
102 | Mysteries of the Womb, the Rose & the Holy Grail with Shona Keeli Rose



Have you been yearning to honor your divine feminine essence? The power of your womb? The blessing of your heart?

Our latest podcast episode is full with feminine mystery. I sat down with Shona Keeli Rose of the Rose Lineage Mystery School to hear her powerful story of healing her womb, and remembering her path as a Priestess and Womb oracle in preparation of this time of global awakening.

We also talk about the path of becoming a mother, conception, pregnancy and birth as a sacred path of service, and how we can honor the path of the Priestess in times of great change.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Shona’s journey healing cervical cancer and receiving direct guidance on how to heal her womb

  • The journey of pregnancy and birth (she is now pregnant with her second child)

  • The power of the rose and the what the rose lineage is

  • Mary Magdalene and The Trinity of the Holy Grail 

  • The invitation of the Priestess in these times

  • Embracing our sexuality and womb wisdom


Stay in Touch with Shona & The Rose Lineage:


Shona Keeli Rose is the founder The Rose Lineage Mystery School, A Mystery School for The Venusian Rose Temple Arts; She is a Mother Priestess, Rose Empress Initiator, and Gifted Womb Oracle.

Shona is present in this time of awakening to support the budding, blossoming, and blooming of the divine feminine expression and exploration of the inner power through The Trinity of the Holy Grail. The sacred heart, the holy womb center, and the yoni ( vagina ) – these three spaces are the birthplace of all creation, and they carry the most pristine untapped erotic energy available to women. By supporting women to remember how to practice and embody supreme self-love,  thus opening the temple gates for a magical manifestation of the most pleasurable and authentic life.

She is here to support women awaken to the throne of their inner Queendom. Shona is a light bearer and energetic midwife to the wave of Rose Consciousness, that The Sophia Christ healing is bringing back to the planet at this time.  Holding an impeccable space for exquisite hands-on healings, supporting women to surrender into self-love, and revelation, she assists the rebirthing of women ready to become a natural authority of their body wisdom to access their fullest, creative and magnetic potential. Her wisdom is drawn from ancient womb religions and practices spanning thousands of years including Lemurian, Gnostic, Egyptian, Mayan, and Tantric traditions.

088 | Healing the Womb with Meredith Rom


Available for a Limited Time: Healing the Womb: 1:1 Sessions to Heal the Past and Activate Your Manifestation Power: http://www.risingwomenleaders.com/womb

A few weeks ago I visited Maui, considered the Sacral Chakra of the islands and heard the voice of Gaia say, “Heal their wombs to heal the planet.”

And I realized there’s a skill I have that I haven’t been sharing with you.

When I began offering somatic healing modalities in my work, I discovered almost all the women I was working with had experienced some form of sexual abuse or trauma related to the womb in their life. 

I saw how when we addressed those old wounds and brought love and healing to the memories, these women were so much more confident, excited and ready to move forward with their dreams. 

Over the past three years I’ve worked with women who’ve experienced traumatic hospital birth experiences, abortion, miscarriage, and physical or sexual abuse. As we healed these memories, both big and small, I watched as they began to shine ever more brightly.

I now know 1 out of every 2 women has experienced some form of sexual abuse or womb violation in her life. 

These experiences directly affect our ability to feel like we matter, we are worthy, and that what we have to say is of importance.  It hinders our self-esteem, makes us want to play small and hide away from the world. 

As a certified Matrix Re-imprinting practitioner, EFT facilitator, trained coach, initiated Priestess and compassionate listener, it is my mission to reach more women who are holding on to these difficult memories that are holding them back from taking courageous steps and living at their highest potential.

Some challenges you may be experiencing if you you’ve had a violation:

  • not able to hold boundaries 

  • not feeling like your voice matters

  • unable to charge what you’re really worth

  • questioning and doubting your creative projects

  • feeling stuck or stagnant

  • disconnected from the energy of creation and your inherent power

When the womb is violated and we feel a trauma we often disconnect from this sacred power center because there is just too much pain or shame. 

Do you struggle with feeling safe to receive?

To experience pleasure? 

Do you yearn to feel more confident?

To have better boundaries?

To tap into your feminine power of creation?

To deeply believe in yourself?

