is truly a global Moon Sisters Temple that's a membership for you to step into a quarter or step into as long as you want, leave whenever you want. It's truly a temple space of living by the moon. It's like your living guide to what is happening in the cosmos and bringing this down to earth and how this is impacting us. Really, it's an invitation to join in global moon rituals to truly be in a reawakening of and remembrance of and empowerment of your feminine wisdom for your life, for your love and for your leadership. 2017 is lunar power for us to recreate as the revolutionary, for us to join as the priestess and for us to step into the reawakening as the medicine woman. That's what's in store for the first quarter of January, or of 2017, which is January, February and March.


Then, in February, my dear, beloved, priestess sister, Joanne Ameya Cohen, her and I, are going to offer our fourth round of our Priestesses of the Moon initiation training and Goddess Rising Moon Temple facilitation training. This is really a next level deepening into the moon mysteries and the womanly arts and for all the women that wish to bring this power and wisdom of the moon into their communities to be a part of our Goddess Rising Moon Temple collective. Our next facilitation training is happening in 2017. Priestess of the Moon is the first step that's required before that training. It feels like a really big year. I'm excited because I can feel the momentum of us, as a sisterhood rising, and how when each and every woman who feels this call to deepen into her power, there is this innate connection to our hearts, to the moon, to nature, to rhythm, where we realize that we're really not separate from that.


Let's remember all of these cycles that live inside of us and how we get to, then, embody all of these different phases for our lives, to live our dreams for our own love and all of our relationships, and to truly rise in our leadership. That's what we're being asked to do as a global sisterhood. I see it. I see it all around me. I see it within you, Meredith. I see it within our mutual web of women entrepreneurs and sisters and I'm seeing it around the world. This is what I'm offering for 2017 and truly welcome you to jump on in because it is time for us to rise. It's time for us to shine and to do so from a place of being really nourished and feeling really howled and supported.


Meredith Rom:

Yeah. I'd like to express my gratitude for you being here today and sharing with us. I wondered if you would do the honors of sharing a closing prayer?


Achintya Devi:

Thank you. I want to really honor you, Meredith. Thank you for holding this space and for guiding me into some potent questions to journey into, really in service for our sisters. Feeling the sacred space and the power and the seat that you're holding, I really appreciate you.


Meredith Rom:



Achintya Devi:

Yeah. Okay. Let us close all together. I would love to invite you to place a hand upon your own heart and a hand upon your womb space. To give yourself three deep breaths. As you feel this heart beat underneath your hand, this rise and fall of your womb space of your belly with your breath, for you to know and to feel in this moment that that is the beating of the one heart, the one pulse of life that is here holding and supporting you. That is the heartbeat of the goddess. That is the heartbeat of love. As you feel the rise and the fall of your womb space, your belly, that you offer into this belly, this womb, this portal of your creation, this true center of your creative power, for you to plant in a quality or a desire of how you wish to feel in these coming cycles that are changing into this new year. To plant in, maybe that's courage. Maybe that's self nourishment. Maybe it's connection.


Maybe it's completion or boundaries. Whatever, right now, from this conversation, from this transmission, that you feel you could really need or that you could use or what would feel like medicine for you to plant that into your womb space. As we do this all together, no matter when you're listening, because animals of time are truly seamless, that we honor all that we're each planting in this sacred womb, this deep web, where we're all connected. Where we meet to celebrate, to witness, to affirm, and support all of the medicine in which we need. To know that it is in its own timing, coming forth, and for you to receive that as a blessing. To feel the love that's coming from your heart, breathing that in and giving that to your womb. To that intention, whatever medicine that is, that you need, that you water it with a deep breath of your love.


From the heart space that is generating this, for you to feel this flame of true connection here in this one heart, as well. The truth that lives here, that your voice matters, that your presence matters, that you are valued, that you are supported and you rest in to the rhythms of your body when you rest into the earth, when you rest into the goddess, that you are truly howled and supported. From this place of support, asking you to take your next steps to truly rise and the incredible woman that you are and the goddess within her. I would love to close, to seal this all up with a mantra that I know you know too, Meredith, if you want to sing it with me. The mantra of , and in this way, this ancient sand script prayer, that I first heard years and years ago from Alma, that we extend out our heart for all being and all the worlds to be happy and at peace. That our presence and our actions can attribute to this. We can do one ohm and chant it three times.


I'm inviting you, if you know this, to chant with us as we truly are connected to all of creation and offer this transmission and this conversation and this podcast to benefit all sentient beings. May this be support for that.


Inhaling. Exhaling. Inhale for the prayer to close.




Peace, peace, peace, within and all around. Where the reverberations and all of the soundings we offer this. Thank you for your listening sisters and joining us in this sacred time with your presence. I'm so honored to be here with you, Meredith. Thank you so much. I'm handing it back to you.


