How I found my ideal job, relationship and home in less than 3 months


A few weeks ago I finished leading my first online group coaching program for women.  It was six months long of insightful connection and sisterhood.  What I gained most from it though, was the confidence to know I could turn my dreams into reality.    I remember writing my intentions in January earlier this year, "I am breaking through my blocks and fears to create an amazing 6 month group program for women.  I am strong, confident and courageous.  I am taking steps closer to my vision everyday."

I read these words out loud to myself everyday for 40 days after my meditation, and within that timespan I wrote the curriculum, created the content, and implemented a plan to market it.

It included 12 phone calls, each with its own topic and handouts on what I felt called to speak about most.  I included everything from Brene Brown to green smoothies, the 5 love languages, creating abundance, and my personal favorite, a 40-day spiritual practice for manifestation.

When I think back on my life just three years ago, I see how far I have really come...  I arrived back to the states after 6 months of traveling in India totally lost.  I was staying as a guest at friend's houses without a place to live, without a job, without a community  and without a great love in my life.  On top of that, I had gained weight while I was traveling, felt heavy and lethargic, and was totally addicted to sugar.  However, meditation was my one priority in my life. Those times of stillness and silence pulled me through.  

In my meditation, I realized how fearful my thoughts really were and I decided to consciously change them.  I chose a set of very simple positive and peaceful words to replace my fearful thoughts, and repeated them in my mind every time fearful thoughts arose.

Intuitively, I knew my thoughts had created my reality, and I needed to change my thoughts to change my life.

I eventually found a small cabin to sublet for 3 months behind a home in Berkeley, and spent days in solitude writing out my dreams.  I wrote of teaching yoga, of living in a house with other meditators, of falling in love, of clearing up my skin, losing the weight I had gained traveling and of earning enough money to fully sustain myself.

I didn't know how it would happen, but I stayed true to my vision, and I fully believed it was possible.

Little by little, I found the resources to improve my health and my skin, a friend I had known a year before moved back into town and invited me to start a community house based around Vipassana meditation, I faced my fears of teaching yoga, I lost the excess weight, earned the money I needed to pay all my bills, and on top of all that, I fell in love.  

Since then I have been a dedicated believer of the law of attraction and manifestation because I experienced it firsthand.

Through meditation, I shifted my thoughts, my beliefs, and I manifested what I wanted and needed most in my life.

Now, I'm excited to share the teachings I have learned over the last 3 years in my free video training, "6 Steps for Manifestation."    I share more about my personal story and how I began to shift my thoughts, as well as the 6 steps I use today to manifest my desires.

Are you ready to shift your reality?  If so, I invite you to join me in this free video training.  Click play below.




Do You Value Yourself?


I just came back from an amazing weekend retreat, Live Free, a weekend designed for ambitious women ready to step into the good life by creating the lifestyle and success they've always wanted. We were coached and workshopped on everything from achieving our business goals and desires to how to make girlfriends, learn time mastery skills, and find the balance between hustle and flow all without sacrificing the time for self-care.

A common theme that kept coming up for me throughout the weekend was value.  It was a big investment for me to even be at the retreat.

One year ago, it would have never been something I would consider going to.  However, I've discovered, the investments I've made in my personal and business growth were the investments that paid off the most.

One day this weekend we were asked to journal about, "What isn't working in your life?"  In my writing, I realized in the past, I had been placing my value outside of myself.

I had the idea, I'll be valuable when: 

  • I get married.
  • I earn a six figure income.
  • I sign on the next client.
  • I buy a house of my own.

Even though I mentally knew my value, it didn't fully click for me until this weekend.

I used to be so afraid to invest in myself.  I was waiting to be validated from the outside world first. I was waiting for my value to be shown to me before I knew that I was worth it.

Then this year I began to see:

"No one else will ever value you more than you value yourself." - Kate Northrup  {tweet it} 

So today I simply want to tell you, your value is not based on how much money you make, how many clients you have, what you own, who you're in a relationship with, or where you live.

You are valuable no matter what.  Your value is inherent.

Say the affirmation out loud:  I am valuable no matter what.  

When you stop placing your value on the outside world and deeply connect to the value inherent in yourself, the outside world will in turn, reflect that.

Wednesday, October 29, I'll be talking more about this topic and I'll be giving key exercises on how to OWN YOUR VALUE. If you feel called to explore this idea further, I invite you to join the free series, "Financial Alchemy: 3 calls to create a money mindset."  

The first call is Wednesday, October 29 at 5 pm...and if you make it live, there will be time for questions and coaching at the end.

Love, Meredith


About the Author:

Meredith Rom believes in the power of self-love, gratitude, and vision to create a life of magic. She is a women’s empowerment coach, yoga teacher, and author.




The # 1 block of miracles in your life

magic-deepak chopra-how to destress


When you are stressed out, you miss out on powerful opportunities to bring you exactly what you need.  {tweet it}

I recently read a book by Deepak Chopra where he shared:

"Stress is a form of anxiety.  If you're stressed, then you can't even begin to think about synchronicity.  Synchronicity is a means of getting in touch with God.  It's a path to meaning and purpose in your life.  It's a means of having the experience of love and compassion.  It's a means of connecting to the nonlocal intelligence of the universe.  If my attention is on situations that generate stress, then it is difficult to access synchronicity.  To do so effectively you have to have an attitude of surrender to the universal domain, which is much grander than anything you could imagine.  Surrender requires a leap of faith, a jump into the unknown...and if you take this leap of faith you will be richly rewarded."  ~Deepak Chopra

Think about it - songs, books, and breakthrough ideas do not come through us when we are in a state of anxiety and stress.

