
Priestess Definition | What it Means to be A High Priestess


I’ve been connecting with more and more women feeling the call of the Priestess and High Priestess path. So many of us are awakening to our true nature, and feel a deep desire to give back and contribute in the world, especially now when it feels like everything is falling apart.

So what is a Priestess? What is her role? What does a Priestess do? And what is a High Priestess?

A Priestess is here first and foremost to serve. She brings the formless into form through deep listening and communion with the divine.

She is here to raise the collective consciousness and to contribute in her own unique way, becoming a frequency of divine love.

She is here to anchor the frequency of the divine feminine, to restore balance on our planet and support ascension through with an energetic shift.

The difference between a Priestess and a High Priestess is one who has walked the path long enough to have gained deep experience and knowledge in service, ritual facilitation and leadership skills.

In ancient times the High Priestesses were often born into royal families in places such as Crete, Egypt and Anatolia (Consider reading the book Initiation written by an ancient Egyptian High Priestess). The rituals they performed ensured fertility and prosperity for the villages. They were prepared for their role since childhood and were educated for religious roles and duties.

In modern times the noun “Priestess” is the title of a woman who has studied and trained, and has gained experience as a spiritual leader, spreading the knowledge of the spiritual teachings she has learned and embodied.

She teaches from her direct experience and the journey itself of becoming a Priestess has shaped her and prepared her for this role.

Here are six pillars to explore the essential role of the Priestess in modern times.

She Restores Balance of the Sacred Feminine 

Our culture has been out of balance for a long time. Pushing, forcing, accomplishing, doing, and at what cost?

Taking resources from Mother Earth, cutting down the forests, pushing beyond our our Earth’s limits for selfish economic gain. This has been the reality we have been living in for so long, and on top of this, so many of us carry this conditioning of the patriarchy within ourselves.

How often have you pushed yourself when you really needed to rest? How often do you find yourself talking negatively to yourself, or your body?

We can begin to heal the imbalance in the world by starting with our own bodies. What would it look like for you to love yourself. To slow down and nurture your body. To listen to your intuition. To surrender and allow. To listen to the heart, rather than the head.

The heart has always been meant to be the motherboard of our human experience. 

The brain is meant to be in service to the heart. 

But in our backward reality the brain has been in charge of our human experience, and we have cut ourselves off from our heart and emotions. This of course, leads to havoc and chaos because the brain is inherently NOT connected to source. 

This creates a disconnection from guidance and truth in our society. The brain/the head, the masculine was never supposed to be running the show on our human experience.

We are here to midwife a new paradigm where the sacred feminine exists in unity with the masculine. Where we listen to our bodies, our hearts, our wombs, and the whispers of Mother Earth.

How do we activate this role?

The Role of the Priestess is much more about BEING rather than DOING.

We activate this role as a Priestess by deeply listening. By showing up to our meditation seat. By being with our breath. By listening to our dreams. By taking care of our bodies, raising our vibration with food, and by slowing down.

So where have you been pushing yourself? and What would it look like to soften and follow your own natural rhythms and cycles?

Turns the Formless into Form

When we are tuned in, taking care of ourselves and deeply listening, we receive messages.  These messages may come in meditation, or in yoga class, or on a run, or any other activity when we get out of our head and into our bodies.

Our intuition lives inside our bodies.

And when we receive these messages, these quiet whispers, then it is our responsibility to ACT on those ideas.

As modern women on the Priestess path, our primary role is to become a channel, a chalice for the experience of God or the Goddess and create sacred space where others can also connect to God/Goddess as well.

To be a Priestess is to be a conduit for the formless to come into form. 

Many of us get stuck here with receiving the message and let the creativity go to waste. We put emails, laundry, and everything else on the to-do list first. Or we feel fear or self-doubt, and put it off.

What is your heart longing for? 

What messages and guidance are you receiving now?

So how do we activate this role of the Priestess?

We activate this role by saying YES to our intuitive guidance. By listening to the messages and by taking action. By stepping into what we feel is our dharma and our life purpose.

We step into this role when we let go of our fear or failure and are willing to give life to the divine messages we receive. When we remember, “Failure is actually a success, because we tried…” we are able to move ahead with taking action on the messages we receive in our dreams, and most often we won’t even fail!

In order to take clear and authentic action, it is so helpful to receive continued support and encouragement. I create accountability and sisterhood in my Priestess Initiation program and 1:1 coaching programs. I am also trained in EFT Tapping to help my clients release fear and limiting beliefs on a somatic level.

Emotional Healing 

Many women who came here for real, powerful change have had some kind of trauma in their life. 

Difficult experiences + pain actually help us to become deeply compassionate.

When we fully FEEL and move through our pain we are able to find our greatest gifts as well as our passion and power.

In activating this role we look at:

Where am I holding trauma? What limiting core beliefs do I have?

Whom do I need to forgive? Where am I holding resentment? 

How am I being a victim to my circumstances?

For the last several years I’ve been supporting women to heal the womb — trauma around physical abuse, sexual abuse, boundary violations, not feeling like you have a voice or that what you have to say matters.

I’ve supported hundreds of women in this work and it’s been incredible to see them heal this trauma to more fully activate their soul gifts and power 

Client Story

Handdrawn Circle Logo.jpg

“Meredith created a calm, safe, and compassionate space. I immediately felt comfortable opening up to her despite having just met her.

