105 | Why We’re Here & Where We’re Going: The Story of A New Earth with Lorie Ladd



Ever since I was a little girl I sat with existential questions like, “What’s really happening here?” “Why are we doing this?” “What’s the point of it all?”

I didn’t have many people to turn to for answers, until finally after college, I stepped on to a path of spirituality, meditation and yoga. I was led to deeper insight and intuitive wisdom within my body, where I began to remember and ascend.

But it really wasn’t until I went to Egypt two years ago that I began to have an inner knowing that what we learned in history and science class in school about human evolution and Earth is simply not the whole story. Being inside the Great pyramids and temples, feeling the frequencies and beholding the incredible mystery of those lands led me to search for answers. I just knew there was no way those ancient cities were built with human hands. I knew there was a higher, much more evolved influence from the stars.

I began learning about sacred sites of the world (such as Stone Henge and the Mayan Pyramids). I read books of people’s past life memories in Ancient Egypt and dove into the esoteric histories of Atlantis and Lemuria.

Today, I am honored to introduce you to Lorie Ladd, Ascension Guide and a Multi-Dimensional Channel for the Galactic Federation of Light. It was on her first trip to Machu Picchu that the true history of Earth became more clear to her. In this conversation we dive into the possibilities of where this all began.

In this episode we discussed:

  • Lorie’s story from quitting her executive assistant job in San Francisco to saying yes to her calling in Mt. Shasta

  • Trusting the timing in your soul’s journey

  • How everyone’s “purpose” here is going to look different

  • What is the Earth Experiment? Why are we here? What’s the point?

  • The dimensional realities Earth has been moving through

  • Atlantis and Lemuria on Earth

  • As a starseed, how to handle feelings of wanting to go “back home” when things get hard

  • What ascension looks like in our current times and why this is all happening

  • All about Lorie’s book in the making  

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Lorie is an Ascension Guide and a Multi-Dimensional Channel. She takes the complexity of ascension and grounds it into simple and easily digestible concepts.  She teaches on ascension, multi-dimensional living and transitioning into the fifth dimension. Lorie bridges the gap between you and your Family of Light, providing a deeper understanding of your purpose and path. 

Today, Lorie dedicates her life to assisting humanity in this planetary shift. Her greatest prayer is that you remember who you are, why you are here and all the Beings of Light that are supporting you. Lorie is honored to be walking side by side with all of you.