Five Core Wounds of the Priestess & How to Heal Them with Meredith Rom



*Enrollment is Open for the Rising Women Leaders Priestess Initiation

While I was preparing for my recent webinar, The Role of the Priestess in the Modern Age, it became clear to me that there were 5 core wounds that have consistently held back the women I’ve worked with from activating their soul gifts and creating world change.

This conversation was originally aired on the Vital Mother Podcast with Jillian Anderson.

What came through in our conversation felt so powerful that I wanted it to reach more women and decided to share it with you today on Rising Women Leaders.

In this episode we discuss:

  • How Jillian and I met

  • The importance of not giving an F or shrinking to keep others comfortable

  • What is a Priestess? What does it mean to be a Priestess?

  • The 5 Wounds of the Priestess and how they may be affecting how you’re showing up to and for your calling

  • What EFT is, and why it’s effective at healing unresolved trauma

  • How to navigate the fear of being seen, the fear of being judged, and more!

  • A gift I received from my motherline

Enrollment is now open for the Rising Women Leaders Priestess Initiation

5 Core Wounds of the Priestess

The Fear of Being Seen

For many women, the fear of being seen lives in our cells, in our DNA, from our ancestry and from past lives when it literally was not safe for women to be seen as powerful.

From the witch hunts across Europe, to the days of Jesus and Mary Magdalene for women of the past who were healers, natural born leaders, or those who chose to speak up for change, there was a very real threat of being stoned or killed.

In the past, it was not safe for women to shine their light, to be powerful, or to speak up.

Even though for many of us now, it is safe to share our voices, this wound can activate any time we try to public speak, record a video, make a post on social media, or be seen in the public eye.

So how do we heal it? I’ve found again and again, for this wound, the healing balm is sisterhood.

To have women in your life who have your back, to feel the support of your sisters behind you, really makes a woman feel safe to take a step forward. Because then, even if she fails, she will have a team of sisters ready to love her, support her and encourage her to stand back up and try again.

The Fear of Being Judged 

There’s a lot of stigma around the word Priestess, I even felt a visceral fear before sharing publicly that I was one.

Being a healer, being different, or even just being spiritual can often feel ostracizing.

Whenever someone stands out against the social norm, there is the fear of being judged, and losing love from others.

Think back to what it was like in high school, that deep desire to want to fit in, to conform to a mold, it’s very painful to be different and go against status quo. 

The healing balm for this wound: to call upon the fiery goddesses of Kali and Sekhmet.

When we activate our energy of fire, cut away what is not serving and create strong boundaries, we are able to care less about what others think of us.

It also helps to ask, “What’s really more important to me?” When we feel deeply connected to our dharma and mission, it’s so much easier to stay clear and focused on our goal.

Isolation & Feeling Alone

Another wound so many women who feel called to the Priestess Path carry is the fear of being alone.

The feminine is collaborative. It is all about community, and working together. And look what has happened in our modern society - so many of us are alone in our homes, working to further our own individual goals rather than working towards a greater good of the whole.

But we are meant to be together. To work together. It can feel so painful doing it on our own that we don’t even take a step forward.

The healing balm for this one of course, is community. 

In the Rising Women Leaders Priestess Initiation I’ll be guiding each of the women to begin women’s circles in their communities. We’ll also be joining together in likeminded community support online over ten months, and then together in person for our closing retreat.

We need more safe spaces and community for women to be joining together, and sometimes we need support in order to make it happen!

Feeling Unworthy or “Not Enough”

This is literally what the patriarchy and capitalist society wants you to feel in order to sell you things. 

When we feel unworthy or not enough, we most certainly won’t be able to believe in our power. We most certainly won’t feel that our voice matters enough to speak up and create change in the world.

Recently I got a text from a dear sister sharing photos of a speaking engagement she did about climate change. However, after sending the photos, before I could even celebrate her accomplishment she said, “I shouldn’t have worn that, I look fat.”

We have been so indoctrinated to feel bad about our bodies. To feel unworthy. To feel “not enough”

Think about how much of an energy drain that is.

What if we devoted even a sliver of the energy we spend feeling bad about our bodies to meditation, service or activism…?

How much do you think we would be able to shift? 

Society telling us we are unworthy or not enough is just another way to hold back the feminine, suppress our voices, and make us feel small.

Do you want to play into that old story?

To heal this old story it’s helpful to let the voices come to light in a safe space, where you can have your greatness reflected back to you from a friend, mentor or guide.

It’s also so helpful to rewire core beliefs around unworthiness with Tapping/ EFT, something I share in my work with my clients.

Being Too Highly Sensitive

In truth, being highly sensitive is a superpower.

But the shadow side of it causes us to feel stuck, stay in bed, and maybe not be able to move forward at all. For many being highly sensitive can feel like a wound, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Feel it all. Feel the grief of the world, but don’t wallow in it. Then it becomes self-absorbed. When we shift our focus from being so much on ourselves and our grief, we can take action on what really matters to us.

It also helps to know how to create energetic boundaries.

Grounding Cord:

To begin, imagine sending a grounding cord from your root or sacral chakra down to the center of the Earth. Notice the color, the texture. Imagine the grounding Earth energy helping you feel more anchored.

You can send anyone else’s energy you may have picked up down the grounding cord, imagine the hot, molten core of the Earth transmute the energy immediately.

Golden Egg Meditation For Cleansing Your Aura:

From the top of your head, imagine a golden stream of light down the front of your body and up the back of your body. Imagine it continuing to cycle. Then from the top of your head imagine a golden stream of light down the back of your body and up the front. Do this again for moving down the right side and up the left. And then from the head down the left and up around the right. Notice if you feel any places that have been compromised.

Then send a golden stream of light from your heart around the right side of your body, to the left. And again from the left to the right. Now imagine these golden streams expanding and merging with each other until you are completely contained within a golden egg.

Imagine a golden rain shower over your whole aura to cleanse it.

For Boundaries:

After completing the golden egg meditation, imagine a royal blue color surrounding your golden egg. Royal blue is the color of protection and boundaries. You can then place a violet flame around the royal blue, and declare out loud that any negative energies that are not yours will be instantly transmuted in the violet flame.

A more quick clearing exercise I use often is below:

Simple, Quick Clearing:  Repeat this out loud, “When I take 3 deep breaths and clap my hands 3 times I declare any energy that’s not mine will leave me, any energy that is mine, that I may have lost will return to me.” Then take your deep breaths and clap your hands 3 times.

Feeling the call of the Priestess?

Rising Women Leaders Priestess Initiation

If any of these “core wounds” resonate with you, we’d love to hear in the comments below.