Yin Yoga to Heal a Broken Heart


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Whether it's a breakup, not being able to hold the ones you love as social distancing continues, feeling the effects of Venus retrograde or the grief of the state of the world, there are a lot of reasons to have a broken heart.

Grief, loss, anger...just turning on the news right now can stir a lot of emotions. If you're a sensitive, feeling being like me, it can sometimes feel like too much.

We can turn away from our feelings, numb out, and if that begins to happen, depression can set in.

How do we keep an open heart amidst it all?

The theme of this class is working with the heart and lung meridians. Clearing stagnant energy to keep our hearts open when they most want to close. Just this weekend I had a day of feeling depressed as the grief of what's happening in the world set in.

This particular yin sequence helped me move the energy, awaken stagnant chi, clear old pain and remain open-hearted amidst it all.

Some things you may like to have but are not necessary:

  • blanket

  • eye pillow

  • your favorite essential oil

  • pillow

  • yoga blocks and/or bolster (if you have them)

Let's take some time to relax the nervous system and give space to our yin nature. A time to embrace slowing down and deep rest.

Watch more videos like this right here.

To explore more ways to heal a broken heart, read my article, 30 Ways to Heal a Broken Heart.