In the month of November I’m offering 1:1 sessions to


Living from a Healed Womb Opens the Door to:

Better boundaries 

Feeling more confident and powerful 

Attracting healthier love relationships 

Feeling more empowered to give birth

Discovering a deeper connection to source and your ability to manifest

These sessions are especially potent if you’ve experienced:

Birth trauma 



Painful menstrual cycles 

Difficult sexual experiences 

Medical trauma related to the womb 

Your womb power is directly linked to your ability to manifest 

Imagine birthing a new generation from a healed womb

Birthing children into a world who know who they are and what they came here to do. 

Imagine birthing your creative projects from a healed womb

To know your inherent sense of self-worth and purpose…


No more seeking validation from the outside

Discover your true source of self-worth and power from within

Womb Healing Benefits:

Tap into your creative power to manifest your dreams

Experience more confidence in birthing creative projects 

Discover an unshakeable self-love and self-worth from within

Experience being fully witnessed, seen and heard in sharing your story 

Heal relationship to the masculine for healthier, more positive relationships 

Experience less fear around giving birth / Heal past memories around giving birth

Why am I doing this? 

I believe the source of our manifestation power as women begins from a healed womb. It is our source of connection to spirit and higher guidance. 

Imagine what happens when we numb out and disconnect from that source…

We lose our connection to our power, to our ability to create, to speak up for what we believe in. We lack self-confidence and we don’t believe what we have to say truly matters. A woman who has experienced trauma, or simply doesn’t believe in herself will struggle to set boundaries, she’ll struggle asking for what she really wants, and she will have a difficult time earning the income she really wants to earn.


As part of this mission, I see living in the world from a healed womb as an integral place to start.


What if I don’t have a physical womb/uterus? Can I still benefit from these sessions? (hysterectomy, transgender male to female) 

I believe there is an energetic imprint of the womb that every female-identified person has, even if they do not have a physical uterus.  Our sessions will work with any memories where you did not honor your boundaries, you felt violated, or weren’t able to speak up for yourself. Many of these circumstances are related to sexuality, abortion, miscarriage, giving birth, or experiences in the medical system that did not feel self-honoring. Inside, you’ll know if there is a trauma, a story, big or small that wants to be heard and healed, and I am here to be a loving guide on your path to healing.

What does a healing session look like? How does it work? 

I use the modalities of EFT (Tapping) and Matrix Re-imprinting to uncover past memory or memories that are ready for healing. We will compassionately connect with the image, your younger self to heal the moment of challenge or trauma. We will then allow that memory to be re-lived in a new way, and imprint the picture and new core belief into your subconscious.

In addition to the private healing session, I also will send you two recordings - one is a guided meditation for healing the womb. The other is a recording all about the womb and Sacral Chakra.  These recordings will be available to you immediately upon purchase.

What can I expect to happen after my session? 

These sessions work on the level of rewiring core beliefs. We will discover what beliefs were formed in moments of past trauma and allow your subconscious to heal the memory and create a new core belief to operate from.  When we uplevel in this way, we will begin to see shifts in our outside world. Whether it’s more confidence to execute a creative dream, or to ask for what you want, to set better boundaries, or to charge more for your work, the possibilities are endless.

What have you seen happen?

After these types of healing sessions I’ve seen women feel more confident speaking up or public speaking, birth their creative projects and dreams, feel more empowered giving birth to their children, and making peace and having a better understanding about difficult past memories. 

How can I prepare? 

Take some time to meditate or journal on the following questions: When did I not honor my own boundaries? When was the first time I felt violated? What difficult memories are ready to be healed?  When do I struggle speaking up for myself or asking for what I want? How do I feel about charging for my work? What holds me back from fully expressing myself?


What you receive: 

(1) 75 minute private healing session

Sacral chakra recording (30 min)

Womb healing guided meditation (25 min)

3 payments of $200

What you receive:

(3) 75 minute private healing sessions

Sacral chakra recording (30 min)

Womb healing guided meditation (25 min) 

Visit risingwomenleaders.com/womb to sign up.

Heal your womb to heal the planet

Together, let’s create a better world.

These sessions are only available in the month of November and there are a limited number available (there’s only one of me)!



From the first session, I felt completely at ease. Meredith created the sense of safety and strength that I needed for processing some deeply traumatic experiences and emotions that I had been holding onto for decades. It has been a miracle to finally begin to release all that trapped energy with such a gentle and skilled guide. 

