Why I Do This Work


Almost four years ago I set out in the world as a newly certified coach with a dream to bring women together in an online group program. I called it Let Go, Vision, Transform and imagined these women joining together over many months to support each other in manifesting their dreams. 

I created a curriculum, where I shared a wisdom teaching each month as well as space to hold live calls for the women to connect with each other. 

I didn't fully know what I was getting myself into, and spent three months promoting with no one signing up. Even though I was disappointed, I kept showing up. I knew in my heart I was fully committed to this program.

Then, three days before the program was about to begin something magical happened. One woman I had had a call with - signed up. Then the next day - three friends I had invited signed up. Then the day the program was about to begin, another woman I admired and invited on a total whim - said yes.  

And just like that, on the first day of the program we had five women, committed and ready to begin. 

Four years ago, I fully stepped into my role as a leader.

I've been reflecting back on the sweetness of that program, and how my commitment brought forth so much beauty, grace, and friendship between those women over six months. Each and every one of those women are still so dear and close to me and each other.

With four more years of skills and expertise under my wings, I have brought life to a new program: The Sovereign Circle

I continue to show up to this work of bringing women together because I know when we enter a sacred container of support like this over several months - pure alchemy happens.

But why did I create this specific program? As I have been having phone calls with women joining the program, these answers have organically risen to the surface to be shared:

1. Sisterhood

When I have had space to open up in vulnerability and openness in a group of other women - to allow myself to rest into that softness and support, I have cultivated so much inner strength and courage. It's because of having supportive groups of women, I have felt myself gain momentum in being able to step up and lead. 

I created this program with the intention of having a sisterhood call every month near the full or new moon for each woman to share herself - her intentions, her challenges, her dreams, and her wisdom. This is going to be a safe and sacred space for the women in the group to show up to support each other.

2. The Sovereign Queen

I've been thinking a lot about the archetype of the Queen lately - and that's also why I used the word "Sovereign" in the name of the program. The Queen is regal, autonomous, boundless, and free. She says YES to her power. But really, she says yes to her power because she knows with that power she can give back so much to her people. 

She stands in her power because she stands for something - and she wishes to give back and uplift others. All the women joining this program have a similar dream - to make a contribution. They all yearn for their lives to have meaning and impact.

3. The Chakras

I am constantly learning, and I have so much new wisdom to share with the women of this group. I decided to design the program with a monthly wisdom teaching recording. Each month the focus of the teachings would be related to a different chakra. 

The teachings I'll be sharing have deeply impacted my life, and we will have the opportunity to discuss these teachings each month on our live sisterhood call.

Month 1: Root: Body wellness & Home - Decluttering & Laying a Sovereign Foundation of Self-Love

Month 2: Sacral: Womb Healing, Creativity & Sensuality

Month 3: Solar Plexus: Worthiness, Relationship to Money, Structures & Systems

Month 4: Heart: Love, Divine Love, Self-Love, Love in Partnership, Love in Sisterhood and the Teachings of Mary Magdalene

Month 5: Throat: Voice, Leadership, Speaking Authentic Truths

Month 6: Third Eye: Intuition, Inner Knowing, Dreams, Visions

Month 7: Crown: Connection to the Divine, Closing Ceremony, Rite of Passage

4. The Higher Self

In the beginning of the program I'll be leading a meditation to support each woman to connect to this idea of the higher self. Connecting to my higher self - my inner wise woman has been such a powerful way for me to come into deeper alignment in my life and work. 

This program is an invitation for each woman to step more and more into the role of her higher self each day. On our last ceremonial call, each woman will be invited to show up adorned as her higher self and we will be sharing our vows - how we wish to show up for ourselves, and for our great contribution in this life. 

I will be guiding every step of the way, and cannot wait for this final ceremony in April.

To recap: The program is 7 months long and includes:

+ a monthly wisdom teaching recording based around the chakras (45 - 60 min)
+ a monthly live guest mentor teacher call (60 min)
+ a monthly private coaching session with me (75 min)
+ a monthly live sisterhood call near a new or full moon (75 min)

he program begins in just two weeks - October 4th. If you've been feeling curious to learn more, I invite you to sign up for a free call with me. 

I have a feeling this program is going to fill up soon. The energy is building, and just the right group of women are forming. There are now only a few spaces left...Could this be for you? Or perhaps someone you know?

When you sign up for a call, I'll send you the program guide with more details about the program and we can have the chance to connect one on one about your challenges, your dreams and all you are ready to step into this year.

With love,

P.S. This program is filled with amazing guest teachers - check out some of my latest instagram posts to see who will be featured!