Meredith Rom:

Thank you Achintya. I'm going to just bring my hands to my heart and bow in gratitude. Namaste.


Achintya Devi:



How I Married *Myself*


Last month on my birthday in Costa Rica I found myself alone in the ocean performing a ritual of marriage, to myself.  

I had just received a glorious massage and was feeling strong and embodied.  I followed my intuition to submerge myself in the water, and found myself calling in the four directions as my witness, then speaking my vows out loud.  

As soon as I finished speaking, a huge wave washed over me, and it was done.

In the days leading up to this experience, I wrote a blog post for Over the Moon Mag about "How to Marry Yourself," and was happy to have it published last month.   I invite you to check out the article and learn more about my experience below:
A few weeks ago, my boyfriend woke up from a dream where he was at his own wedding.  I excitedly listened to him recount the details, wondering if I was going to be in it.  “What did my dress look like? Were we on a beach? A church? In a field?” I wondered.

My daydreams were cut short when he said, “There was no bride. I was there, my family was there, but there was no bride.”

I looked at him, disappointed.

He continued, “Then I looked to the priest and I realized I was the priest. I was the groom AND the priest. I was literally, ‘marrying myself.’”

I’ve heard of self-marriage before but had never felt the call to do it myself. But after hearing this dream from my partner, I began to wonder about my own dreams of marriage.

I realized I had placed a lot of energy on waiting for that “perfect magical moment” when my boyfriend would propose to me and all of my problems would disappear. 

I realized I had placed a lot on the idea of marriage, subconsciously carrying the beliefs:

“When I’m married, then I’ll feel safe.”

“When I’m married, then I’ll be able to take bigger risks.”

“When I’m married, then I’ll feel more complete, knowing I’ve lived out this childhood dream.”

But here I found myself writing this article on the beaches of Costa Rica, a few days before my birthday, where I took myself on a self-love adventure.

I thought to myself, “If I can leave the country and treat myself to this kind of trip, why not marry myself too?”

I realized that even if I do get married one day, wouldn’t it be a good idea if my partner and I had already established a firm commitment first to ourselves?

So I sat down and wrote out my vows. 

I found a ring and created a simple ritual to perform on my birthday. 

The whole process came quite intuitively to me, so I thought I’d share the steps I used in case you feel the call to marry yourself as well…

1.  Write your Vows

Take some time to free write about what commitments you want to make to yourself.  They can be broad or specific.  I chose to keep mine very simple as I wanted to remember them easily and reference them often.  They looked a little something like this:

I vow to honor, love and value you.

I vow to help you feel safe, secure and provided for.

I vow to take care of your body with delicious, home cooked meals.

I vow to give you space to rest and play.

I vow to hold you by the hand to face your fears and encourage you every step of the way.

I vow to be present with you and to listen deeply to your needs.

I vow to live in gratitude for all you are and all you bring to my life.

I vow to love you unconditionally and hold space for your emotions.

I vow to experience the beauty and magic of life by your side.

2.  Adorn Yourself

In some cultures, adornment is seen as a spiritual practice.  I know when I take the time to beautify myself, to put on a new outfit, a little tinted lipgloss and a piece of jewelry I save for special occasions, I feel a deep sense of beauty on the inside as well as the outside. The key here is to FEEL beautiful.  Ask yourself what would that entail…

You can also think about if you want to have a special ring or piece of jewelry to symbolize your vows to yourself.  Maybe you bring new meaning to a piece you already have, or find something new to adorn yourself with.  Then whenever you look at it, you can remember the vows you promised to uphold. 

3.  Create a Ritual

Think about what kind of setting you want to be in when you share your vows.  Do you want to be alone?  Or with people who love and support you?   Do you want to be in nature?  Or in another location with special meaning? 

When you find just the right setting, take a few moments to center in.  Close your eyes and feel your breath.  Take a few moments to call in the directions, or any teachers, guides or angels you feel connected to.  If this is all new to you, you may like to call upon the support of a priestess to officiate the ceremony. 

Then, when it’s time, read your vows out loud.  You may feel more comfortable doing this alone, or in a circle of other women to be seen.  Listen to your intuition.

When you’re done, celebrate, and remember you don’t need anyone or anything outside of yourself to be whole.  It’s all already there.  Sometimes all it takes is a little intention and ritual to remember the love you already have inside.

I’d love to hear if you decide to create your own ceremony, so feel free to let me know how it goes in the comments.  <3


Seven Signs You're A Modern Day Priestess


When I was growing up and heard the word "priestess," I thought of boring sermons at church, wearing clothes I didn't feel comfortable in and being forced to sit quietly when I wanted to play outside. I didn't know much about what it meant to be one other than it was probably the female version of a "priest." As a playful young girl, the thought of becoming a female priest sounded pretty mundane.

