
The High Priestess: Tarot Mystic Guide


The Tarot, with its enigmatic symbols and archetypal imagery, serves as a profound tool for self-discovery and guidance. Among the traditional tarot deck's powerful cards, the High Priestess stands as a mystic guide, inviting us to delve into the realms of intuition, mystery, and the unconscious. In this exploration, we unravel the secrets behind the High Priestess tarot card and discover how its wisdom can be applied to enhance our lives.

The High Priestess Card: A Symbolic Journey

Represented by card number II in the Tarot's Major Arcana, the High Priestess is a symbol of deep intuition, spiritual insight, and the mysteries that lie beneath the surface. In most decks, she is depicted as a serene figure seated between two pillars, holding a scroll in her lap, adorned with the lunar crescent at her feet.

Key Symbolism:

  1. Dual Pillars: The pillars behind the High Priestess represent duality - light and darkness, masculine and feminine, conscious and unconscious. She stands as the bridge between these opposing forces, guiding us to find balance in our lives.

  2. Scroll: The scroll she holds signifies esoteric knowledge and hidden wisdom. It emphasizes the importance of turning inward and trusting our inner guidance, relying on the wisdom we carry within.

  3. Lunar Crescent: Positioned at her feet, the crescent moon symbolizes the cyclical nature of life, intuition, and the ever-changing aspects of the unconscious mind. The High Priestess is closely aligned with the lunar energy, emphasizing the power of receptivity and intuition.

Applying the High Priestess Wisdom to Our Lives:

Trust Your Intuition

The High Priestess encourages us to listen to our inner voice and trust our instincts. In a world filled with external noise, tapping into our intuition becomes a powerful tool for making authentic decisions aligned with our true selves.

Embrace the Unknown

Much like the mysteries shrouded in the High Priestess's scroll, life is filled with uncertainties. Embrace the unknown with a sense of curiosity and openness. The High Priestess teaches us that, within the mystery, there is potential for growth, transformation, and deeper self-awareness.

Cultivate Balance

The dual pillars behind the High Priestess symbolize the importance of finding balance in our lives. Whether it's balancing work and personal life or navigating the realms of light and shadow within ourselves, the High Priestess guides us to seek equilibrium.

Explore Your Spiritual Path

The High Priestess is a symbol of spiritual wisdom and connection. This card encourages us to explore our spiritual path, connect with our inner selves, and dive into the depths of our subconscious. It's a reminder that our spiritual journey is unique and deeply personal.

Honor Your Feminine Energy

In many tarot decks, the High Priestess embodies the feminine divine. Embrace and honor your feminine energy, recognizing its power, intuition, and nurturing qualities. The High Priestess encourages us to connect with the receptive, intuitive aspects of ourselves.

The High Priestess in tarot beckons us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, intuition, and spiritual growth. As we integrate the wisdom of this powerful card into our lives, we find a compass pointing us toward balance, trust, and a deeper connection with the mysteries that shape our existence. Embrace the guidance of the High Priestess and unlock the hidden realms within, for in the stillness of intuition, we discover the profound truths that guide us on our unique life path.


Join us for the Rising Women Leaders Way of the Priestess Program


What is a Priestess and How to Become a Priestess


I still remember the first time a friend read my numerology and told me my number correlated with the archetype of the High Priestess in the tarot deck. Even though I had no idea what it meant, something inside of me felt deeply seen.

It's been a long journey since then to discover and embody this archetype. From reading books, sitting in meditation, leading ritual and women's circles, offering up my ego, feeling deeply, healing the past, learning to forgive, to being initiated again and again ...

But what does it mean?

A Priestess is here first and foremost to serve.

She brings the formless into form through deep listening and communion with the divine.

She is here to raise the collective consciousness and to contribute in her own unique way, becoming a frequency of divine love.

She is here to anchor the frequency of the divine feminine, to restore balance on our planet and support ascension through with an energetic shift.

...These are just a few descriptions, and there are many, many more.

We are in a time of great change and I believe there are many women out there at this time who are here to hold a very specific frequency:

  • To be an embodiment of divine love to serve planetary awakening

  • To share her gifts as a teacher and a guide

  • To honor the sacred in every moment and purify, activate and align in ritual space

The path to becoming a Priestess begins with a calling. You begin to hear a quiet inner voice speaking to your spirit, awakening you to the knowledge that your life has a purpose. Chances are you have walked the path of a Priestess for a very long time, and your soul begins to remember.

When you hear the word, “Priestess,” there is a familiarity, a curiosity that is awakened. Becoming a Priestess is a deep and devotional process of learning how to serve in connection with Source, the Divine, the Goddess, all that is.

Spiritual service is about opening our heart, mind and hands and letting the energy of the divine work through us.

For some people, the Priestess path is about becoming a frequency, and it emanates from us and all that we do. For others, becoming a Priestess will look more like a counselor, a guide and a facilitator of ritual and women’s circles.

In any case, walking this path can feel very lonely, and it helps to have guidance, community and mentorship on the path.

Do you ever feel:

  • deeply impacted by the state of the world

  • highly sensitive and empathic

  • stuck with grief / unsure how to move ahead

  • struggle finding focus on truly making an impact

  • feeling alone or lacking community...?

