
My story of transformation

courage-sisterhood-self love

In 2011 I started writing a book about synchronicity, the chain of events that links one thing to another in an almost too perfect way.  

I had just come back from six months traveling in India visiting spiritual teachers, living in ashrams and attending meditation retreats.  I was full with stories that seemed almost "too crazy to be true," so I sat down and started writing them.

Unfortunately, a few months later I got swept up in the need to earn money and find a place to live in the Bay Area housing scene.

My writing was pushed to the side...Until two months ago.

I woke up from a dream, where I found a book in a drawer, and was flipping through the beautiful pages - of what happened to be - another woman's travels!  There were photographs, beautiful designs and stories woven throughout.  I woke up and thought, "That was supposed to be the book, I wrote.  I need to do this." 

Moments like this, of synchronicity, have always brought me back to feeling like life has more meaning.  These moments have helped me believe there really is something more out there, linking us all to each other and to something greater...

But a few years ago I didn't know what synchronicity was or even fully believe miracles could be real...

At the time I was applying for jobs I didn't want, had chronic pain in my body and my skin was constantly breaking out.  I felt stressed and insecure - physically and emotionally.

One night, I was riding a subway alone in New York City feeling so depressed.  I went to a party looking for connection, but all I found was beer and small talk.  I felt alone and lost.

I sat and looked at the woman sitting across from me in the subway.  She was overweight, looked like she had just gotten off work in the subway system, and seemed equally exhausted, stressed out, and depressed.

I started thinking "What is the point? What is the point in living a life just to earn money and feed into a system that makes me feel like I'm not enough?  So that I spend more money, and need to earn more money working at a computer all day at a job I hate?  So I continue to have terrible chronic pain in my body and feel the need to numb myself out all the time??"

I went home that night and cried, feeling all the pain that arose from asking those questions.

Luckily, around this same time, a friend brought me to my first yoga class.

I remember lying in pigeon pose and realizing that instead of resisting all the pain in my body and my life, I could just be with it.  And in that willingness to be with it, I began to find release. 

I learned, that instead of trying to distract myself from my problems by going to food, to sugar, to alcohol, or to the pills the doctors gave me, I could be present with my body and ask what it was trying to tell me.

I see now, everything I have gone through, from the chronic aches and pains, the acne, the headaches and the jaw clenching, it has all been telling me, "Look at the root of the problem. What needs to change in your life?"

That was when I began to truly take care of myself. 

I started paying attention to what I ate.  I spent less time on the computer, took baths, went to yoga classes, and began addressing this pain I was trying to push away.

 I started loving my body, even with all its aches and its pains.  

And in that presence, in the willingness to just "be with it" instead of numbing myself out with food, sugar, alcohol, or the pills the doctors gave me, I was granted access to my intuition.  I was granted access to my body's wisdom.

That intuition told me to go to San Francisco, and a few months later, I did.  I moved on a total whim, not knowing anyone in the city and found a sublet on craigslist in an artist collective.

When I moved, I made a vow to start following my intuition and listen to my body.

Just days later a man came up to me in a park and said, "I'm going to meet a saint this weekend, and I think you're supposed to come..."  I listened.  

I started seeing visions of India in my meditations.  I listened.   I woke up one day with the strong urge to become a yoga teacher.  I listened.  

My intuition opened me to new visions, my path, my purpose, and my passions.

When I started following these passions, I quickly saw I needed to face my fears.  Thoughts like, "But how will I speak in front of a group?  How will I find the money to go to a teacher training?  How can I go to India by myself without a plan?  People will think I'm crazy!"  played over in my mind.

But I took action anyway.

I knew I needed to step outside my comfort zone to manifest my visions.

Up to now I've stood for courage and self-love. All along I've known, courage and self-love were key -- but for what?

I'm seeing now, courage and self-love are key for synchronicity...

As I meditated yesterday, these words dropped into my mind:

"When you love your body and live your passions life becomes full of magic."

"Oh," I thought to myself.  "That's it."