~ Jen Ditchik

“The work I did with Meredith in one hour, has had a more resonant effect on me than any therapy I've ever done...” 

~ Olivia

“Working with Meredith has been the best investment I’ve ever made in myself.” 

I had an abortion a few years ago and I wasn’t expecting to share this with anyone. Yet one day she told the women in our program if anyone has experienced womb trauma, an abortion or miscarriage that we could share our story with her during our one on one session.

I didn’t see how I could heal from this, give myself love, or forgive myself, but Meredith held space for me to do all of this.

In our session, I met Mary Magdalene and the Spirit Baby. I reprogrammed the night the spirit baby was conceived and the day I chose to have an abortion. Meredith showed me I could communicate with my spirit babies, that I could grieve a pregnancy I didn’t want, and that I didn’t need to carry shame because of my choice. 

I now have so much love and forgiveness surrounding my decision, myself, and the spirit baby. Without Meredith I wouldn’t know any of this was possible.

~ Amber

Meredith helped me spread my wings and fly. I think every woman should have 1:1 healing with her; it is the greatest gift you could give yourself.

Meredith is a natural healer. In my experience she has a gift for creating a sacred space that allows one's own soul to rise to the surface and offer clear guidance and wisdom. It's hard to put into words, but I will try: she allowed me to hear my heart song. She guided me to strip off layers of crappy false beliefs and she helped me tap into my intuition and my own Inner Guidance. She helped me to heal very old wounds that I did not even realize were keeping me stuck. 

~ Renee Linnell,

Again this is the only time I’ll be offering these sessions as a single or 3 package sign up, especially at this rate - there are also a limited number of these sessions available so I encourage you to go to risingwomenleaders.com/womb to sign up for your session today. 

Blessing your womb… with all my love,



5 Natural Remedies For a Painful Menstrual Cycle


Yesterday I was on my moon cycle and was having one of those days where I needed to stay close to the Earth, lay in bed and really allow myself to feel what was happening in my body. 

There was a lot of discomfort, and I realized it was the kind of discomfort I haven't felt in a very long time.

It got me thinking about all the women in the world who experience this kind of pain and discomfort every single month, often for the whole duration of their cycle. 

I know many seek out painkillers and birth control pills just to get through the difficult emotions and physical sensations surrounding their menstrual cycle. 

While I am glad women have these options, I've also been learning more about adverse effects from regular use of over-the-counter painkillers and birth control pills, so I thought I would share some of my natural remedies and discoveries with you in honor of the new moon this week. 

1. Do your best to avoid sugar

I haven't read much research about how sugar relates to our menstrual cycle, but can certainly share from my personal experience on this. 

A few years ago I removed cane sugar from my diet entirely to clear my system of candida and clear my skin (this worked amazingly by the way). 

Then one month when I was on my moon cycle, I was out to dinner, had a beer and unknowingly ate sugar in my salad dressing. That night I woke up with some of the most painful cramps I had had in ages. 

It took me awhile to figure out what was going on, but after being off of sugar again and having another similar experience, I realized it was the sugar. 

This made me also become aware that sugar includes wine, beer, pasta and bread, which all turn into sugar in our system.

But what about when we're craving chocolate?  

Try opting for a dessert sweetened with dates, 100% cacao, or chocolate sweetened with coconut sugar made by my friend Jonas of Firefly Chocolate.

2. Take a warm bath (and bring your crystals)

A warm bath is such a powerful act of self-love for any time of the month, especially when you're on your moontime. I've always loved crystals but only recently discovered my sensitivity to their powerful healing abilities...

Yesterday I was guided to draw a warm bath, and bring my crystals with me. I used clear quartz crystals and placed them over my womb. While listening to my breath I felt a significant shift in the sensations as energy began to move.

3. Practice restorative and yin yoga

Part of what led me to become a restorative and yin yoga teacher was the powerful relief I experienced during my moon cycle after practicing these postures.

Here are a few specific poses that can help alleviate discomfort during the moon cycle:

  • Balasana ~ Child's pose with a bolster

  • Supta virasana ~ knees bent with heels on either side of the hips, thighs together, lay back over a bolster

  • Upavistha Konasana ~ Wide legged forward fold with a bolster in front of you

  • Bending over to one side and then the other while in the wide legged forward fold

While these poses can help get you started, it's always helpful to have a teacher show you the poses to make sure you are set up in them safely.

