
087 | The Way of Tea, Meditation & Liberation with Baelyn Elspeth



How often have you created a whole conversation in your mind ~ a conversation that hasn’t even happened?

In this episode, Baelyn and I talk about the craziness of the mind. In particular, the fear, the illusions and projections we create that so often lead to separation.

To move from a thought to an action, the nature of the mind can create such a drain of our energy. That’s why Baelyn begins every morning with meditation and tea ceremony.

In this week’s episode we talk about Cha Dao, or The Way of Tea, a way of being ~ slowing down, finding clarity and intention while living with devotion, discipline and focus.

We discuss what it takes to cut through the chatter of the mind and remember true stillness. Baelyn also shares how she navigates work relationships, sisterhood and vulnerability. This conversation is truly full of so many gems… we hope you enjoy tuning in!

“Tea is a plant teacher, a spirit of Nature, manifested through this Leaf and awakened by hot water. Used in ceremony, it is a dance between the elements, a sensory exploration of presence, where everything is connected by space.” ~ Baelyn

In this episode we discussed:

  • Why Baelyn chooses to create offerings in collaboration

  • How Baelyn came to be on a spiritual path 

  • How tea found her (and not the other way around)

  • Her greatest insights and lessons from tea + silent meditation

  • Baelyn’s morning practice 

  • How Baelyn navigates the “stories” we create about other women (and how to handle jealousy and comparison in sisterhood) 

  • How to  create a space of healing and intimacy when you’re triggered

  • The truth about fear and how to navigate it

  • Baelyn’s upcoming Warrior Priestess trainings

Stay in Touch with Baelyn

Stay in Touch with Rising Women Leaders:


Baelyn Elspeth grew up in Los Angeles studying dance from the time she was 4. This affinity with movement provided a doorway into her relationship with spirit, health and the body. She has since journeyed into deeper connections with Self through studying Yoga, Tea and Meditation. She is under the lineage and instruction of the Tea Sage Hut Center in Taiwan and works with Tea as a daily practice to cultivate stillness and presence.

Over the years, her path has evolved toward deepening her relationship to Mother Earth and the Sacred Feminine. Holding space with song and rhythm have also become key elements in her offerings. Whether serving traditional Tea Ceremonies, or holding ritual space through sound and drum, for her, all these paths are ways of being a vessel for spirit and consciousness.

Currently Baelyn travels and devotes her time to sharing and facilitating sacred spaces for communities all around the world, bringing the medicine of Tea and Ceremony wherever she goes. She primarily focuses on collaborative efforts and so along side the offerings of other practitioners, she holds retreats, workshops, and is a council member of the annual women’s gathering Spirit Weavers. She also curates and nurtures a permanent home for Tea, Ceremony, and the Sacred Arts at AY^AM in Playa Del Rey, CA and Santa Fe, NM.