How I found my ideal job, relationship and home in less than 3 months


A few weeks ago I finished leading my first online group coaching program for women.  It was six months long of insightful connection and sisterhood.  What I gained most from it though, was the confidence to know I could turn my dreams into reality.    I remember writing my intentions in January earlier this year, "I am breaking through my blocks and fears to create an amazing 6 month group program for women.  I am strong, confident and courageous.  I am taking steps closer to my vision everyday."

I read these words out loud to myself everyday for 40 days after my meditation, and within that timespan I wrote the curriculum, created the content, and implemented a plan to market it.

It included 12 phone calls, each with its own topic and handouts on what I felt called to speak about most.  I included everything from Brene Brown to green smoothies, the 5 love languages, creating abundance, and my personal favorite, a 40-day spiritual practice for manifestation.

When I think back on my life just three years ago, I see how far I have really come...  I arrived back to the states after 6 months of traveling in India totally lost.  I was staying as a guest at friend's houses without a place to live, without a job, without a community  and without a great love in my life.  On top of that, I had gained weight while I was traveling, felt heavy and lethargic, and was totally addicted to sugar.  However, meditation was my one priority in my life. Those times of stillness and silence pulled me through.  

In my meditation, I realized how fearful my thoughts really were and I decided to consciously change them.  I chose a set of very simple positive and peaceful words to replace my fearful thoughts, and repeated them in my mind every time fearful thoughts arose.

Intuitively, I knew my thoughts had created my reality, and I needed to change my thoughts to change my life.

I eventually found a small cabin to sublet for 3 months behind a home in Berkeley, and spent days in solitude writing out my dreams.  I wrote of teaching yoga, of living in a house with other meditators, of falling in love, of clearing up my skin, losing the weight I had gained traveling and of earning enough money to fully sustain myself.

I didn't know how it would happen, but I stayed true to my vision, and I fully believed it was possible.

Little by little, I found the resources to improve my health and my skin, a friend I had known a year before moved back into town and invited me to start a community house based around Vipassana meditation, I faced my fears of teaching yoga, I lost the excess weight, earned the money I needed to pay all my bills, and on top of all that, I fell in love.  

Since then I have been a dedicated believer of the law of attraction and manifestation because I experienced it firsthand.

Through meditation, I shifted my thoughts, my beliefs, and I manifested what I wanted and needed most in my life.

Now, I'm excited to share the teachings I have learned over the last 3 years in my free video training, "6 Steps for Manifestation."    I share more about my personal story and how I began to shift my thoughts, as well as the 6 steps I use today to manifest my desires.

Are you ready to shift your reality?  If so, I invite you to join me in this free video training.  Click play below.


