Scorpio Full Moon Forgiveness Ritual

Canva - Full Moon in the Sky.jpg

May 7th, 2020 ~ SCORPIO FULL MOON :: TRANSFORMATION, DEATH & REBIRTH :: If you are feeling the energies of transformation, strong emotions, death and rebirth you are not alone. 

This Thursday May 7th we welcome a Scorpio full moon in the season of Taurus; a time of diving deep and being close to the Earth (like the Scorpion 🦂 ). This full moon is a call to go deep within, feel our pain, call upon our courage and welcome the Goddess to clear out what is no longer serving in order to be reborn anew.

If you are moving through a birth process right now, how can you use this potent moon energy to PURIFY and ACTIVATE what is most true for you? 

Questions to Contemplate:

Where have I been grasping or holding on to the past?

What do I need to release/let go?

What feelings need to be felt?

Who am I ready to forgive?

What new world do I wish to birth?

This full moon, we are invited to listen to the whispers of Mother Earth and our ancestors for what messages are needed most at this time... It is a potent time to listen to what is being asked of us.

Consider using this time to meditate, reflect, FEEL, release and offer forgiveness.

Full Moon Forgiveness Ritual

Consider someone in your life you are still holding resentment or anger towards. OR consider a way you may have crossed your own boundaries. Who is someone you want to forgive? Maybe this is yourself.

Remember that forgiveness is a way to FREE YOURSELF of past resentments and hurt.It does not mean you need to interact with that person anymore. You can still hold a boundary and forgive.

Write a letter to this person/to yourself.

Let out the judgments, the anger, the ways you felt repressed or not heard. Feel the pain, feel the hurt.

Write it all out. Get it on the page. Feel it all.

Bring the paper out under the full moon and say a prayer (out loud):

  1. Speak to Spirit about your grievances and the situation at hand 

  2. Take responsibility for any part you had in creating the situation

  3. Ask the guides for help / admit you are willing to not do this all on your own

  4. State out loud: "I declare, as soon as I destroy this piece of paper, any remaining energies, cords or attachments between myself and "blank" will be cut, cleared and rectified. What's mine returns to me. What's theirs returns to them. I release past resentments and offer this back into the hands of the divine."

  5. Destroy the letter. Submerge it in water. or Burn it (Safely). Or tear it up into tiny pieces. Or do all of the above!! Imagine releasing your past anger and hurt as you watch the paper be destroyed.

  6. What are your new commitments? What new boundaries do you wish to set? Speak these out loud

  7. Closing Prayer: listen to your intuition to speak and close your ritual, ending with, "It is DONE it is DONE it is DONE. By the Power of Three, a Holy Trinity, it is DONE."

How will you utilize the energy of this full moon? I’d love to hear in the comments.