Because I’ve connected with so many women feeling this call, I created a 10 month program for women feeling called to the Priestess path.

This program is an opportunity to answer this calling, and bring your spiritual growth and service to the forefront of your life.

I believe as women we are inherently powerful, yet many of us don't say yes to our power. When we say yes to our power and reflect that power in each other - we can be of such greater service in the world. But we also have to have good boundaries and take care of ourselves, to give from a full cup in order to be at this level of service... so it's important to take supreme care of ourselves as we step into greater service.

So this program is an opportunity to learn about the role of the priestess as well as rituals, wisdom, and skills to facilitate and hold space in your community.

We meet for 10 months and every month we meet about twice per month on live calls - this is a space for heart sharing, ritual, guest teachers throughout the year.

We have a curriculum you get to go through, which includes priestess practices, rituals, facilitation skills and initiation gateways… including astrological wisdom, energetic clearing, feminine essence, healing the womb, sensuality, voice and leadership, dreams and intuition, devotion and spiritual practice, death and rebirth, ending with our legacy of love, what we want to leave behind in this life, and writing our vows as a priestess.

It’s so powerful what can happen when a woman is witnessed, and gets to cross the threshold into her embodiment as a priestess - to claim this role in her life. In our closing weekend everyone will have the space to be witnessed in sharing her vows.


Join us for the Rising Women Leaders Way of the Priestess Program


30 Ways to Heal a Broken Heart

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In the last few weeks, I have been meeting more and more people going through a break-up.

Many of my yoga students and close friends of mine have been letting go of their relationships.  With the recent autumn equinox, I've seen it is a cosmic time of letting go.

An astrologer once told me a break-up happens when you are no longer able to fulfill your purpose while in the relationship.  If somehow the relationship has been preventing you from living as your most true and authentic self, the planets align to end it.

“A break-up creates the space for you to fulfill your sacred contract with life.”

There is something comforting to know that as difficult as it is to go through it, that there is something so much greater on the other side:  Living as your highest self.

I've been thinking back to my own break-ups, and what has gotten me through those difficult times.  I remember those were the hardest times for me to take care of myself, but that was actually what helped me through it the most.

So, whether or not you are letting go of something or someone in your life, I created this list of 30 ways to take care of yourself as a reminder to come back to basics, and the small daily actions to remember the love you can have for and with yourself.

30 Ways to Take Care of Yourself and Heal a Broken Heart

  • Use essential oils, I have a diffuser in my house and it changes my whole state when the room smells like wild orange or lavender

  • Make your bed luxurious and comfortable – buy nice sheets, pillows, plants, and a nice mattress

  • Meditate for the love of it, not because you have to, but because you want to. This means doing what is enjoyable to you - try pranayama, writing, saying affirmations, or drinking warm tea while you sit down in silence.

  • Keep crystals around your house to surround yourself with beauty

  • Do a tarot reading

  • Do yoga – this is an obvious one, but so many of us avoid yoga because we don't want to feel the difficult emotions we are going through. However, feeling them is the way we can move through them. Try a few yoga poses at home to ease back into it.

  • Turn off technology by 8 pm. Create space to ease into sleep.

  • Make a vision board

  • Ask a girlfriend to hang out. Take initiative with your friends. Tell them what you're going through.

  • Invest in yourself. Take that new yoga class, or get the massage you've been putting off.

  • Buy a box of raspberries. Raspberries for me, feel like the most luxurious purchase. It is expensive compared to other fruit at 5 or 6 dollars a box, but ultimately 6 dollars for a luxurious afternoon eating raspberries is worth it.

  • Buy flowers for yourself, for no reason.

  • Drink your favorite tea.

  • Use a hot water bottle. This is a great comfort item, to have something warm with you in bed, and is also good for cramps.

  • Journal. Try "morning pages" from The Artist’s Way. Write three pages each morning on anything - just let it all out on the paper.

  • Give yourself a pedicure. Wash your feet in the sink. Put on nice lotion and paint your nails.

  • Take an Epsom salt bath. This relaxes and soothes the muscles while removing toxins from the skin.

  • Be generous. Take a girlfriend out for tea or make dinner for someone. Giving takes the mind away from ourselves to come into a space of giving back.

  • Be creative. Make a card, a collage, or a drawing.

  • Rub body butter over your body while reading the affirmations. Try the affirmation, "I am healing my past easily and naturally now."

  • Buy something fun and new, and this doesn’t have to be expensive. I was in Mexico last year and I bought a couple $1 woven bracelets. They were bright and beautiful and brought me so much joy. When I went home, I gave them to 6 friends.

  • Declutter your life. Let go of the things you don't need. Sell and give away things you don’t use.

  • Keep your home tidy and clean.

  • Surround yourself with plants.

  • Learn something new. (Try picking up a new instrument and taking lessons!)

  • Write a list of your strengths. Then ask other people what they think your strengths are.

  • Write a list of things your grateful for.

  • SING.

  • DANCE.

  • Create a new vision for yourself – write it down and read it every day.

I would love to hear in the comments, which of these acts you will implement into your life?

With love,