business clarity

How I started earning more money doing what I love (and other insights on manifestation)

prosperity-business clarity-entrepreneur

This past January I participated in a potent Vision meditation practice for 40 days. Every day I did this practice consisting of meditation, pranayama, chanting, mantra, mudra and quite literally, standing up to declare my heart's vision.

So what is a vision? And what was I saying everyday?

A vision is a written and spoken intention of your highest self.  It is written and spoken in the present tense to tune yourself to this highest power and start living the vision.

Here are some lines from my vision:

  • I am financially independent.  I am earning my living through doing what I love: teaching yoga and health coaching
  • I am participating in female mentorship and collaboration
  • I am fulfilling my soul's purpose
  • I am teaching others to rest, align, and love themselves first
  • I am breaking through my blocks and fears to have an amazing 6 month program for my clients
  • I am an inspiration to everyone around me
  • I am touching the lives of more people through my teachings

Every day I stood up and read my heart vision out loud.  It is a powerful practice to imagine your future self and then voice that intention in the present tense, every day, for 40 consecutive days.

So what happened after 40 days?

  • My yoga schedule shifted: I was asked to teach a new class with higher attendance
  • My other yoga classes started having higher attendance
  • I had a phone call with a female mentor I admire
  • New female mentors in my life appeared.  Wise older female yoga teachers became accessible to me where I live
  • I brought in $500 more per month through doing what I love: yoga and health coaching

And the biggest thing that happened on day 40 of the practice:

  • 15 people directly told me "You are an inspiration!" or "You inspire me!" These came through comments on facebook, messages, emails and text messages for a variety of different reasons all on the same day - the last day of my heart vision practice. One source was from this facebook Post 

I couldn't believe it. 15 people from all directions telling me the exact words I used in my vision practice??

What I realized from all of this was that I was tuning my energy to become what I was saying.  Every morning when I said, "I am an inspiration to everyone around me," my actions were guided throughout the day.  I was subconsciously choosing to speak from a place of guidance and live from my heart.  I was listening to my intuition and the posts I made on social media were inspiring others.

When you consistently imagine your highest vision for yourself, you begin to believe it and become it. {tweet it}

Needless to say, I am a strong believer in holding a vision and having a consistent practice to manifest that vision.

It can create dramatic change in your life to shift your thoughts.  You will start receiving the guidance you need to reach your goals.   You will suddenly be in the right place at the right time.  You will find yourself sitting next to just the right person you need to meet.  Ideas will drop into your mind and you won't know where they came from!

So, if you are curious about manfestation, and want to hear more about my 40 day practice, be sure to sign up for my free teleseminar tomorrow night at 6 pm pacific for "Magic," the first class in a series of 3 free phone calls.  You'll learn my top 3 tips for a manifestation, 6 key steps for a manifestation practice, and a group guided meditation.

You'll also be the first to hear about my upcoming group program where I will be teaching a 40 day practice for an intimate group of women to support each other in manifesting their vision.

I'd love to hear your stories of manifestation in the comments below...  Have you ever changed your thoughts and saw them manifest in your daily life?  If so, share your story!




Why it's so important to have a VISION


Last week on the spring equinox I invited my students to create a vision.  Everyone took time to write and consciously imagine their higher selves, their bigger world vision, and their purpose in that vision.

So why is it so important to have a vision?

For the last three years I have asked myself again and again, "Why am I here?" and "What is my larger life purpose?" I've come back to these questions over and over, and in doing so, have developed a business that supports both my life, but also my larger vision for the world.

Having a vision creates clarity and clarity creates power. {Tweet it}

Five years is going to roll around whether you want it to or not, so why not consciously design it?

Having a vision doesn't mean you have to stick to it.  It just means you know where you're going.  

If you're setting out on a road trip to Florida, it's good to know your destination.  That doesn't mean you might not change course and have a pit stop in New York along the way, but at least you are headed in the general right direction.