I am here to love my body, even with all the symptoms, aches and pains it sometimes shows me.  I am here to live my passions, because when I do, I open myself to synchronicity, joy, love, and ultimately, a more meaningful life.

And now, I am here to help you shift your thoughts, your beliefs and your reality.

When I started loving my body and living my passions, it all clicked.  I tapped into synchronicity.  Life had meaning again.  My life became magical.  

And I believe so can yours.

So today, in service to you, your body, and your passions, I ask, "What would a magical life look like to you?  How would you feel?  How would you treat your body?  and What passions would you be living?"

I would love to hear, in the comments below.

In service to you, sister.

May you love your body. May you live your passions. May you tap into a magical life full with love, joy, and synchronicity.

With love,



About the Author:

Meredith Rom is a spiritual activist who’s work has been empowering women since 2010. She helps women tap into self love and a life full of magic through her writing, coaching, and yoga retreats.


How I started earning more money doing what I love (and other insights on manifestation)

prosperity-business clarity-entrepreneur

This past January I participated in a potent Vision meditation practice for 40 days. Every day I did this practice consisting of meditation, pranayama, chanting, mantra, mudra and quite literally, standing up to declare my heart's vision.

So what is a vision? And what was I saying everyday?

A vision is a written and spoken intention of your highest self.  It is written and spoken in the present tense to tune yourself to this highest power and start living the vision.

Here are some lines from my vision:

  • I am financially independent.  I am earning my living through doing what I love: teaching yoga and health coaching
  • I am participating in female mentorship and collaboration
  • I am fulfilling my soul's purpose
  • I am teaching others to rest, align, and love themselves first
  • I am breaking through my blocks and fears to have an amazing 6 month program for my clients
  • I am an inspiration to everyone around me
  • I am touching the lives of more people through my teachings

Every day I stood up and read my heart vision out loud.  It is a powerful practice to imagine your future self and then voice that intention in the present tense, every day, for 40 consecutive days.

So what happened after 40 days?

  • My yoga schedule shifted: I was asked to teach a new class with higher attendance
  • My other yoga classes started having higher attendance
  • I had a phone call with a female mentor I admire
  • New female mentors in my life appeared.  Wise older female yoga teachers became accessible to me where I live
  • I brought in $500 more per month through doing what I love: yoga and health coaching

And the biggest thing that happened on day 40 of the practice:

  • 15 people directly told me "You are an inspiration!" or "You inspire me!" These came through comments on facebook, messages, emails and text messages for a variety of different reasons all on the same day - the last day of my heart vision practice. One source was from this facebook Post 

I couldn't believe it. 15 people from all directions telling me the exact words I used in my vision practice??

What I realized from all of this was that I was tuning my energy to become what I was saying.  Every morning when I said, "I am an inspiration to everyone around me," my actions were guided throughout the day.  I was subconsciously choosing to speak from a place of guidance and live from my heart.  I was listening to my intuition and the posts I made on social media were inspiring others.

When you consistently imagine your highest vision for yourself, you begin to believe it and become it. {tweet it}

Needless to say, I am a strong believer in holding a vision and having a consistent practice to manifest that vision.

It can create dramatic change in your life to shift your thoughts.  You will start receiving the guidance you need to reach your goals.   You will suddenly be in the right place at the right time.  You will find yourself sitting next to just the right person you need to meet.  Ideas will drop into your mind and you won't know where they came from!

So, if you are curious about manfestation, and want to hear more about my 40 day practice, be sure to sign up for my free teleseminar tomorrow night at 6 pm pacific for "Magic," the first class in a series of 3 free phone calls.  You'll learn my top 3 tips for a manifestation, 6 key steps for a manifestation practice, and a group guided meditation.

You'll also be the first to hear about my upcoming group program where I will be teaching a 40 day practice for an intimate group of women to support each other in manifesting their vision.

I'd love to hear your stories of manifestation in the comments below...  Have you ever changed your thoughts and saw them manifest in your daily life?  If so, share your story!

