
065 | Preconception, Birth & Spirit Baby Communication with Sarah Naia Soleil


Have you ever wondered what message your future children may have for you?

Or what deeper meaning may be there if you are having trouble getting pregnant? Or lost a baby in the womb?

Today’s guest, Sarah Naia Soleil is a birth doula, student midwife and spirit baby communicator.

After hearing Sarah’s name come up in 3 different conversations I had in the same month, I knew we had to sit down and connect here on the podcast.

In this episode Sarah shares her powerful story of birthing her own children and how she came to support other women in moving through the powerful rite of passage of pregnancy and birth.

"We know biologically, that a woman can experience and taste enlightenment, just hormonally, in labor. So what is it then, to encode our children with this enlightenment as they come in; to welcome them truly for who they are and why they are here - to be connected to the gifts they bring humanity and be stewards of that right from the beginning.”

In this episode we discussed:

  • How Sarah came to discover her connection to the dream world, the spirit of her child while pregnant, and clairvoyant abilities

  • Sarah's powerful birth stories and how she came to help women through birth

  • The Art of Pre-Conception: How to prepare for a conscious conception

  • The Significance of Hathor's Temple in Dendara, Egypt and Hathor's role in childbirth, pregnancy and blood mysteries

  • Conscious Conception: What it is and how to prepare for the spirit of your child

  • What is Spirit Baby Communication? and connecting to the spirit of a child 


Sarah Naia Soleil is a gifted clairvoyant. She's a mother of 2 & has been practicing as a Birth Doula & Student Midwife since 2008. She specializes in Preconception Mentorship, Spirit Baby Communication & Supporting Pregnancy/Birth as a Spiritual Rite of Passage. To Learn More Visit:  // IG: @propagatelove


012 | Mantra, Sound & Motherhood with Noelani Love


When I imagine a woman fully empowered in her voice, I think of Noelani Love.  

I first met Noelani in Hawaii when dear friend Erica Jago and I led a workshop at her studio.  Since then I've watched Noelani come more and more into her voice as a mantra singer, teacher and retreat leader. 

I've seen Noelani go for her dreams, speak up for her needs and stand for her beliefs.  When we reunited in Bali, Indonesia last May for the Rising Women Leaders Bali Retreat, I wasn't even surprised when she took the floor at Ecstatic Dance at the Yoga Barn to sing the closing song with her ukulele.  I watched in amazement as she gathered over a hundred of us to sing along with her that day.

On today's episode of the Rising Women Leaders Podcast, I asked Noelani if she would share about her experiences of finding her voice and how her unique experiences of motherhood and childbirth have shaped her into the woman she is today.

In this episode you'll discover:

  • Noelani's empowering experience of having a home birth 
  • How she found her voice as a singer
  • The vision she holds for new mamas and their babies
  • Practices for tapping into more pleasure through sound
  • Details about Noelani's upcoming album, Lakshmi Lullabies

Links in this episode:

What did you take away from today's show?  and How will you add more pleasure to your life with sound?  I'd love to hear in the comments below.

With love, 


A note from Noelani:

As a mother, designer and yogini, I create to inspire.  I believe in the healing power of our intentions along with the gifts of this earth. As a daughter of the Mother Earth, I realize that we all have the potential to teach, to heal and empower others through our offerings, as we navigate our way to fulfill our true purpose: LOVE.

Living in Hawaii, with a love for traditional Hawaiian 'oli (chanting) as well as Sanskrit mantra, I began my musical adventure by sharing my original ukulele compositions of mantras in my yoga classes.  I have many passions that allow me to share my light with others and empower them along the way:  jewelry design, teaching yoga, birth education, tantra, and inspiring self love.  I love surfing, singing, writing and spending time with my 'ohana on the North Shore of Oahu. 

We are all human beings that deserve to give and receive love. Share your medicine.

Learn more about my latest mantra album project on my Indiegogo campaign

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