Her presence is so warm and calming and you can truly feel that she knows her stuff and possesses a ton of non-judgemental compassion.

When I reached out to work with Meredith, I was struggling with creative blocks. I had done enough inner work to know that something deep in my emotional body was holding me back from finishing creative projects and having the self-confidence to move forward in my life and career.

Again, feeling completely comfortable in my vulnerability with Meredith, she led me through a Womb Healing session and we dislodged some deep, old, childhood wounds. The healing Meredith guided me through had to do with healing shame around my sexuality and ability to trust myself. It was very intense but I felt incredibly loved and held the entire time. Afterward, some very interesting realizations surfaced and I began to look at my life in a different light. I truly believe my work with Meredith helped me to get clear on my creative goals.

I began writing a memoir AND finally, after two years, officially launched my website. If you have the opportunity to work with Meredith, you will absolutely not regret it. She is a true goddess.”

~ Stephanie Attenni, Los Angeles, CA

Read more client stories here

She Creates Ritual 

Rituals infuse magic, intention and sacredness into our daily lives. A ritual can turn a mundane act done without awareness into a sacred act with clarity and purpose.

Slowing down to say a blessing before a meal changes the experience. Meditation, singing, or lighting a candle imbues a moment of peace and serenity into a busy day.

Ritual can also be a healing space where women come together to honor a specific purpose. These rituals may honor transitions, letting go, grieving, the lunar cycle or the change of seasons. Participating in ritual has been one of the most healing ways to mark a big transition in my life.

Ritual has provided a space for me to be fully seen, acknowledged and supported by my sisters. After participating in ritual, I feel more confident and courageous to share myself with the world.

How do we activate this role?

We activate this role by tuning into our inner guidance, and creating a sacred ritual in honor of a transition in life. We honor this role by creating the community we long for, and by bringing women together in women’s circles.

We honor this role when we release jealousy and comparison and deepen our connection in sisterhood.

Witnesses + Creates Beauty 

Many Priestesses feel a special connection to Venus, which is all about beauty, art, fertility, music, the energy of the feminine. If you feel drawn to creating beauty and sacred space - in a home, in a garden, in creating flower mandalas, or art, you are also holding the role of a Priestess.

Creating beauty is a valid form of contribution in the world.

Beauty brings us into our heart.

Being with Mother Earth, falling in love with her, and witnessing her beauty calls us into right action and choices. It calls us into creating opportunities to share that beauty with others, and begins a ripple effect of change.

Witnessing the beauty of Mother Earth, and forming a relationship with her calls us into our desire to protect her.

How do we activate this role?

We step into this role by surrounding ourselves with beauty. By creating beauty around us always. By practicing the Beauty way, we leave a space even more beautiful than we found it.

Sacred Activism 

The Priestess is often deeply affected by the state of the world around her. She sees injustice and is called to support and activate change.

In sacred activism we ask, “What breaks my heart most about what is happening in the world?”

“How can I use my unique gifts and talents to implement change and restore balance?”

In my Priestess Initiation program we also explore our privilege, and offer partial scholarships to women of color.

Think of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua and the healing work they did for people of all classes and backgrounds. When we open our eyes to the injustice in the world and educate ourselves we are able to take steps to create systemic change.

How do we activate this role?

We activate this pillar by educating ourselves. By engaging in conversations. By contemplating our privilege. By speaking up when we see injustice. By releasing shame and victimhood. By asking the deeper questions, “How we can create a deeper ripple effect of change in our work?” 

To learn more about the Priestess path, read our article, Seven Signs You’re a Modern Day Priestess.

You can also sign up on our waitlist to be the first to know when we open the doors to our Priestess Initiation Program.

In the meantime, I’d love to hear in the comments, which pillars do you resonate most with? and what does the Priestess path look like for you?


017 | Amma, Service & Finding My Voice: A Book Reading with Meredith Rom


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Last night I held my first book reading in Berkeley, CA at the community meditation house I used to live in.

The living room was packed, and at one point people were even spilling out into the hallway!  

What happened there, was pure magic.

I sang with the harmonium, told stories, answered questions from the audience and shared the first in-person reading from Synchronicity. 

It's amazing to think that only three years ago I never would have imagined my life would look like this.  Singing and telling stories in front of a group?  Me?  I don't know if I would have believed you!  

However, what I've learned about my fear over the years is that confidence comes from actually going out and DOING the things that scare us.  

Confidence comes from taking action.

It's only when we are in the non-action - the waiting and procrastinating that our minds run wild telling us stories that aren't even real.

Every time I've done something that scares me, it always feels like a crazy leap of faith, but every time I have made the jump, I have been met with so much love, synchronicity and magic. 

Today I have a new Synchronicity book reading to share with you!  It's all about Amma, service and finding my voice as a teacher.

In this episode you'll learn about:

  • Teachings of Amma, the hugging saint and my experiences at her ashram 
  • What it was like to teach English to hundreds of children at an orphanage in India
  • My experience of teaching my first yoga class and discovering my authentic voice as a teacher

I'm curious what fear you have been hiding from?  What small step could you take to walk towards it?  Let me know in the comments below.

There are just 10 days left in the Kickstarter campaign! I am so grateful to everyone who has gathered together in support of this project. Really, I had no idea my heart could expand with this much love.