Then one day, a friend wrote out my numerology. It was the number eleven, which also breaks down to two. In tarot, the eleven (or two) corresponds to the archetype of the High Priestess. She told me in ancient times, they were known for having a heightened contact to other realms through intuition and dreams. The community would seek counsel from them to know what actions to take in their lives.

I thought about my life and how I had always had a heightened sense of intuition; of being able to feel into a situation in order to make a decision. I thought of how friends were naturally drawn to me for guidance and consolation during difficult times.

Maybe I was a priestess after all.

Over a few months, I felt more and more connected to this archetype and dove into books and articles on the topic. I began to see: this modern day mystic lives anything but a mundane life. Her life is rich in dreams, intuition, ritual, feminine leadership and a connection to the divine.

Here are seven signs there is a modern day priestess awakening within you:

Your  Calling is to be of Service

To be a leader, you must first learn to serve. —Jennie Mira

The priestess is not a teacher or leader on a pedestal, but rather, she is of the highest service.  She is in service to her community and to her calling.  Being of service is not about placing anyone above or below, but rather creating a mutual relationship of respect between the initiate and the women she serves.

Her work is to become a channel, a vessel to serve the highest good of the divine.  She must maintain a practice of self-care to be the most present and abundant in her ability to serve and become this channel.

Many women fantasize about goddesses wearing flowing robes, crowns and using magical tools, but in reality to stand in this role, one must be prepared "to be the last one in the rented hall, scraping candle wax droppings with a razor blade."  ~ Ruth Barrett

You are Highly Intuitive

She uses practices such as writing, dancing, movement, meditation, self-care and alone time to hone her ability to listen to her intuition. Our intuition is like a muscle that heightens when we pay attention to it. The more we can quiet the busyness of the mind, the more access we will have to the guidance of the divine and be able to step into this role and be a channel for those in need.

You Seek Out Ritual in Your Daily Life

Rituals infuse magic, intention and sacredness into our daily lives. A ritual can turn a mundane act done without awareness into a sacred act with clarity and purpose. Slowing down to say a blessing before a meal changes the experience. Meditation, singing, or lighting a candle imbues a moment of peace and serenity into a busy day.

Ritual can also be a healing space where women come together to honor a specific purpose. These rituals may honor transitions, letting go, grieving, the lunar cycle or the change of seasons. Participating in ritual has been one of the most healing ways to mark a big transition in my life. Ritual has provided a space for me to be fully seen, acknowledged and supported by my sisters. After participating in ritual, I feel more confident and courageous to share myself with the world.

Your Internal Clock is Synced with the Moon

In ancient times, women slept in tribes, often under the stars and the moon. Their menstrual cycles were in sync with each other and with the lunar cycles: bleeding at the new moon and ovulating at the full moon.

You may begin to be more in tune to the natural world and notice energy levels rise and fall. Going out to socialize will make more sense with the heightened energy of the full moon and slowing down to nest will feel perfect at the new moon. For a modern day priestess, creativity, energy levels and social needs begin to flow in tandem with the moon and tides.

You Are Highly Sensitive

You may notice how you can feel the energies of a room and have a heightened ability to feel other people's emotions. This can be difficult for highly sensitive women because the world may sometimes feel like "too much."

In my last program, one of the women "came out" as a HSP (highly sensitive person) and nearly all the others spoke up to share how much they related to and supported her. As a highly sensitive person, you may feel alone in a world of extroverted and gregarious people, however we often forget that heightened sensitivity is a gift.  You can fuel your feelings and emotions into writing, singing, and listening with a deeper level of compassion for others.

You Have Prophetic Dreams

Have you ever dreamt something and realized it became your reality a week later? A feminine mystic often turns to her dreams for guidance. Dreams are a powerful place to explore questions in your life and to connect to the desires of your subconscious self.

One practice I use often is re-entering dreams. When you are unsure of how to decipher the symbols or occurrences of a dream, close your eyes and imagine yourself back in the space. Then go to characters and objects one at a time and ask, "What do you have to show me?" You will probably be surprised with the answers your subconscious comes up with.

You Are Naturally Drawn to Holding Space

The twenty-first century priestess becomes the container who helps create sacred space wherein women can connect with the Goddess within. —Ruth Barrett

An initiate can also be a space-holder. She creates the space for others to show up as they are. Have you noticed that people turn to you to guide them through an experience? Holding space is not about planning or knowing what to do or say. It is about becoming present to the moment. All that is needed is to tune into the energy of the person or the group; to listen and ask for guidance within.

Rising Women Leaders ~ Way of the Priestess Initiation Program

In the comments, I'd love to hear what a "priestess" means to you and how can you embody this role in your daily life?

Frequently Asked Questions: