Do You Value Yourself?


I just came back from an amazing weekend retreat, Live Free, a weekend designed for ambitious women ready to step into the good life by creating the lifestyle and success they've always wanted. We were coached and workshopped on everything from achieving our business goals and desires to how to make girlfriends, learn time mastery skills, and find the balance between hustle and flow all without sacrificing the time for self-care.

A common theme that kept coming up for me throughout the weekend was value.  It was a big investment for me to even be at the retreat.

One year ago, it would have never been something I would consider going to.  However, I've discovered, the investments I've made in my personal and business growth were the investments that paid off the most.

One day this weekend we were asked to journal about, "What isn't working in your life?"  In my writing, I realized in the past, I had been placing my value outside of myself.

I had the idea, I'll be valuable when: 

  • I get married.
  • I earn a six figure income.
  • I sign on the next client.
  • I buy a house of my own.

Even though I mentally knew my value, it didn't fully click for me until this weekend.

I used to be so afraid to invest in myself.  I was waiting to be validated from the outside world first. I was waiting for my value to be shown to me before I knew that I was worth it.

Then this year I began to see:

"No one else will ever value you more than you value yourself." - Kate Northrup  {tweet it} 

So today I simply want to tell you, your value is not based on how much money you make, how many clients you have, what you own, who you're in a relationship with, or where you live.

You are valuable no matter what.  Your value is inherent.

Say the affirmation out loud:  I am valuable no matter what.  

When you stop placing your value on the outside world and deeply connect to the value inherent in yourself, the outside world will in turn, reflect that.

Wednesday, October 29, I'll be talking more about this topic and I'll be giving key exercises on how to OWN YOUR VALUE. If you feel called to explore this idea further, I invite you to join the free series, "Financial Alchemy: 3 calls to create a money mindset."  

The first call is Wednesday, October 29 at 5 pm...and if you make it live, there will be time for questions and coaching at the end.

Love, Meredith


About the Author:

Meredith Rom believes in the power of self-love, gratitude, and vision to create a life of magic. She is a women’s empowerment coach, yoga teacher, and author.