
30 Ways to Heal a Broken Heart

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In the last few weeks, I have been meeting more and more people going through a break-up.

Many of my yoga students and close friends of mine have been letting go of their relationships.  With the recent autumn equinox, I've seen it is a cosmic time of letting go.

An astrologer once told me a break-up happens when you are no longer able to fulfill your purpose while in the relationship.  If somehow the relationship has been preventing you from living as your most true and authentic self, the planets align to end it.

“A break-up creates the space for you to fulfill your sacred contract with life.”

There is something comforting to know that as difficult as it is to go through it, that there is something so much greater on the other side:  Living as your highest self.

I've been thinking back to my own break-ups, and what has gotten me through those difficult times.  I remember those were the hardest times for me to take care of myself, but that was actually what helped me through it the most.

So, whether or not you are letting go of something or someone in your life, I created this list of 30 ways to take care of yourself as a reminder to come back to basics, and the small daily actions to remember the love you can have for and with yourself.

30 Ways to Take Care of Yourself and Heal a Broken Heart

  • Use essential oils, I have a diffuser in my house and it changes my whole state when the room smells like wild orange or lavender

  • Make your bed luxurious and comfortable – buy nice sheets, pillows, plants, and a nice mattress

  • Meditate for the love of it, not because you have to, but because you want to. This means doing what is enjoyable to you - try pranayama, writing, saying affirmations, or drinking warm tea while you sit down in silence.

  • Keep crystals around your house to surround yourself with beauty

  • Do a tarot reading

  • Do yoga – this is an obvious one, but so many of us avoid yoga because we don't want to feel the difficult emotions we are going through. However, feeling them is the way we can move through them. Try a few yoga poses at home to ease back into it.

  • Turn off technology by 8 pm. Create space to ease into sleep.

  • Make a vision board

  • Ask a girlfriend to hang out. Take initiative with your friends. Tell them what you're going through.

  • Invest in yourself. Take that new yoga class, or get the massage you've been putting off.

  • Buy a box of raspberries. Raspberries for me, feel like the most luxurious purchase. It is expensive compared to other fruit at 5 or 6 dollars a box, but ultimately 6 dollars for a luxurious afternoon eating raspberries is worth it.

  • Buy flowers for yourself, for no reason.

  • Drink your favorite tea.

  • Use a hot water bottle. This is a great comfort item, to have something warm with you in bed, and is also good for cramps.

  • Journal. Try "morning pages" from The Artist’s Way. Write three pages each morning on anything - just let it all out on the paper.

  • Give yourself a pedicure. Wash your feet in the sink. Put on nice lotion and paint your nails.

  • Take an Epsom salt bath. This relaxes and soothes the muscles while removing toxins from the skin.

  • Be generous. Take a girlfriend out for tea or make dinner for someone. Giving takes the mind away from ourselves to come into a space of giving back.

  • Be creative. Make a card, a collage, or a drawing.

  • Rub body butter over your body while reading the affirmations. Try the affirmation, "I am healing my past easily and naturally now."

  • Buy something fun and new, and this doesn’t have to be expensive. I was in Mexico last year and I bought a couple $1 woven bracelets. They were bright and beautiful and brought me so much joy. When I went home, I gave them to 6 friends.

  • Declutter your life. Let go of the things you don't need. Sell and give away things you don’t use.

  • Keep your home tidy and clean.

  • Surround yourself with plants.

  • Learn something new. (Try picking up a new instrument and taking lessons!)

  • Write a list of your strengths. Then ask other people what they think your strengths are.

  • Write a list of things your grateful for.

  • SING.

  • DANCE.

  • Create a new vision for yourself – write it down and read it every day.

I would love to hear in the comments, which of these acts you will implement into your life?

With love,