104 | Revolution & Planetary Shifts in Consciousness with Meredith Rom

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With the Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse just around the corner, our planet has been elevating into higher states of consciousness as the dark is being brought into the light.

In this episode I share more about the power of the heart, the golden age upon us, anti-racism work, amplifying voices of color and tools to navigate these potent times.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Let’s take time to learn directly from Black, Indigenous, People of Color. Here are some of our favorite conversations from Rising Women Leaders:

Resources For Further Study:

Holistic Resistance - Anti-racism workshops, trainings, coaching, and singing circles

Layla F. Saad - Me and White Supremacy book and workshops

Michelle Johnson - Intersection of Yoga and Social Justice Trainings

Rachel Ricketts - Spiritual Activism Webinars

Lyla June Johnston - Indigenous Rights, Climate Change & Activism

Jedaya Barboza - Divine Feminine Spiritual Guidance & Awakening