In honor of the new moon I'll be teaching a restorative moon cycle sequence this week at Westside yoga in Sebastopol with harmonium, singing, and sound bowls. Join me this Friday at 6:45 pm.

4. Use a hot water bottle

Do you remember using a hot water bottle in the nurse's office in elementary school for a stomach ache? 

That was the only time I ever used one until I went to nutrition school and they recommended we use one for all kind of reasons. 

Everything from when we are feeling sad and just want some comfort to providing relief for menstrual cramps. I find the heat is so soothing for my muscles and allows my body to relax more deeply. 

5. Listen to the messages of your womb

Now, if all the tools just aren't working, there is most likely a message your womb is trying to send to you that you haven't caught on to yet. 

Our body uses pain and discomfort as a way to get our attention, and deliver signals and messages that we may not be receiving from the outside world. 

Before I started having all these difficult sensations yesterday, I was actually starting to create a vision board and found myself moving full steam ahead on a particular plan and dream. 

The contractions of my womb were almost immediate.

When I was in the bath, I fully tuned into my womb and asked if there was anything she wanted to show me. 

The answer came: Slow down. Now's not the time for action or even dreaming. Now is the time to be grateful for everything you have. 

Like many of us, I too can get caught up in thinking about "what's next" rather than being in the present moment. The unknown can be uncomfortable, and my mind likes to have a plan.

But as soon as I got the message and allowed myself the physical and mental space to slow down, the physical pain and discomfort immediately dissipated. 

When I find myself in this place of moving forward on a plan before my body and spirit are fully on board, I get pretty clear signals to slow down.

So what could your body be telling you? 

Have you been honoring your relationship to your inner feminine? Is there anywhere you've been pushing or forcing yourself to move too fast? 

Feel free to share your thoughts with me in the comments below. I'd love to hear. 

With love, 


044 | Living in Alignment with Your Womb with Maga J. Ayala



Special Announcement: Enrollment is open between now and March 21st for The Diamond Mentorship, a 3-month 1:1 program to claim and embody your unique brilliance with Meredith Rom. Learn more + apply right here.


What I learned from Maga in this episode was truly transformative. I had just gone through a week on my moon cycle, trying to push myself to get clear on a schedule for the next month of business promotions, but literally all I wanted to do was stay in bed. It was so hard for me to feel motivated and get clear on what was coming. I kept wondering why I wasn't able to "get my act together." 

Then magically, a few days after my moon time, a surge of energy rushed through me and I was more productive than ever. Suddenly I had the mental clarity to take steps forward and was able to make a clear schedule for the following month. 

It wasn't until I talked to Maga that I realized this was all related to where I was in my cycle. Learning the archetypes for each phase of a woman's menstrual cycle was so enlightening to my path as an in-tune Priestess and Business woman. I now saw a way I could use these two aspects of myself to support each other.

What a relief it was - To realize there are times of the month where I just need to let myself go totally inwards and be a hermit, and times of the month that will be completely aligned for me to have the mental clarity to see into the future and take action.  I had heard this kind of wisdom before, but something about how Maga shared it really "clicked" for me. 

I think this wisdom of becoming more in tune with your womb and cycles is a true gift to every woman. I hope you enjoy the episode!

“The awareness of the cycle builds a sense of self trust. You know that no matter what is going on around you, you have this intimate understanding of what your inner landscape is doing so you can lead from a place of authenticity.”

In this episode we discussed:

  • Maga's recent journey of conscious uncoupling and her decision to cut off her hair
  • Living in alignment with your womb and menstrual cycle
  • The different archetypes for each phase of your cycle as a woman 
  • The Spiritual qualities of a woman's menstruation and practical strategies to plan a workflow around your cycle.
  • Feminine embodiment
  • How vulnerability plays a part in emergent leadership
  • The role of desire in a woman's self-actualization

Special Gift from Maga: 

Receive your very own cycle tracking chart right here. 

Stay in touch with Maga:


Maga is a divine feminine leadership coach that activates highly-sensitive women to come alive in their desire, lead with confidence, and remember how to live in alignment with their menstrual cycles in order to birth their creative businesses into the world. As a sound and energy practitioner, Maga also magically weaves her voice work and energy healing into the women's circles she facilitates that guide women to reconnect to their bodies, voices and their unique feminine spirituality. She believes that all women are Radiant and strives to support them to shine in all she does.