We need to create the space for these miracles to occur in our lives.

I receive all my best intuition and creative ideas when I create the space to just BE.

So when I start to feel overwhelmed, here are my go to steps to drop the stress:

1.  Move your body - Wisdom lives in your BODY not your mind.  Get out for a run, go to yoga class, or dance!

2.  Get a good night's rest - turn off the cell phones and computers early, make yourself a hot cup of tea, read a book and go to bed!

3. Be creative - Here are some images of my most recent creative ventures inspired by the retreat I went to last weekend.  Try making a collage, an earth mandala, make a painting or sing a song.


When we lessen the chatter of our mind we create space for creativity, intuition and insight.

If you're local,  and feel like life is pulling you in different directions, I invite you to my Yin & Harmonium Yoga Series starting on Monday September 22.


Each class will be a deeply nourishing and relaxing yoga practice to release stress and open to new insights about your life.

Take a moment to slow down, breathe, and try to incorporate the above steps to let go of stress in your life.  Because only when we create the space to let ourselves rest, do we open up to receive miracles...

Much love,


What does yoga have to do with a good parking spot?


Last week I went to a networking event near the financial district of San Francisco.  If any of you have tried to find parking in San Francisco - you know it's not always easy.  My boyfriend and I found a spot 4 long blocks away from the bar where the event was being held, but it was getting cold, and there was a huge hill between where we were and where we were going.  I turned to him and said, "We're getting a better parking spot." 

I closed my eyes and asked the universe to provide us with a parking spot on the right side of the road right next to the bar, and sure enough, we found one, right in front of the bar.  I thanked my angels, and whoever else grants the divine parking spot gifts, and went into the event.

While I was there, I met a girl who was telling me about how she didn't like her current job.  Instead of hearing more about what she didn't like, I asked, "What does your ideal job look like?"

She rolled her eyes and replied, "Anything! Any job where I can go into work and have my own desk and a stable salary would be better than what I have now." 

I could just hear Marie Forleo in my head saying, "Three years in the future is going to come around whether you want it to or not, so why not consciously design it?  Take a look at your life and ask, are you living by design or by default?" 

Having a vision helps you know where you are going and what to ask for.  If you don't think and feel what it is you need, the universe won't know how to bring it to you. 

I asked her, "Do you know anything about manifestation?  About changing your thoughts to think positively and visualize what you really want and need in your life?" 

At first she looked confused and said, "No, not really."  But then she paused and said, "Unless you mean, like what I do when I am looking for a good parking spot... I used to only look for parking spots three blocks away from where I was going, then I finally realized, how will I ever get the parking spot I really want unless I show up to look for it?  That's when I started getting good parking spots." 

I said, "That's EXACTLY what I"m talking about!"  I laughed and pointed outside and said, "Look that's my car, right outside the bar!"

She laughed and said, "That's my car, right in front of yours!" 

In busy San Francisco, we managed to get the best parking spots exactly where we needed to be.

So often we avoid asking the universe for what we really want because we are afraid of rejection or disappointment.  But if you don't bother ASKING or GOING FOR IT then you never even give yourself or the universe the chance to make it happen!

So what does yoga have to do with a good parking spot?

Yoga clears away our thoughts, brings us into clarity about our intention, holds the space for us to ask for what we really want and opens us up to receive it.  Tweet it

I mean, how do you think I found all these four leaf clovers? 


So I'd love to know, where in YOUR life are you living by default?  What would it look like for you to consciously design your life the way you want it?

In order to get where we want to be in life, we need to get clear on what we want.  What is it you want?  What's holding you back from going for it?  I'd love to hear your thoughts below in the comments!

xoxo Meredith

Why we should share our prayers


At some point we stopped being able to express our needs to the world in order to portray a facade of perfection.  

Why are we hiding what is most true and needed in our life?

I've realized what is most authentic to us in any given moment, is also the most vulnerable to share.  Maybe we are experiencing a heartbreak, looking for a job, a home, or experiencing loss or grief.  These are usually the hardest things to share with the world around us, because it shows vulnerability - that we are not capable of figuring it all out on our own.

But what if vulnerability is what granted us what we wanted in the world?

What if by sharing our truest prayers to our community they would manifest that much faster?  

The universe needs us to express our needs in order to fulfill them.

When a baby is hungry and is not fed, the baby cries louder.  But when we are having trouble - at home, in our career, or in our relationships, we hide it to the world around us because we want to put up a facade that everything is going well.

At what point did it no longer become safe to share our needs?

My friend went on a vision quest last month without food or water for three days.  He told a group of people to pray with him, to eat and drink for him, and send him their support in their thoughts for those three days.  And what he found, was that he wasn't hungry, and it wasn't as hard as he thought to be without water.  He felt the presence of those people with him on his quest, and he says their prayers helped him through.

When we share our prayers, they are spread out into a larger consciousness to raise their vibration.  When people are praying with you and for you and your needs - it's like the baby crying louder to eat - it is more likely to be picked up in the universal consciousness.

This week at my Yoga Sangha group we each brought an object to place on an altar with a prayer to send out.  We all shared something true to us in this time in our life, and in doing so raised the consciousness on our prayers.

When it comes to prayers, and what is most true and vulnerable to us in our life, sometimes all we need is a friend to connect us to the right path, a next step, or simply hold us in their prayers as well, so the universe can hear loud and clear what it is we need.