The problem is, sometimes we don't exactly know what we want.  I remember the pain of not knowing my purpose, not having a vision for my life or the world.  I even remember sitting on the top of a mountain in Mexico on a vision quest at my yoga teacher training asking again and again, "Why am I here?" and still not knowing the answer.  It can be hard to not know and not have community or a guide to lead you on your path.

That's why I created a 6-month group program for women, Let go, Vision, Transform.  If you're feeling stuck, looking for a new direction, ready to discover your vision, face your fears and strengthen your voice, I invite you to apply to this elite online phone based program beginning at the end of May.

I am gathering a small group of women to support each other and open to the vision for their life and the world. I will lead a series of calls on health, self-care and nutrition so each woman can start feeling energized, naturally beautiful and confident to start owning her dreams.  We will then shift focus to finding fulfillment through career, personal finances, and relationships.  After focusing on ourselves, we will open to a larger vision for the world.  I will have two private coaching calls with each woman to develop her vision, and on the last 40 days I will teach a manifestation practice for each woman to turn that vision into reality.  This will be a very close bonding experience where each woman will be fully supported to grow by leaps and bounds.

Over the last three years I've done the work to discover my vision, face my fears, and strengthen my voice to make an impact.  Now I am hear to help you to make yours.

Love, Meredith


On money and miracles


I've been reading this book: The Law of Divine Compensation by Marianne Williamson.

The wisdom of this book has been finding its way into my yoga classes, so I thought I would share some of my insights here.

One of the first lessons in the book is, when bad things happen, remind yourself, "I can absorb the loss," let go, and move on.

The day after I read this lesson, I got a parking ticket.  Not just some $15 parking ticket, but a $48 parking ticket.  That's almost fifty dollars!  I very well knew to move my car, but absentmindedly forgot.

Before reading this book, I would have made myself feel pretty bad about it.  But that day, something in me shifted and I said to myself, "I can absorb the loss."

I paid the ticket, and I moved on with my life.  I didn't let guilt build up or let my inner critic say negative things inside my mind.

Marianne reminds us that only love is real.  When bad things happen, whether or not you attracted them into your life, you can always realign yourself back with love to keep attracting more of what's good.  However, if we hold on to the pain, the anger, and the negative emotions, we block our next miracle to make things right.

That same week, 4 of my yoga classes doubled in size, and I signed on a new client for health coaching.  It was like the universe saw the loss, recognized my shift in consciousness and immediately realigned to make up for it (and some)!


The second insight that stayed with me was about forgiveness.  Forgiveness - especially to those we have worked with in the past is so crucial to clear our money consciousness.  Marianne suggests imagining a long line of people you are working with, or have worked with before and bow before every person standing in the line.

"Within your heart, bless, apologize, and forgive wherever necessary.  And complete forgiveness is necessary, if we're to attract and produce miracles."

Then she suggests creating another line of people:  everyone you're working with or could be working with now.  Again, inwardly, bow before the spirit of each one.  "Acknowledge their gifts and thank them for what they have done for you.  Fill your heart with an attitude of appreciation.  Pray to be a vessel of love that invokes their fulfillment and joy.  Pray that your energy expands to such an extent that it would be natural for you to find yourself in a room with such people, working and creating with them."

I did this exercise one night as I was falling asleep, and imagined funnelling love to the person I want to work with most in my life.  I prayed to be a vessel of greater good in that person's life.  Even though it seemed like an impossible fate - the next morning she called me.

I share this to remind you, miracles are real.  When you release negativity and shift your consciousness to align with love, and believe that only love is real, the universe will open to you and all you need will be provided.

The thing is, It won't always look exactly how you imagined it.  "God's promise is not that we will always get what we want.  It's that in all things love will ultimately prevail."

We must let go our attachment to form to realize form is limited, but spirit is not.  The universe is not invested in exactly what you want, but it is invested in your enlightenment.  When we let go of form, we often realize we are fine without it, which then either attracts it or something even better.

Whatever blocks are in the way of you achieving the life you want to live and the financial abundance you want to have, are in your mind.

As Marianne says, "Seek to remove your barriers to love, and miracles will replace them."

In deep gratitude for this work. ~ Meredith